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saltysel saltysel

For one thing, it seemed that the world was thinner than she had ever imagined.

And reality wider.

  • Stephen King, Dark Tower
Posts 12
Comments 38

Ruby Tuesday!

Looking for feedback on what you all are wanting out of this community!

[Vote] Which banner do you prefer?
  • 7

    seems to encompass just how I feel when shit just works.

  • Lol. This is trash content. At least step it up.

  • Posted pictures no longer showing?

    I've been noticing that posts I have attached photos to are no longer showing the pictures. Including the posts other people have made to the community I moderate.

    Does this just happen over time? Are we supposed to use a third party site to link photos from so this doesn't happen?

    Honking at someone when the light turns green is no longer rude because he is probably on his phone
  • Was it ever rude? Like, get going. Obviously need a wake up either way.

    As others have mentioned the way you honk can be rude. And honking too quickly.

  • What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
  • When I was quite a bit younger, The Mask freaked me right out. On top of the Goosebumps episode about a mask overtaking you, I straight up refused to put any on for the longest time. Still don't love them.

    The start of the Goofy Movie, during Max's dream...those dark vibes hit me hard. Would wait in the bathroom until it was done.

    The Ring was a big one because my "friend" called and did the whole "seven days..." thing. Before we had caller IDs. The same friend made me watch Darkness Falls, and I think I repressed it all because I remember nothing about it other than hating the whole experience.

    Not much of a scary movie fan to this day. Go figure.

  • I don't want to call out sick today. I want to call out healthy.
  • Seriously, sometimes calling in every once in a while and getting some stuff down around the house, the yard, or actually enjoying a hobby - does wonders for the mental health.

    Skipping work when you feel productive and refreshed vs only when you feel like shit - should be a thing (aka mental health days ran in tangent with sick time).

  • Hard Coat vs Soft Coat

    What kind of coat does your schnauzer have?

    Mine has the hard coat, which is the first time our schnauzer(s) have had a coat like that! I love the look and feel of it but because of the up-keep she actually sheds a decent amount if I'm not on top of hand-stripping, which I'm slowly learning.

    My local groomer CAN hand strip but refuses to do it on my little one because, "she doesn't even bother on her terrier and it's only done on show dogs." Which annoyed me, so I'm doubling down on the technique myself and trying to avoid clipping it all and losing it.

    I've read that the hard coat is the traditional coat of a schnauzer but a lot of the breed has been turned into soft coats due to the ease of clipping, shedding, etc. But the soft coat can get easily matted and curly without more brushing and maintenance.

    Curious what everyone has and their thoughts!


    Ruby Tuesday!

    What are some things you're wanting to see in this community?


    Ruby Tuesday

    Hope people have/had a good long weekend celebrating Canada Day and/or Independence Day!

    Sue Johanson, beloved Canadian sex educator, dead at 93
  • Saw her at a local university, she was a fantastic speaker and I learned lots! Happy I got to experience her.

    What a treasure.

    Rest in peace. ❤

  • Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • I definitely tend to agree with you in terms of being in the middle. But the middle is such a vast, grey area that is hard to pinpoint exactly where the middle is.

    Is there no way to block a particular instance for the individual (I've never tried)? I feel like if there is a way for individuals to do so, why not put it in their hands? And if not, is it possible to make it so they can? Kind of removes the need for an entire instance to make any calls in the first place.

    But I'm very much new to the federation universe and incredibly dumb in terms of computer/internet workings.

  • Getting this error when I am trying to post an image - where do I log / report it?
  • I've had a similar problem. A screenshot version of the photo was a no go (my go to way to crop). An edited version of the original photo was fine. Hopefully it's something that gets smoothed out over time.

  • Ruby Tuesday

    Will be throwing out a random Ruby picture every Tuesday to try and get some more eyes on the community. If anyone wants to do something similar for a while, please do so! Bonus points if it's a silly name/weekday combo like Ruby Tuesday.


    Ruby Tuesday

    Will be throwing out a random Ruby picture every Tuesday to try and get some more eyes on the community. If anyone wants to do something similar for a while, please do so! Bonus points if it's a silly name/weekday combo like Ruby Tuesday.

    What's your favorite memory from the early internet?
  • The early days of YouTube, spurred our own shitty video making within our group of friends. OG Neopets and Habbo Hotel were peak socializing with strangers on the internet. MSN allowed me to actually talk to people I knew in a way that was harder to do in person, helped me form relationships I wouldn't have normally had.

  • What are you earliest me memories of web forums like?
  • Neopets was probably my first time delving headfirst into forums. It was a neat thing where you can join guilds, sometimes super niche ones where everyone is just as into the thing as you are, and just talk to similar-minded people.

    It was a cool feeling as someone from a rural town in the middle of Canada.

  • Is there a way to filter out bot posts?
  • Not sure how effective it is but under your profile settings there is a box you can uncheck that says "Show Bot Accounts"

  • Reasons for getting a Mini Schnauzer?

    Was there a particular reason for getting a Schnauzer? Or was it just happenstance?

  • Oh she is darling! She looks to be about the same size as our Ruby, who was also the runt! So happy to see ones as small as her haha. I would say Ruby is about 12ish pounds? At her last vet check in anyways. I feel like she hasn't gotten any bigger since.

  • DETHKLOK: Hear first new song in 10 years, see trailer for 'Metalocalypse' movie
  • Definitely need more random, absurd deaths in my life again.

  • Meet 4-month-old Yuki! She loves to lay in weird positions :P
  • Yeah my girl is just over 1.5 years now and her teething phase was really something else! Luckily for us she wasn't very adventurous due to how anxious she was so she never chewed on any she wasn't supposed to (except us 😂). She still loves to use her teeth to play but it's easy to divert her with a toy now. They are such goofballs.

    So glad the rest of the training is going well!

    Please do add more pictures! I say stuff about stories and advice but I love me some cute photos! Thanks for contributing!

  • Meet 4-month-old Yuki! She loves to lay in weird positions :P
  • Oh my goodness!! 😍😍

    She is precious!! Mine loves to be in the weirdest positions too; usually bum up higher than the rest of her body, for whatever reason!

    How are you faring with the puppy phase so far? Is she your first schnauzer?

  • DETHKLOK: Hear first new song in 10 years, see trailer for 'Metalocalypse' movie
  • It's been so long and they stepped right back into it like it was yesterday. The song is hard af and the trailer looks great. Hyped!

  • Welcome!
  • Long story short, we were supposed to have our pick of the litter and then when we inquired, she ended up being the only one left! She turned out to be very chill and quiet which suits us perfectly, so it was really meant to be. Just some issues with anxiety but who doesn't at this point.

    Gandalf would be a great name! Really grow out the beard to match.

  • (Discussion) Vulgar / obscene language shall be strongly discouraged in the Agora community
  • I guess I assumed that if the instance has a general stance on hateful, bigoted speech then any community attached within it would have to follow suit. Especially one tied specifically to the progression of the instance's community.

    I don't feel like additional restrictions on Agora with that already in place is needed, imo.

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to the Mini Schnauzer community!

    Figured I'd start by spamming my own Mini Schnauzer, our little Ruby!

    I'm new to the moderator game, so bear with me. Lemmy seems like a pretty chill place compared to Reddit so I'll try it out with something straight-forward and dear to my heart.

    I grew up with Miniature Schnauzers, among other types of dogs. In fact, our very first puppy was one! Jack. Followed by Jill, naturally. I'm sure you'll see them on here at some point! Even though they are no longer with me, they hold a special place in my heart.

    As I got my own home established, my husband and I decided that another Mini Schnauzer would be a wonderful fit as our first together.

    Ruby was the runt of the litter and is quite the timid, delicate flower; but we are of course smitten.

    Excited to see all the photos and hear all the stories! Hopefully we can all also provide some insights to those thinking of getting one themselves and any issues people may be having with their stubborn little ones.

    (Discussion) Vulgar / obscene language shall be strongly discouraged in the Agora community
  • Yeah, I'm not sure I agree.

    Definitely understand your point, but this is the internet after all. Will I be reprimanded if I use "fucking" or "shit" to really make a point I'm passionate about? Is it okay if the context is alright? Is it bad if I use 2 curse words but 1 is okay? Who's to say?

    Context will be big. Straight up vulgar, hateful speech is already not allowed, so I don't think we need to add to it unnecessarily.

  • Chicken bacon ranch sandwich
  • Why is ranch so sublime? Seconded only by mayo as a condiment, but ranch goes so hard on pizza that I'm wondering if it should be in first because of this.