Anecdotally I've heard of interference issues with Logi Bolt. Sounds like it's based on Bluetooth LE 5. Have you tried to bluetooth connect without the receiver?
Interesting. So it's working but the signal is weak? Is it possible the USB port you're plugging it into without the extension is underpowered?
Oh that's interesting. I wouldn't have thought to go to a brewing store, but it makes sense they've be just as concerned about water quality. I'll have ask around at my local one. Thanks for the idea!
Denver, CO, USA - Water Adjustments for Brewing
Anybody else in Denver tune their water for brewing? Denver city water is insanely hard. I'm using a simple two-phase under-sink filter since I live in an apartment, but it doesn't touch the hardness problem. I've also read the city has drastically changed the pH to reduce lead leaching from old pipes.
I'm about to pay for water testing to see what I'm getting out of the tap and measure how much I'll need to adjust, but was curious if anybody else had numbers.