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sallymack Sally Mack

My photos look best when enlarged due to the amount of detail in them. They are automatically deleted one month after posting.

I photograph things that interest me from birds and bugs to rusted I-beams. Whatever the subject, if it appeals to me I photograph it. If I like it I post it.

For years I've uploaded a new photo every day to my website and a program such as Mastodon.

\--Sally Mack, Dec 15, 2023

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Comments 2
Sharing one photo every day until I forget (Day 3)
  • @guynamedzero I've learned a LOT from posting daily. An important lesson has been that I'm not doing it for other people, I'm doing it for myself. It keeps me focused, learning, and looking.

  • Sharing one photo every day until I forget (Day 3)
  • @guynamedzero Good for you! Posting daily has taught me a lot about photography and my relationship with it, not to mention learning the technical aspects required for posting.