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In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding
  • Who would have thought that cutting energy and infrastructure along with limiting food supplies would cause a humatrian crisis in a densely populated camp....

    Just yesterday fake news said, Gaza residents deserve it and Israel has every right to do it.

  • Gaza's sole power plant shuts down due to shortage of fuel under Israeli blockade
  • Putin tried this in Ukraine but failed mostly due to scope and western support.

    Gaza residents are so fucked, it aint even funny as west cutting foods and supplies because some young bucks got tired of being fucked so they went all degenerate jihad. 2 million people will have to pay the price, they agreed to this or not. This is done by a recognized nation state against stateless people. Take notes, other stateless people, how nobody will do shit for you once you been subjugated like this. Got to fight early and fight hard, otherwise, you will be exterminated over a few generations. Trying to find this late into genocide is mostly futile attempt and PR.

    "Beheaded babies" gave Israel blank check for reprisals and western media enabled it via fake news spreading without proper journalism being done.

    how such thing was able to spread just in right time for Israel so well?

    Asking for a friend.

  • Mass protests have failed to bring about social change. It’s time for a new strategy.
  • Protesting does not do anything because politians are not accountable to voters. People who they are accountable to don't give two fucks if pleb burn down parts of cities. They will get contracts to clean it up.

    Hurt their profits is the only language they understand.

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