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rzlatic rzlatic
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Comments 57
MTV is turning 43
  • and 120 Minutes.

  • The Offspring, The Beastie Boys, Van Halen w/DLR, and the B52s. Are there other bands that rock, but are often silly/goofy and funny?
  • speaking of old times, wasn't winamp's genre dropdown menu had 'primus' sticking among all other genres, suggesting how special primus are?

  • New Life Expectancy Data
  • and send a message to everyone else: try to talk about shady activity or corruption, go on, try.

  • Signs you're getting old?
  • fuck, this is accurate. i recognized myself in everything you wrote. (age 50ies)

  • Start menu ads are officially here with the latest Windows 11 optional update
  • yes. being on fedora for last five years, no complaints whatsoever, but i did ditch the nvidia for amd to spare myself the neverending story of nvidia and linux.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher has been owned by analytics company Branch since 2022
  • Switched to Niagara after Nova was bought off, but lately using the KISS launcher which does the job similar to Niagara when configured, and it's FOSS.

    Lawnchair is quite basic.

  • Fedora Linux 40 Cleared For Release Next Week
  • already on beta for past few weeks, everything running smooth so far.

  • Zero spatial awareness
  • it's the other way around. that shitty gummy piece of crap on ethernet cables is annoying as fuck, and i even haven't had to plug it into network equipement that can be reset with it. but to reach the connector tooth under it often turns into a fight with gummy shitty 'protector' so i not once reached for scissors and cut that shit away.

  • Dislike Arrows and Comments swap
  • settings were reset after latest release. check your settings, there's an option for left/right side arrows.

  • With updates built in!!
  • feel the pain of work environment where you cannot add any addons.

  • With updates built in!!
  • the most clicked No Thanks button in my environement.

  • PERFECT in-line article link
  • accusations from conservatives are projection of themselves.

  • What are you reading??
  • started the wayfarers by becky chambers.

  • Embryo loss is integral to IVF. Alabamaā€™s ruling equating embryos with children jeopardizes its practice
  • conservatives like to squeek "that's against god's will" but when conservative needs a heart stent or pacemaker to keep him alive, then god's will is not an issue. when conservative needs a kidney transplant, cancer treatment, or even glasses - there's no questioning against how god created their bodies.

    as always, there's no biblical preachings when their asses and their life comfort are in question.

  • I'm joining the Wayland club on Nvidia
  • same here. few years ago ditched the nvidia card for amd and made my life rasier. wayland on fedora all the way, no issues. but i guess i'm completely different type of user.

  • What do you fellow lemmings sort by ?
  • all/topsixhours

  • Florida man bludgeons father to death after learning he got 'the vaccine:' Investigators | WCHS
  • i remember the vaccine was genocidal means of inserting chip for mass control which antivaxers avoided, so they are not controlled mass of cult followers now.

  • What's your first gaming memory?
  • first, some pong-like game on someone's zx spectrum in early 80ties. it was brief and short but very first experience. later, karateka, tetris, games like that on my and others C64.

    the first game i was hooked to was Elite on same C64. it was just wow. 3d, freedom, trading, pirating, leveling up. i played only Elite for long time, played it on Amiga and my first 386 later on. still stands as my first serious gaming memory.

  • New Glibc Flaw Grants Attackers Root Access on Major Linux Distros
  • updated glibc already pushed to fedora repos.