Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft working with Azure | .NET/C# web developer | Runs too many containers | Dad of boneheads
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Comments 4
Least terrible domain registrars 2 0
@wetdog love porkbun. Love their API.
FOSS alternative to Google Keep 1 0
@fmstrat i use tasks for the parts of keep that involve tasks/lists, i suppose. I do use Notes for actual notes though.
So yeah, not a direct replacement of course.
FOSS alternative to Google Keep 4 0
@gedaliyah i use the tasks.org one
Iceshrimp: A #csharp fediverse platform 1 0
@maegul @Subversivo @fediverse @fediversenews what is this, for the unacquainted? Is it a full activitypub server or just the front-end?