good thing they didn't actually kill him or there might be consequences
i guess this time the book involves a foreword in every chapter written by a woman that explains why they shouldn't be allowed behind a computer
do these absolute buffoons not know how important my crude portfolio is?
not very absorbent
you may as well just not wipe
immersive sim isn't a buzzword; it's a specific genre of game
there's like 2 buzzwords in that sentence, if you count video game titles, and if you count "a game he directed" as only a buzzword
if hideo kojima compared a game he was working on to metal gear, would you call that a buzzword?
The human race requires judgment. You were simply separating that chaff from the wheat.
because his brain is fucking cooked is why
well the man in the picture is clearly turning it off
to really go the whole hog keep a shelf with a hard copy of the united states code so that you can wipe your ass with some laws
in-built, automatic tactile feedback that you need to reload because you feel 2 shots instead of 3
better than the british solution of "count in your head how many bullets you've used and reload when you hit 30"
you can't walk TO somewhere where you already are
- square up to target making angry eyes to intimidate them
- step back into range
- look at fist to make sure it's still there at the end of your arm
- wind body up for maximum beyblade power
- make contact with target using the side of your wrist
think about it
if the government can freely impose a speed limit without being bound by these things called HUMAN RIGHTS, like the right to TRAVEL (not drive), then literally what is standing between them doing that and them dispatching their robotic mind control spiders that will drill into my brain while i sleep and make me dance like THEIR PUPPET
I'm saying that if you're attempting to parse the mechanics of play by shoving in the whole internet and saying "well the instructions are in there somewhere" then the best tool for that is an LLM.
that would require an LLM then, but also multiple full walkthroughs are explained in text on the internet, so how would you be sure it was figuring stuff out by itself?
I feel like the amount of data required to train any neural network would be larger than all the levels that currently exist for baba is you
you'd probably just end up overfitting the hell out of your model
I imagine he's thinking of the thing where you get a crowd to guess the weight of a cow and then take the average of their guesses.
Plus, the people most affected by inflation aren't usually the ones attempting to forecast it.