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robotic_creations RoboticCreations

Hi, I'm Rob! I do art sometimes!

I'm not very active, \neither am I very good\, but I'm trying my best to learn!

I boost stuff I think is cool far more often than I post my own stuff, maybe I'll change that one day!

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Comments 4
How many people will not push the button at traffic lights because of Peter Pannekoek?
  • Oh damn, that's so neat! We do not do those little cyclist lights, except on big roads where we for some reason thought there may be cyclists... There never are because it's quite terrifying with 5 lanes of traffic and a huge car/tram intersection in front of you.

    Consider me envious!

    Also our buttons look very much like those in the picture, may be worth to touch underneath and check for hidden accessibility secrets!

  • How many people will not push the button at traffic lights because of Peter Pannekoek?
  • Nnnnope I'm still just as confused. What do you mean about a 4th light on the traffic light?

    Do your lights give drivers a warning, like "hey there's a bike coming soon"? As far as my experience goes, pedestrian lighting always consists of stop and go, no inbetweens.

  • How many people will not push the button at traffic lights because of Peter Pannekoek?
  • @cambionn Oh how I wish we had timers!

    Also I think I may be confused about the type of touch button we're talking about here, because of your 4th light statement.. Browsing Lemmy through Mastodon apps adds some difficulties, I will need to backtrack some it seems '^^

  • How many people will not push the button at traffic lights because of Peter Pannekoek?
  • I have the exact opposite experience, I usually despise the touchy kind. My experience is that the lights in them are always broken. This leads me to repeatedly press it, not knowing if the system registered that I would like to cross. In the end, I never know on most crossings.

    I like the newer blind-accessible version tho! They have a sneaky button on the bottom which also has a directional arrow sticking out of it, when pressed they make a sound, and the button vibrates when it's safe to go!