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they/them, ona/ona

mi toki e toki pona

Posts 2
Comments 55
Warfare’s Climate Emissions Are Huge but Uncounted
  • theres a movie in the works by Empire Files about this subject:

  • Why is New York University making protesters watch The Simpsons as punishment?
  • so theyre being told to watch S10E07 "Lisa gets an 'A'", then write about what they "did wrong" in a way that doesnt justify any of their actions.

    i wonder how well u could maliciously comply with that order. maybe talk about how nation states are simply above the law; how the great USA was built on colonialism; how students are just cogs in the machine that are to do what theyre told, without question.

  • Free time [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • yea i feel like i need a week or a month to just breathe. and then afterwards i would do all the things i always wanted to do

  • Me BTW I use arch
  • AproPO ich benutze auch Arsch

  • me_irl
  • yea i mean any belief that fits on a sign has gotta be wrong..

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • im gonna assume ur joking. its hard to tell sarcasm on the internet.

    obviously i would like an actual source like at least one of those "important" ppl talking abt what happened to them

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • please get some more opinions on this, try to understand the arguments here better, before making up ur mind and believing the founder and CEO of a competing platform that u should switch away from their competitors

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • arent telegram chats unencrypted by default?

    An alarming number of important people I’ve spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media

    source?? (i bet this ends up being a "they had full access to my unlocked phone" situation again)

    also the whole thing abt US funded encryption is the same bullshit argument ppl use against Tor all the time. it doesnt mean shit.

    this just reads like someone desperately trying to get more market share by spreading FUD

  • Me irule
  • "i just need a little to relax from work today"

    *rests until midnight*

  • Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • hahaha so true, except when its not.

  • Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • would that be a reason for it to be removed by a mod?

  • Is lemmy being gatekept by animal ag shills?
  • they totally can actually. i get along completely fine with vegan and non-vegan ppl in my life. why cant u?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • the personal is political

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • yay! get well soon, blue!

  • Time for your medicine grandpa
  • only works with genuine OpenAI-Toast™

  • Yeah I tried to access the app and checked downdetector it's down
  • maybe for u nerds. i havent had downtime in a long while now

  • Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • if non-vegans caring about animals is hypocrisy, then vegans are hypocrites for buying products from companies that make non-vegan or not cruelty-free products as well.

    fight the system that propagates eating meat, not the ppl born into it.

    im vegan btw

  • I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!
  • nono, im not suggesting forcing any gender on children. they can play dress up all they like, and if its ever more than dressup, i will still support them if its what they want.