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The fedia struggle continues
  • I think you've commented this in the past, but: is there any chance that Fedia would get migrated to Lemmy? I understand you wanted to have Lemmy running (don't remember the host now) as well as Kbin so that people could choose, but perhaps if Kbin is too beta, it might not be worth it.

    That said, I appreciate immensely the work you're doing here, so whatever decision you take is more than fine.

  • What's your favourite spot for breakfast?
  • Bagel Etc, Leonard Cohen's favourite spot (right in front of his place too).

  • Sale of Montreal Children’s Hospital site shrouded in secrets and falsehoods
  • I remember coming to Canada 9 years ago from the very corrupt Spain thinking "ah, the civilization, at last". Then I started reading the local news.

  • Can usenet be used for free?
  • There are projects that provide access to text-only groups. See for example

    I took a walk around Usenet a few months ago after I discovered that my ISP (Teksavvy, Canada) offers access, and I must tell you... it's ugly. The groups I checked are either entirely abandoned or there's a post every two months, and they're overridden with spam.

  • How does the front page work?
  • Yep, that's how I have it, but still, it doesn't seem to work.

    Also, I have enabled notifications, but I'm not getting anything. Where do they go?

    Edit: Ok, I've seen the notifications page, but it's empty for me.

  • Fedia Discussions rinze

    How does the front page work?

    A small doubt I have.

    When I enter the main page for fedia,, I get a front page that contains all the magazines. However, I have set up my profile so that the front page contains only the subscribed ones.

    In order to get there, I have to click on the "Fedia" link on the top-left corner, and then I get to the /sub page.

    Isn't this slightly counterintuitive? Shouldn't our main page be the one we've requested in the profile, instead of having to click somewhere else?

    I don't know if this is a fedia quirk or something in kbin, but I think this functionality is important.

    Quick update on
  • Is there any chance we could get a list of support sites on the "FAQ" page? I was looking for this yesterday and I couldn't find it anywhere. @jerry

    (Also, testing the @ functionality. No autocomplete, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing it right.)