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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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I know this isn't exactly self-hosted, but does anyone have experience with this?
  • I can't; I'm out of the loop with VPS providers. I think if I needed one nowadays I'd look at small providers located near me.

    I was using Linode for my many web apps and self-hosting projects until fairly recently, but when Akamai rebranded them and raised prices I moved to a Hetzner dedicated host, which worked out cheaper with my workloads. I run everything in LXC containers, all of which join my Tailscale/Headscale tailnet, and all of which get backed up to both my local NAS and to (using rclone's crypt module).

  • I know this isn't exactly self-hosted, but does anyone have experience with this?
  • I don't know this host but hosts that will spin up single services like this for you are fairly common. Tons of people use them for Mastodon hosting.

    I'd consider just using cloud hosting or getting a VPS though, with which you'll be able to do much more.

  • ergo ftw
  • Ah, the Lily58. I use one too, with Vilebloom keycaps.

    I started with it after getting intermittent wrist and knuckle pain. Switching to the split ergo form factor eliminated it entirely, and the Lily turned rapidly into my very favourite board.

  • Jeremy Corbyn addresses meeting on formation of new leftwing party
  • After Left Unity, Breakthrough, Peace and Justice, Social Justice Party, and Transform, I'm sure this one will work out.

    More seriously, I'm glad they're pursuing this. Everyone involved will be happier representing their views more authentically and Labour will be better off while freed from their influence, while the electorate will be presented a wider range of choices — and I suppose it's possible they won't make a pig's ear of it and that the two-ish party rigidity of our system could be broken, serving our democracy for the better.

    Looks like a win-win-win-win to me.

  • Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • That El Reg links breaks this report much better than some other reporting. It projects a tripling of carbon emissions from bit barns by 2030, with 40% of that increase being due to construction and materials fabrication and 60% from their operation.

  • Recommendation for Email-Provider
  • I went through this journey looking for new providers recently after Proton started doing crypto shit. Tuta and Fastmail were the main recommendations, though the former has been accused of being a honeypot and the latter has really awful practices toward workers and unionisation.

    I went with Migadu as a no-nonsense solution, and I'm over the moon with it.

    As a big fan of decentralisation and federation, I was very tempted to try out Disroot, but I wasn't ready to try it out with my main mailboxes. I'll likely use it for any upcoming toy projects I embark on though.

  • Wales 20mph: Calls made for 1,500 roads to revert to 30mph
  • As someone who lives in Wales and drives, cycles and walks around daily, I think this is a great policy, but poorly communicated and has been a target by populist politicians which has fed into the discontent.

    I agree. This is an outstanding, evidence-based policy of exactly the sort we should be implementing, albeit one that's been communicated awfully and failed to be defended against the prideful ignorance of the populist right amidst Welsh Labour's political turmoil.

    I think I've accepted in my head that the similarly maligned Sustainable Farming Scheme will have to be watered down due to Gething's misadventures and our consequent inability to defend even well-constructed, evidence-based policy against populist rhetoric, but I really hope the 20mph speed limit survives this painful, reactionary period at least.

  • Pigs Fly; George Will Endorses Harris
  • I'm not sure it's a 'pigs flying' moment. Despite being an ultra-committed conservative, he's been a critic of Trump since the beginning (and other unserious Republicans like Sarah Palin) and voted Democrat in 2016 and 2020 accordingly.

    Honestly, fair dues to him. He's from an elder era of more serious politics, and — as incongruent as it may sound when referencing those with a libertarian slant — an injection of that sort of seriousness is exactly what the American right-wing sorely needs. Like with Dick Cheney, I agree with him about virtually nothing — apparently except for the continuation of American democracy that's tragically on the ballot this November.

    I wish there were far, far more Republicans willing to act similarly.

  • Keir Starmer alleged to have broken rules over party donor’s gifts to wife
  • I think in isolation I wouldn't care much about this. It still appears to be vastly less than the declarations made by other PMs and leaders, and much as the Tories want to make an issue of Lords being issued Downing Street passes it seems an entirely normal thing to me.

    ...but surely he knows how the Tories weaponise even the mildest appearance of nonsense against Labour (while they flaunt it with impunity) and foster the ignorance of, "They're all the same," to their advantage. This seems like the easiest bullet imaginable to dodge by simply not accepting gifts, and I'm baffled that he's imperiling all the effort to restore normalcy to politics by not doing so.

  • What's the easiest way to host a music colletion (FLAC)?
  • I use Jellyfin in a way that sounds like what you want. You run a Jellyfin server wherever your FLACs are, access it via the web, and play things through your browser — or through Finamp on Android, in my case.

  • Protest against space radar dishes plan
  • This one mildly surprised me — possibly even more so than NIMBYs blocking solar farms and Green MPs opposing green infrastructure in their constituencies — given the industrial presence in Pembs that locals are pretty enthusiastic about. Our culture of Citizens Against Virtually Everything (CAVE) appears pretty pervasive though, and I really hope it's something we'll see tackled through this Parliamentary period.

    I hope DARC gets rammed through regardless of such opposition, that we massively revamp the Town and Country Planning Act and Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, and that we become gradually more comfortable as a country with actually building and doing stuff from time to time.

  • Protest against space radar dishes plan Pembrokeshire: Campaigners protest against space radar project

    Locals camp overnight in opposition to plans to build 27 space radar dishes near Pembrokeshire National Park.

    Pembrokeshire: Campaigners protest against space radar project
    Laura Loomer: Who is conspiracy theorist travelling with Trump?
  • She's my favourite of the RWNJs for the sheer degree of entertainment she provided the night she live streamed chaining herself to the doors of Twitter HQ wearing a star of David armband after they banned her.

    I wasn't aware she was embedded in Trump's troupe nowadays but that certainly tracks.

  • Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • I have opposing opinions

    Please do share some opposing opinions rather than just shitting on someone else daring to add their voice to the great chorus of democracy.

    I'm sure everyone will have a lot of time to indulge your certainly well-informed and nuanced political opinions.

  • Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • I love the focus on the 'childless cat lady' line.

    I think that line epitomises the pointless spite that characterises MAGAism. The constant bullying and insults are entirely unnecessary to their agenda but they just can't stop themselves, and if we end up post-November with them wondering how things might have gone had they not insulted tons of voters this way then I'll find that delicious.

    I suppose the counterpoint is that the insults and bullying might well be necessary, that their 'othering' and painting opponents as lesser, more ridiculous, less human enemies is a core part of how such populist fascist movements gain traction. "The cruelty is the point," as some say.

  • BSD Vs. Linux
  • I'm 100% with you on Docker. I haven't used BSD jails in a very long time, but do you have a view on how they compare to other Docker alternatives in Linux like LXC containers and systemd-nspawn?

    to run a virtual pipe organ

    This sounds like an incredible use case.