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The liberation of Palestine is imminent! It is time to celebrate!
  • Its one thing to take territory, but another to keep it.

  • This is a video about people fake news on social media You Are Lied to Every Day

    We are constantly being lied to by people online. These people are not your friends. Do not trust someone just because they claim to belong to your political "team". The lying has become endemic. By design it has caused us to hate, fear, and fragment. ▼DARKMATTER2525▼ ►PATREON - https://www.patreon...

    You Are Lied to Every Day

    I do admit that I think how social media works is to presume anything you hear on facebook or shitter as false unless proven otherwise.

    Does anyone here think they have a good heuristic to determine if anything on a social media website is true? Can we progress dialectically towards the truth with social media or does the system motivate liars to double down on falsehoods? If it were possible for us to own social media can social media be made to encourage truth telling and punish liars?

    Comment on a hakim post
  • I look forward to the concequences of the loss of US support of Israel. It will quickly become diplomacy or death.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I guess this is the limitations of the UAF's ability to train people. Towards what end are these kids getting conscripted? What good is resistance to the Russians for the people of present day Ukraine? More bodies stacked up, but what is the reason? How is Ukraine worth all of this loss of human lives?

  • Am I Elitist?
  • Learned helplessness is surprisingly common in the "land of freedom"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • These look like underground bunkers, so I don't know if they could remote sense it via drone or satellite. Maybe if they need to compulsively post their position on reddit? Also, why wouldn't the Russian Federation use documents of what the USSR built?

  • Which is the Marxist Leninist take on the death penalty?
  • If you have the resources to keep dangerous people locked up for their lifetime, if they really are that dangerous, then it's not that bad if it is a very small population.

  • Flag-raising ceremony held at Tiananmen Square on China's National Day
  • Interesting that there are klashnakovs in the front followed by swords, followed by bayoneted rifles. Is there a reason for that?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It should be called the black wiki of capitalism

  • The Kids Who Snitched on Their Families Because DARE Told Them To
  • maybe just have a society that is just not so terrible that they'd do a shit ton of drugs and OD rather than have to face living in a shit society.

    People do drugs as a way to cope with terrible living conditions. If life is worth living I don't think people will need to take so many drugs.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Is this because they are fascists and fascists are incapable of building anything other than weapons and torture devices? They have to use what was built by an early communist government and rely on it.

  • I fucking hope so
  • That would be an effective and interesting way to stop Cop City in Atlanta.

    (yes I am misunderstanding geography intentionally)

  • Pirated from @gulagtheliberals3
  • Whenever I think of his name, I think of a blue Muppet that corrects common misconceptions about the Soviet Union.

  • 58 years ago today, socialism was once again brutally ended. The "New Order" only ended with Suharto's death in 1998. Sukarno's daughter served as the 5th president from 2001 to 2004.
  • Violence should be an option on the table sure. There is no institution that can maintain hegemony without conditions of violence existing.

    Individual fascists being deprogrammed to abandon racial supremecy if you know them? If anyone wants to try that uphill battle to help their friend, i wouldn't say it is a wrong thing to do.

    Fascists in groups want strife and conflict as a core part of their ideology. Fascist governments only survive scapegoating internal problems on minorities or foreign governments.

    Communists want peace and harmony to all with a government that builds people, including minorities, to their best selves.

    In the western left, we are not at the stage of class war where compromising with fascists is tactically advantageous. Working with them only confuses the workers we are trying to convert and makes horseshoe theory that neoliberals propose look accurate.

  • Philadelphia youth react when charges dropped against killer cop
  • The day may come that they wish that justice was dealt to them inside the legal system instead of outside.

  • Am I on coke or something?
  • Glad its a short video.

    Most smart people I know think Peterson is a fool, so his students will also seem like a fool. This dude did not read the communist manifesto to debate marxism, or any literature for that matter. What is the benefit of taking his classes when he released most of his content on youtube? Is the supposed benefit to impress smart people?

  • Everything is correct but what did he mean by last sentence?
  • In other words, by protecting Donbass from Ukrainonazis, we defend Russians (in a wierd nationalist manner) and fight for the sovereignty of those in Donbass that wanted to join the Russian federation. When politicians talk about spiritual stuff, it seems to be some nonsense I've never understood.

  • What are USA politicians fighting over?
  • I think I can oversimplify this to a difference in vision of what workers they want to exploit:

    Democrats support policies that create workers that are highly educated and culturally sophisticated to do more work in their industries, have a consumer base for those goods and services, and be able to suppress wages with the abundance of these kinds of workers.

    Republicans want as many uneducated workers as possible to scramble for the few low paying jobs that exist to keep their industries afloat.

    Anti abortion laws create people that are desparate, both the women and the born children. Allowing abortion allows high end uterus-having workers to work longer putting off having children to be more effectively exploited. Our immigration policy creates workers of ambiguous legal status that can be abused to work for less than legal wages. Whereas industries supported by democrats want to exploit the most technically adept from around the world for as long as possible.

    No real change can occur if it undermines existing industrial interests, thus social democratic policies are suppressed by both parties even if many industries would benefit from them, particularly the Finance industry.

  • What are USA politicians fighting over?
  • Say someone is apolitical. "Maybe I should get invested in politics" they think. They only know of the contradictions between the democrats and republicans because that is mostly what is shown. They need to fight to have buy in to the system. By making it so obvious that you have a choice it hides how much you don't have a choice.

    I guess there is a divide within the bourgeoisie in some sense. Mostly a difference in industry.

    Republicans represent manufacturing, agriculture, hotels, oil, and many small business industries.

    Democrats represent lawyers, entertainment, finance, and tech industries

  • Oversocialization From A Left-Wing Perspective
  • I do like the idea of just letting people do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't undermine the base of society.

    It would be fun to live in a society where you can wear whatever and if you have a lawn, have whatever you want in it.

  • Has anyone else seen this goofy anime and thought about how the 3 factions resemble fascism liberalism and communism?

    Planet With is only 12 episodes long, reminds me of Gurren Lagaan, but has 3 factions with 3 philosophies instead of 2. Unlike many other anime nowadays it is wrapped up at the end pretty well.


    Found this folk band. I think you'd appreciate this. Poor Mans Poison - Give And Take (Official Video) A.K.A. Feed The Machine II the sequel

    Official music video - Give And Take - by Poor Mans Poison from the EP - In The End. Lyrics contained in captions. A.K.A. Feed The Machine Pt 2 or sequel. -Special thanks to Megan Kate Medeiros for helping with filming, Looka Le for guest group vocals, Helen Sullivan, Sullivan Farming, & Chad Mede...
