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red redfellow

Your average Reddit escapee

Posts 13
Comments 429
So now I have to PAY you to NOT store files on my device that I don't want?
  • Sadly it is not, as you need to pay to access content by money or pay by viewing ads.

    Facebook uses the same model.

    If you don't want the "premium content" by paying with way 1 or way 2, you can't use the site.

    This will end up being a final nail in the coffin for these sites, I wish.

  • The low prioritization trap
  • There's a Finnish saying "Hyvän sään aikana" which translates to "When the weather is good". Fits this very well 😂

  • Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera
  • Steer by wire is pretty much the only cool thing. It exists elsewhere sure, but not in vehicles of this size

  • Bosch announces its new e-bike motor and bigger batteries
  • Very much so. My bike has a Bosch motor - even updates are done by remote control by Bosch employees and the shop can only adjust a few basic parameters.

    Took me 2 weeks to get a fix that had my bike stop the electronic assistance at 18km/h instead of 25km/h.

    Now it stops at 22-23km/h - but I just can't be arsed to go through the process again.

    Never Bosch again.

  • Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic
  • Considering the length of your comment, you could have started by reading the article.

  • Banned from [email protected] for arguing that hating on gays doesn't make you a hero.
  • You didn't politely disagree. He asked a direct question to which you earlier said to know the answer to.

    What you kept repeating was not an answer to said question, and then you started playing stupid games against someone who's shown time again to have no patience for them.

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • Being around someone who did search for something is enough (location, same wifi).

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • So you got those mac adresses from where, if they never connected?

  • Valve is working on a version of proton for ARM devices
  • Windows Arm laptops are currently just as bad for gaming as all the other arm based laptops, so it's weird to single them out. That's why I didn't think you were only speaking about gaming any more.

  • Valve is working on a version of proton for ARM devices
  • This comment makes it seem like we don't already have Modern Arm Windows based laptops that have excellent battery life, comparable to Apple M devices.

    But we do.

  • Skyrim lead designer says it will be 'almost impossible' for Elder Scrolls 6 to meet fan expectations: 'Marketing departments just put their heads in their hands and weep'
  • There is no modern Bethesda. They are still making games based on 15 year old standards, with an engine a lot older and technically more debted than that.

    It's kinda like trying to make Edward Scissorhands a brain surgeon by adding a few more rubberbands between the blades.

  • Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • That's pretty much it. Now should we hold the politicians responsible, or should we piss on the Joes? I'd personally see the protesters inconveniencing the politicians, and not the Apple Store employee trying to get to his work shift.

    Good example in Finland is gay rights, we got those by pressuring politicians, not by chaining ourselves to roads. It's been proven to work, and the opposite has been seen to just get people fed up.

  • Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Quite a bridge there, to compare governments and companies ruining our habitat to women's suffrage. Holy hell.

    9 to 5 Joe is't making the decisions and won't be able to affect the situation apart from voting and activism, and these protests I talked about are only annoying the people the activists should be trying to win over, to be able to make a change.

    Suffrage wasn't about profit driven business, it was people being shit to people, the poor and the rich all together, if we simplify it to the root.

  • Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Disruptive protests are annoying and the best way to get people to hate your agenda. In Finland there's a group that actively protests climate stuff by taking control of the streets, making people getting to and off from work just annoyed.

    You don't achieve change and can't further your goals by being a prick to the normal everyday people. All you achieve is them wanting nothing to do with what you are peddling.

  • Banning Spree?
  • The bad: simply downvoting a meme gets you banned

    The good: You didn't have to open your apps filter settings to stop seeing the absurd shit they post

    Funnily enough, their ban spree is self censoring and will end up creating an echo chamber nobody will see.

    I say, tofu and let tofuck it up.

  • Ewww brother ewww
  • Is this supposed to make us feel bad for the woman who decided that marrying Trump was the best course of action?

  • Chaos!
  • My car does this automatically depending on the key fob used, or the smart phone that's closest to the driver seat depending on which you are carrying. Seat, and mirrors.

  • Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • Yeah I'm aware. But one can still hope.

  • YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • Revanced with MicroG. I use YouTube 50/50 on mobile and Shield (SmartTube) and if my watch history, subscriptions etc. didn't work, I wouldn't be using it.

  • My character is lvl 160 in NG+, should I speedrun the progression to get to the new DLC?

    I'm not the best in soulslikes, and I'm wondering if I'm fubar because NG makes stuff harder. Should I just do a replay of the main game on a fresh character?

    I literally hadn't even started the NG+ playthrough, I'm at the first Grace 😅


    Outo välikohtaus mielen­osoituksessa Tampereella: Linja-auton kuljettajasta tehtiin rikos­ilmoitus, mutta kojelauta­kamera näyttää toisenlaisen version tapahtumista Outo välikohtaus mielenosoituksessa Tampereella: Linja-auton kuljettajasta tehtiin rikosilmoitus, mutta kojelautakamera näyttää toisenlaisen version tapahtumista

    Poliisille on jätetty rikosilmoitus, jonka mukaan linja-auton kuljettajan on koettu ajavan uhkaavan lähellä väkijoukkoa. Kuljettajan kojelautakamera tallensi tilanteen.

    Outo välikohtaus mielenosoituksessa Tampereella: Linja-auton kuljettajasta tehtiin rikosilmoitus, mutta kojelautakamera näyttää toisenlaisen version tapahtumista

    Jos nyt vähän vaan sumuttaisin


    Oh crap




    Kjeh kjeh


    Anyone have experience with Customer Support?

    Talking about tickets made via

    Long story short, there's an issue and I provided multiple different proofs about it. I've received the exact same boilerplate reply 3 times in a row, and I've supplied more and more data and information each time.

    It's not like the person going through the ticket is even reading it.

    Is there any avenue, does anyone know, how I could eacalate?

    Edit: and the reason I ask this my issue is not resolved, and the rep issued my account a warning. I'm wondering if it's cheap labor just not giving a shit.


    Mies pamputti Hämeenpuistossa Mies löi tuntemattomia metalliputkella Tampereen Hämeenpuistossa – Kolme sairaalahoitoon

    Poliisi tutkii tapausta kahtena törkeänä pahoinpitelynä, pahoinpitelynä ja pahoinpitelyn yrityksenä.

    Mies löi tuntemattomia metalliputkella Tampereen Hämeenpuistossa – Kolme sairaalahoitoon

    Persujen ja Putinin ero


    Orpo googlaa


    There are no inherent dangers in AI


    Seems familiar


    What would you do?
