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raz0rf0x raz0rf0x
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Comments 21
*Permanently Deleted*
  • This trope that ADHD is somehow a fucking gift needs to die. It's not. I don't need it to be who I am and it sure as fucking fuck didn't help me get ahead in life. It wasn't the price of being smart, everyone else is my family is smart without having to worry about things I do. Just... No. You're wrong about this.

  • Histoganda
  • Heavens help you if an ancient Greek or Roman author happens to have disliked you...

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I irrationally hate the South: its music, its culture, its history, and its people.

    This is tragically unfair of me and I admit that I'm embarrassed that I haven't quite shaken myself of that, but I will keep trying

    That said, I'll listen to Johnny Cash all day every day

  • Fun fact: Rick Bermans grave will be able to double as a urinal
  • It's crazy to think how much better an already awesome show could have been without this fuckwit in charge.

    Fuck this guy forever.

  • Space is 2D, right?
  • Their pattern indicates two dimensional thinking...

  • Are you ready for the upcoming 2026 2nd American Civil War?
  • Don't worry, Kahn will save us.

  • YSK that there is no such thing as an "alpha wolf"
  • Would you like cheese on that?

  • Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?
  • I have decided that it is safe to assume that everyone is an idiot, including me, and behave accordingly: act deliberately with an open mind, making no assumptions, and remain curious.

    Frank Herbert's Bene Gesserits had a tenet in which they remained mindful of the naivety of all people, including themselves, ostensibly to prevent allowing hubris to allow poor decisions.

    Coming back around to my point: I think we'd all get along a lot better if we'd all agree we're all stupid, but we can get better.

  • One success, one failure
  • I've had some of those and also some of the proprietary Tuya ones. The module has the same footprint so I ordered some ESP32 modules in the same form and used a hot air rework station to swap them. The modules are really cheap so I still come out ahead price-wise.

  • Spoiler alert!
  • Here's a test: Take some Adderall. If you're a spaz for 6 hours that does an entire semesters worth of homework, the laundry for the whole house for a week, and clean your room for the first time in three years, you don't have ADHD.

    If you take it and act like a normal human being for the first time in your life, then you do.

    Your milage will vary.

  • ā€˜It will take years to recoverā€™ from Tuberville blockade, top Navy nominee says
  • I don't know about Army because I've always hated how shitty soldiers tended to be. Mouthing off to Sargents and being generally undisciplined pigs. Couldn't even follow a joint battle plan for a joint patrol and nearly got my convoy wasted by friendly fire. But PRIOR to 9/11 people like you describe wouldn't have made it through Marine boot camp if they didn't stop acting like that. I doubt they would have made it through USAF or USN basic/boot either. But army... yeah, probably went in and got his ass shot off.

  • ā€˜It will take years to recoverā€™ from Tuberville blockade, top Navy nominee says
  • I enlisted in 1998 while things were quiet. Clinton got us a nice raise back then. Then 9/11 happened and the military was inundated with right wing "patriots" reacting to events and looking to kill uppity brown people. I saw the quality of recruits diminish as the military lowered standards to surge troop strengths to engage in an illegal war. I recently met someone who was in my old unit only a few years ago and I didn't recognize the Marine Corps he described.

    Personally, being ordered to partake in an illegal war in Iraq after having just left Afghanistan in an unresolved state only strengthened my liberal beliefs. Going to other parts of the world and seeing what politicians and superpower governments do to people, and the amount unnecessary pain and suffering that takes place at the hands of ideologues and dogma, should radicalize anybody against fascists and right wing ideology. People who see and experience all that and return even more hateful and bigoted are psychopaths.

    I am proud of my service and my conduct in it, even if I don't agree with the missions I was on. I would do it all again. I loved being a Marine. The only people you'll find me hating are fascists and religious radicals. THAT'S who I learned to hate in the military because that is where most human suffering came from.

    It surprises some people that I'm a liberal veteran. I tell them that you can't go through that and see all that and not be a liberal, not if you have a heart and brain.

    And to anyone I piss off with this opinion: You're just telling on yourself.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because they'll kill you either way. They can't be trusted and following their orders won't help.

  • Texas questions rights of a fetus after a prison guard who had a stillborn baby sues
  • Weird. You don't think they would be suggesting that the US has the highest rate among countries of similar wealth? (/s)

  • Looking for a email-provider where i can host my own domain
  • I've been using Zoho for email on my domain. My residential service blocks port 25 so being actually self hosted wasn't going to work. I had rented a cheap VPS for $4/mo to run it on, thinking I'd have other uses for it. Eventually I just went to the Zoho free email hosting with my domain. It's been fine for years and I'm reasonably sure it has a catch-all as well.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • If you understand that the high salary is to meet the high cost of living in the United States then you'll understand that it isn't a pay cut. Take that one step further and consider the fact that the higher cost of living does NOT come with a higher quality of life in the US.

  • Is good ol' Materialize the only real option out there for 3D printable file sharing?
  • I gave up on finding a tracker for STLs. Almost none and no available invites. I have, however, found a wealth of them on Telegram and it's not hard to find. There will be lots of ads for crypto subscription channels. There is maybe one that's actually any good and/or not a scam. There is a boatload of scams tho. There are also channels that focus on group buys. Do your research but those are also important because there are many artists that need support to keep up their work.

    Also watch out for sites selling STLs for stupidly cheap with vague or non existent attribution. None of your money will go to the artist

  • They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub
  • I was about the question how the ADA would apply to websites but then I bothered to check. I am surprised at how broadly the DoJ applies the "businesses open to the public" definition.

    I think this is a good thing but I wonder at what threshold do they enforce this. If I decide to self-host some wiki on the most esoteric lore behind the game of Lemmings for my audience of six people, can I be fined and/or forced to shut down because my website doesn't adhere to the ADA guidelines for website accessibility? Because I'm an untalented hack who can barely stand up an instance of WordPress I am not allowed to publicly present anything on the internet?

    I'm sure there is nuance to this but I couldn't find it. I'm not being hyperbolic either, I'm genuinely curious. I feel like this is the cops shutting down a 10 year old's lemonade stand because they don't have a license or health certificate. (Shaky analogy but you know what I'm driving at.)