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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 113
What generation are you?
  • I was born in 1995, people are split on whether that's millennial or gen Z. I guess I'll round up and go gen Z. I have siblings born in the early '80s though so I watched a lot of older TV/movies and used a few late '80s to early '90s toys, games, and electronics.

  • What the hell is in those potatoes?!
  • Yes, it seems that I stupidly overlooked that the purpose isn't to make things difficult to look at via bureaucracy but instead to make things impossible to look at via the lack of resources to comply.

  • /media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • Hm, you probably can, but I personally don't and I'm not sure which file manager you're using. I like the terminal for this because it's quicker and easier to do (or undo if you fuck up).

    I also gave you the wrong command earlier, sudo chown -R user:user ./* doesn't affect the top-level folder (e.g., /mnt/drive). My mistake.

  • /media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • I also just saw your edit. Look into Linux ownership and permissions. chmod and chown are important commands to know how to use as a Linux system administrator.

    Running sudo chown -R user:user ./drive in /mnt will give your user account ownership of that directory and all folders inside of it.

    Make sure you replace user with your username and drive with the name of the mount point for the drive.

  • /media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • If you try to mount 2 drives to the same location, like /media/drive, the last one that you mounted will just replace the first one. You could put one at /media/drive1 and the other at /media/drive2 though.

    It doesn't matter where you mount stuff, like it won't break anything, as long as you're not replacing an existing directory like I mentioned.

  • Could a policy Justin Trudeau rejected give the Liberals the bump they need?
  • Pffft, Trudeau would rather set himself on fire than enact electoral reform.

    FPTP is too critical to Canadian neoliberalism in that it prevents coalitions (which would encourage compromise and diversity of opinion) and allows the major parties to force their will.

    Edit: Do I have to explicitly state that neoliberalism is bad? Lol. Obviously electoral reform is needed - but there's clearly a vested interest among politicians in it not happening.

  • Just tell us what stocks to buy Nancy
  • I dunno, could just be someone having a laugh; doesn't seem crazy for a bunch of numbers to be auto-suggested to create a unique username and then they added 420 at the end for fun. It's relatively open gossip (and a bit of a leftist meme) that Nancy Pelosi has been insider trading for years.

    That said, I guess it's easy to astroturf these days. Just seems strange to waste $8 USD to verify a single user if you're running a bot farm with tons of accounts. But maybe that's what it takes to drive traffic to your posts now.

  • Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US government
  • I feel like the charges are important to note, especially given that the prosecutor wanted 25 years for this offence and that black Americans are handed very harsh sentences compared to white offenders.

    It really does seem like black Americans and rappers are treated with a different set of standards and government data back me up on that.

    Black offenders also generally received longer average sentences for firearms offenses carrying a mandatory minimum penalty than any other racial group. In fiscal year 2016, Black offenders convicted under section 924(c) received an average sentence of 165 months, compared to 140 months for White offenders and 130 months for Hispanic offenders. Only Other Race offenders received longer average sentences (170 months), but they accounted for only 2.2 percent of section 924(c) offenders.

  • Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US government
  • Not really, this is basically punishing him for the thoughtcrime of talking about using guns.

    They also ordered him to do 400 hours of community service, I guess for the "trouble" of having a hearing. If his songs are too spicy, they can revoke his right to supervised release (AKA send him back to prison).

    How many times have you heard of a situation where there's a man threatening to kill his girlfriend and the cops do nothing? Let the man write his lyrics, he was put in prison for illegal gun possession resulting from a traffic stop - he didn't fucking kill anyone.

  • Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour
  • Is Regina at least better to live in? London is the armpit of Ontario. I hated it there, lol. But there is an excellent shawarma place near the college (Hadi's).

    Edit: Just found out Hadi's is closed and there's a new shawarma place there now. :( Hope Hadi is doing well.

  • Homelab Organization
  • Yeah, I could never get NPM to work right on my system either. I use the NGINX Docker image and set up my certs manually.

    If I were to do it all over again today, I would probably go with Caddy since it now has a bunch of that stuff built in with automatic HTTPS by default and the basic reverse proxy setup is literally 2 lines of code.

  • Homelab Organization
  • You could try Logseq, it's like Obsidian but open source. I use Obsidian for most notes and I also have a personal wiki built with Otterwiki.

    I use NGINX for my reverse proxy, you could check out NGINX Proxy Manager which uses Certbot to automate the SSL certificates.

    I've heard a lot of people also like Caddy and Traefik. Can't remember which is easier to use, maybe Caddy.

  • To those of you who drink tea: What brand of tea do you drink?
  • It's mostly my wife that buys fruity herbal teas and stuff, but my favourite tea is Twinnings Vanilla Earl Grey. Very rich and fragrant.

    I'm basic though. I don't even know the difference between different types of tea, like black, white, green, etc. I usually just go by smell.