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raktheundead raktheundead
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The Bitcoin bros who want to crowdfund a new country
  • Ballbag Srinivasan still at his old tricks.

  • Hot off the presses
  • Do you hear that? It sounds like the squeak of tank tracks, circa 1968 in Prague. Or maybe 1956 in Budapest.

  • "S-400 - Becasue S-300PS-V3.4 doesn't sound as cool"
  • The T-90 of air defence systems.

  • Scott Alexander shares conspiracy theory that COVID didn't happen
  • "Berenstein Bear", but not "Mandala Effect"?

  • Sealed Windows 2000 Advanced Server floppy disks
  • I've still got my copy of Windows 3.1 on 3.5" 1.44 MB disks; there are seven in total.

    Now, Windows 95, that was a monstrosity on floppy disks.

  • Anon can’t have a factual argument
  • Lithuania is considered, along with Latvia and Estonia, to be a developed country now. It really took a step forward after being freed from the chains of Russian subjugation.

  • My Dinner With Andreessen
  • certainly the man is due respect

    How about no?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 21 April 2024
  • As somebody who fell into the deep end of a pool when I was younger of my own accord and took a decade or so to learn how to swim after that, I can say that's the sort of thing that's gonna fuck that kid up badly. Even today, I'm not entirely comfortable in the water.

  • And so it begins...
  • I think the PRC lacks something in the soft power stakes; they've created some degree of good will outside the West, but they suck at projecting cultural output that doesn't stem from the imperial Chinese era.

  • you guys, OpenAI and Facebook have *totally* invented your plastic pal who's fun to be with *this* time
  • being as thorough and then some as I could ever hope to be

    That's not the flex you think it is.

  • What's the ladder for? Wrong answers only
  • You hang it out the side of the plane when you want to get out and taunt your enemy face-to-face. Well, face-to-face with a separation of a few miles, that is.

  • Somehow even worse than construction work in Qatar
  • I'm guessing there is also some schadenfreude, at least among some people, at seeing a European country getting colonised by a semi-Asian one.

    All this tells me is that Indians' objection to colonisation is that they weren't the ones doing it.

  • OpenAI vs. Elon Musk 2 - Whoever wins, we lose
  • I wonder if they're counting on nobody in the mainstream press paying attention or even understanding how that stuff is embarrassing and just going for the zinger.

  • The ‘halvening’ is coming — what this means for bitcoin
  • I'm of the opinion that the gold standard was obsolete around the time when the railroad and the telegraph were being rolled out on a wide scale and that shiny metal fetishism was heavily responsible for the longer and deeper economic crises of the 1800s and early 1900s.

  • Reminder that doing something extremely cool and good once doesn't make you immune to posting cringe
  • Edward Snowden has struck me for a very long time as one of the most prominent cases of stopped-clock theory. It doesn't surprise me at all that he's a coiner.

  • you just hate me because my IQ is sooo high
  • The term includes those devs who carry water for the Silicon Valley vulture capitalist crowd as well.

  • “I stand against confiscatory taxes, totalitarian collectives, and the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual,” Thiel wrote in an online libertarian journal in 2019
  • You know, one of the things I resent the most about shits like Thiel and Andreessen and Altman going around with ideas like supervillains from a Saturday morning cartoon is that whenever I try to talk to other people that aren't familiar with them about their ideas, those ideas are so excessive and ridiculous that I end up looking like a crank and conspiracy theorist just talking about them.

  • US Moon mission has no chance of soft lunar landing
  • Shouldn't have stuck that stupid fucking Bitcoin shit inside.