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There's Always A Simpsons
  • Seems pretty clear where/when the divergence was... Just a few inches to the left. Something like a small gust of wind definitely seems like Butterfly Effect material to me.

  • There's Always A Simpsons
  • Right? Looks like he's got a six gun pointed at her back and he's forcing her to run at gunpoint lol

  • CrowdStrike’s faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows devices, says Microsoft
  • The unfortunate thing is that, in the long run, that strategy will probably be super effective. Unless Europe (with the only internet regulations that actually have teeth) does something harsh enough, they will probably pay a few small fines over this at most. Cost of doing business and probably baked in already.

  • Democrats hail Biden's decision to not seek reelection as selfless. Republicans urge him to resign
  • Pretty sad when non-Americans seem to understand the severity of this threat better than people here.

  • Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees
  • For sure... Just one more reason to adopt co-determination laws like those in Germany.

    Public or private, if the board of the company actually contained literal workers, it could make things so much better.

  • Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees
  • Totally. I wasn't trying to rag on Valve... More just a comment about capitalism in general and how shitty it is.

  • Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees
  • These products are experimental and usually sold at or near cost not to make money but to prove to the market there is a need and a demand.

    Well, no... I think it's more akin to the concept of "loss-leaders". Get people in the door and while they're there, they'll buy a game or two. Which is where their real profits come from.

    In the end, it's still just a business strategy intended to result in profits for Valve.

    However, that being said, the fact that they don't have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to maximize profits and keep that stock price up at (literally) all costs, allows them to operate the way they do.

    But don't get it twisted, they are a for-profit corporation, and their ultimate goal is making money. They're just not as shitty about it.

    The bar is REALLY fucking low these days.

  • Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees
  • They're also one of the few (possibly only) that has not gone public.

    Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

  • Biden to push for Supreme Court ethics reform, term limits and amendment to overturn immunity ruling, sources say
  • It's crazy how often I see people doing this; they're ardently against Trump's efforts to turn the presidency into a dictatorship, while at the same time complaining that Biden didn't do x y, or z when those aren't things that fall under his purview.

    What do they want?? Dictatorship is ok if it's the neo-liberal I like?

  • current events rule
  • ...might explain his reported stench.

  • current events rule
  • The way I see i t, respect all human life is the baseline. For me it takes quite a bit for someone too fall below that baseline enough that I'm upset that they're still alive (and honestly, I don't like that said people have made me feel this way).

    But not everyone deserves respect. That privilege can be given up if you're evil or shitty enough.

  • [CrimethInc] Trump campaign aims to use today's shooting as a sort of Reichstag fire to incite his supporters to step up street violence
  • As someone privileged enough to be the first two of those things, and grew up in a very Christian household, I have been considering for a while now what I would do if it came down to: keeping my head down, blending in and pretending to be a Christian so as to survive and hopefully live out the rest of my life, or stand up for what I believe in and go down fighting.

    This comment will probably be read at the hearing that will determine this (if there is one), so I guess I've made my choice already. To the camps!

  • [CrimethInc] Trump campaign aims to use today's shooting as a sort of Reichstag fire to incite his supporters to step up street violence
  • Don't know if I should feel vindicated after years of warning people about this and being mocked and derided and banned, or if I'm just sad that we're allowing this to happen.

    It's some bizarre mixture of the two, but sadness definitely makes up the bulk.

  • [CrimethInc] Trump campaign aims to use today's shooting as a sort of Reichstag fire to incite his supporters to step up street violence
  • OK, but this isn't PR for a big budget film, this may decide whether we have a future as a republic or not.

    Definitely re-worded, but to just stop altogether is foolish and so short-sighted.

  • Seriously dude, not that big of a deal
  • I agree. Unless we were in a slightly different timeline where there was a slight gust of wind and the visage was a destroyed face...

  • No specific event to spoil, I just think Chadley (FFVII Remake & Rebirth) is a pompous little shit.

    No spoilers for me neither, since I'm still playing Rebirth... I just felt the urge to talk about how much this little prick gets on my nerves....

    Anyone else? Or is it just me?

    Having a blast with the game either way... But fuck Chadley.
