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prof prof

Engineer and coder that likes memes.

Posts 6
Comments 117
Anon meets his gf's parents
  • I mean yeah, funny greentext, fake and gay and all, but is that an actual thing that happens across the big pond?

    If someone did that in Europe they'd be in serious legal trouble if the threatened party sues.

  • Is there a way to keep Linux responsive when at ~100% CPU usage?
  • Ha, that's funny. When I run some Visual Studio builds on Windows it completely freezes at times.

    Never have that issue on EOS with KDE.

  • mitzi :'3
  • Meow do you do

  • Anon plays Banjo Kazooie
  • Not all of them, but there are more than I thought: Wiki

    Notably Humba Wumba and aptly named Bikini Girl.

  • Rule
  • These edits are one of my favorite thing going on on Lemmy.

  • Burrito
  • Hamster are much like lobsters, in that they just keep growing forever until they can't molt anymore.

    If you don't laser explode hamsters, they would eventually be able to eat humans. Which is quite scary if you think about it.

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • 100% that.

    Especially that working software over comprehensive documentation part, which can be automated so easily if done right.

    There's so much value in TDD and providing a way to do integration and automated UI tests early on in a project, yet none of the companies I've worked at made use of it.

    Also automated documentation tools like Swagger are almost criminally underutilised.

  • North Korea Accused of Launching Floating Poop Balloon Attack
  • It's very strange to have North Korean refugees send balloons up north with the state responding to it and also accusing Seoul of propaganda. Seems like they can hardly fathom that individuals have freedom to decide what they may do on their own.

  • Food Rule
  • Bonus panel probably: Pig in super heaven with two halos above head.

  • Rule
  • Wahoo!

  • Frog transmutation
  • So, judging by the wizard frog being clothed. The wizard just told this dude to get naked for what reason? 🤭

  • And now you get the bad ending
  • I feel you. There should have been an option to avoid those fights for the non lethal players.

  • The teens making friends with AI chatbots
  • The bot, designed by a user known only as @Blazeman98, frequently tries to help users engage in CBT — “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,” a talking therapy that helps people manage problems by changing the way they think.

    Oh yeah, that CBT. Not the one I thought about.

  • Anyone running Nobara who can answer these questions?
  • Unfortunately I can't help you with Nobara, but I'm surprised you're having troubles with EndeavourOS.

    EOS has been working out of the box for me for almost everything.

  • The Talk of The Town, George Stevens (1942)
  • He said he was Benedict, but it turns out he was all eggs.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Thanks for summarising.

    I wish your anus well.

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • Am I out of the loop?

    Why don't people like Pizzacake?

  • Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule
  • Not really. Exceptions are a controlled way of indicating something went wrong in an application.

    The only point where you wouldn't know about the possibility of one is when you don't know enough about the language features you're using or when you use a badly documented library or framework.

  • Always follow 3-2-1 backup rule
  • Yeah, I had a similar case with some authentication middleware I used that was part of a library.

    It would always throw an exception when a user wasn't authenticated instead of just giving me some flag I could check.

    Wouldn't have done it that way, but it was okay for an API controller.

  • I had to design a simple general purpose language for university, so I tried creating "ZoomerScript" with Jetbrains MPS

    Insert <it's not much but it's honest work> meme. It only supports ints and bools, some logic and simple arithmetics and it compiles to Java but damn was it hard to get that far.

    Can you guess what everything does?


    Any C# devs want to share their setup?

    As the title says, you probably guessed it already. For work I mainly develop on the .NET platform using a Windows device, but at home I enjoy all the benefits of a good OS.

    Now I kinda want to get my C# skills "sharper" and have some projects in mind utilising it, but I'm a bit miffed about the development tools and possibilities of deployment available for me on Linux.

    Also I may want to coerce my boss to let me work on a device with my OS of choice.

    Any advice from devs that are in a similar spot? What do you use for .NET development on Linux? And are there any cool multiplatform deployment possibilities (next to Xamarin/Maui) that actually let me build natively on Linux?


    So I installed EndeavourOS ...

    ... and I absolutely love it.

    After my previous post where I asked for advice on distros I have tried Mint and EndeavourOS first as VM's and afterwards I gave them their own partition and tried it on my real hardware.

    Something about EndeavourOS just sat right though and I promptly replaced my windows install with it. KDE Plasma also blows me away with the amount of customisation that is possible.

    I've spent some time configuring today but mostly aesthetic stuff as my hardware worked 95% out of the box. Some odd dependencies were missing for steam to work properly but I'm really not missing anything that windows had right now.

    I'm curious how my uni workflow will look like now, but I'm sure I can make it work.

    Thanks a lot for the support and advice you've given me. I really love the community on here.

    I'll get back to customising my bash prompt now. 😄

    Edit: Due to popular demand:

    I use Arch, btw.


    Which distro is the right one for me?

    Hey guys, I'm an entry-level IT professional and tech enthusiast.

    I'm getting a bit sick of windows for a multitude of reasons and want to try out some Linux distros.

    I use my pc for web browsing, university (which uses office 365) where I study software design, software development (vs code, visual studio, jetbrains stuff) and gaming (99% of the time via steam).

    My main concerns for switching are that I'll have a hard time with university work because we mostly use teams for video conferences and work together with word, and other office stuff. We also are required to do some virtual machine stuff where we use virtualbox.

    Also I'm a bit worried that some games on uplay, epic and other platforms aren't available anymore.

    For distros I've been mainly looking at Manjaro, Linux Mint or plain old Ubuntu. Can you recommend anything that might fit for me or will I maybe run into any issues with my chosen three?

    Edit: Thanks a lot for all the replies. I've read through all of them even if I didn't reply and it was very helpful. I will test most of your suggestions in a VM before I jump into completely changing my OS. And I'll probably try booting from a USB Drive first. What I didn't mention is that I've already worked with Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS, so I'm not scared about having to use a CLI.
