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priyachandwriter Priya Chand

\#data #ScienceFiction #fantasy #nature #stewardship #biology #policy #codex

toots intelligible by accident. Header image is a taotie in neon with social media icons, created by Kongkee as part of the Cyberpunk: Warring States exhibition. Avatar is a head tilted downward with exposed cerebrum, created by the studio of Clemente Susini.

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Y'all need to watch "We Are Lady Parts" its so fuckin good rule
  • @poplargrove @Mr_Blott interestingly in the show, the lead character’s mum doesn’t wear hijab. So there’s an implication that it’s a choice she made later.

  • Majority of older adults with cognitive impairment still drive [article]
  • @starlinguk @veganpizza69 the village I live in has a on-demand shuttle bus for seniors. This is not hard to solve for.

  • Trans people RULE
  • @Fizz other way around. It’s under a CC license so can’t be used for profit, last I heard