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primevalmudd Primeval Mudd

Jocular ditties with an acoustic guitar, electronic meanderings with portly beats (I never got the hang of phatt ones), occasional widdles and whammy dives.

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How do you store and/or organize your audio cables?
  • I roll them up, tie them around themselves and put them in a box.

    When the need arises I spend a few minutes swearing profusely while looking for, then untangling, the one I'm after.

  • An old tune revisited.
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm tempted to do both an 'acoustic' mix and a dance mix, but I'm currently just mucking about with the version posted above, the latest mix of which sounds like this:

    I'm staying with my Dad for a couple of months with very limited equipment, hence mucking about with an old tune.

  • An old tune revisited.

    Do you know what you were doing at 15.02 on Saturday 25th February 2006?

    Personally, I was recording take 34 of a banjo solo.

    I've a backup on my current laptop of the hard drive from the laptop I was using at the time, including a few Cubase projects.

    I ditched Cubase for Reaper in 2008 so can't open the projects but the raw audio files are in the project folders.

    This is a re-working of a song called Debauchery, using the original recordings of vocals, acoustic bass, 12-string and, yes, banjo, though not they're not all the same takes I used in the 2006 version.

    The drums/percussion and synth parts are new.

    It's not finished yet and, as I've mixed it on headphones, it probably sounds ropey but I'm having fun.

    This is the original 2006 version:


    The Grin Reaper


    I'm Dave.

    According to my registration date on the Reaper forums I've been using Reaper since 2008, initially running in Windows, running in assorted Linux distros for the last decade or so.

    The pun in this post's title is disgracefully clunky but, despite the frustrations and its idiosyncrasies, Reaper has become something of a friend.

    It definitely makes me grin, especially when I'm reminded of the nonsense that people who use other DAWs have to deal with.

    Anyone else using Reaper?
  • I've been using Reaper since drunkenly breaking a Cubase dongle in 2008.

    This is me on the forums: Primeval Mudd