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praeceptorem666 Praeceptorem666

"Veni, vidi, vici." - Julius Caesar

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Comments 41
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  • 1 and 2 are both nonsense I've already debunked. You just repeat the same drivel over and over. Also when did I say "winning". Just making shit up. Cope harder Chud and get that constipation checked out as shitting for that long is unhealthy. Expected tbh from someone who doesn't even shower, I'm sure you have a whole slew of health issues

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • You lose your Russian status when you kill a Slavic brother. People protecting their people and homeland should absolutely be glorified, they shouldn't just stand idly by and watch as they are massacred. In the next couple months if I can volunteer I will actually

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Hurr-durr Ukraine protecting themselves is evil cuz uhh, uhh, it just is okay!?

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Calls someone racist solely because they are German

    The irony

  • Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...
  • I don't speak bullshitting cry baby. Speak English bitch. Consider that shower too.. šŸ¤¢

  • Irony of Brave Browser
  • BR = Ads like all browsers except off by default and it pays you

    BT = Nothing, not part of the browser

    BS = That's just a fucking search engine. What browser doesn't come with one Lol

    BW = FF also has "bloat" like phishing protection except the wallet is actually useful and isn't just a censorship tool

  • Irony of Brave Browser
  • When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Bravephobes love making shit up Lol

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Nice Photoshop/inspect element job. The only "nazi" here is you, trying to justify the genocide of an entire people. Cope harder Putinist, your time shall come. Justice will be served

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • And? How is that not deserved. Slaughtering innocent Ukrainians makes you lose the title of human being. Take away others humanity undeservedly and you shall lose your own

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Tell that to the commie Putinist orcs (trying to) pillaging and destroying Ukraine hypocrite

  • Equality for all!
  • I don't speak whinging bitch. I speak English, could you say that again? Need a diaper change?

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Slaughtering innocent Ukrainian's is fine with you however. How ironic

  • Equality for all!
  • When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Cope Chud

  • Equality for all!
  • When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Ironic coming from a person who'd absolutely shatter when faced with any opposing views, as you are doing now

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • When you do what Putin and his orcs are doing you lose the title of human being. I myself am 25% Russian and love Russia, what I don't love is people betraying their Slavic or supposed Slavic brothers and doing such atrocious things. Its absolutely necessary to call them orcs, you'd certainly agree for other groups. Maybe we have a Putin sympathizer on our hands šŸ¤”. Wouldn't be surprised with such a platform

  • Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...
  • I perfectly debunked your argument and my statement made perfect sense. It wasn't just "No you!". What a complete and utter projection. Cope harder. Maybe you're the word parsing bot, When one makes a claim like that (Im a bot) when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection

  • Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut!
  • Based. Glad the Ukrainians are still doing well against Putin and his orcs

  • Graffiti's quality of art and sentiment has fallen in the modern era
  • I'm not defending anything but reality. If you consider Nazism truthful/reality that's on you buddy