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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Old Joe Clark - AJ & Sami and Friends - Clifftop 2018

cross-posted from:

> Cool version of Old Joe Clark. That bluesy note! Regular melody gets played a bit too.

We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop
  • The author seems dead set on a tauri calendar implementation. I came across what is apparently a scheduling toolkit in rust:

    Which I guess could be used to build a desktop calendar app. One flaw in the ointment is that a calendar program really needs email integration. Downloading an ICS file and manually transferring that over to your calendar app isn't going to cut it.

    Which brings us to the lack of solid calendar servers. I've searched but I haven't found anything popular, OSS, easy to install, and useful for groups. Radicale exists but multi user support is a janky hack, while Nextcloud has unreliable sync. I'm looking for features like:

    • reliable calendar sync
    • sharable calendars.
    • scheduling help - when to have a meeting?
    • how many attendees for a group event, how many invited etc.
  • Clifftop 2007 "Half Past Four" Clifftop 2007 "Half Past Four" - Lemmy

    Half Past Four at a quick clip! With Rachel Eddy on fiddle, Hilarie Burhans on banjo, Mark Hellenberg on banjo uke, Stuart Kenney on bass, and Bill Dudley on guitar. Some great manic energy on this one.

    Clifftop 2007 "Half Past Four" - Lemmy
    Setting up for python development is incredibly frustrating
  • From this page it seems you need libclang 13+, then you need to set the LLVM_INSTALL_DIR appropriately. There's llvmPackages_13.libclang in nixpkgs, and some later versions too.

    Unfortunately this will probably not fix your missing qt lib issues. Dumb thing to try there, only have full, not both full and qtbase.

  • Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    Old Joe Clark - AJ & Sami and Friends - Clifftop 2018

    My favorite version of Old Joe clark. That bluesy note!

    Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    Clifftop 2007 "Half Past Four"

    Half Past Four at a quick clip! With Rachel Eddy on fiddle, Hilarie Burhans on banjo, Mark Hellenberg on banjo uke, Stuart Kenney on bass, and Bill Dudley on guitar. Some great manic energy on this one.

    How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Hot take: tire particulates are a conservative anti-EV talking point. "My V8 mustang weighs less than an EV, therefore its better on pollution than a EV because tire particulates". Totally disregarding the impact of tailpipe emissions.

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • proof-of-work blockchains. instead of a utopian decentralized currency we have a utopia for scammers and day traders, and uses a ton of energy at a time when we need to conserve to combat global warming.

  • Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    "Boys, Them Buzzards Are Flying," Mt. Airy Fiddlers Convention, 2012

    Great trancey extended jam of this Garry Harrison tune.

    Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    Lacy Brown

    Grace Forrest fiddle, Steve Arkin playing 3 finger banjo, and Erica Wiess on guitar.

    Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    whoa mule - jon bekoff

    Pretty bluesy version of whoa mule from Jon Bekoff

    Old-Time Music pr06lefs

    Roscoe's Gone

    Just came across this one at a festival, and then someone back home knew it too.

    guitar pr06lefs

    The guitar that got away?

    What's a guitar that you came across that you regret not buying?

    For me it was a used 12 fret martin dreadnought, with mahogany back and sides. A store owner brought it in to a bluegrass jam and it was just a total cannon. I have a 12 fret martin with rosewood and its great, but I have to admit that one just had more punch. I've played other 12 fret martins, but that one really stands out.

    Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing |
  • IMO this device is more of a prototype for working out issues with risc-v in a framework chassis. Not really for doing practical work at this point. Could mean that framework expects a powerful risc-v chip in the next few years, and wants to lay the groundwork for that now.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • You can't run the linux I use (nixos) without the command line.

    The mobile linuxes are way more GUI oriented. Android is first on that list. But also the various other linuxes that target phones, with UIs like phosh. On those I'd say you can mostly never touch a terminal.

    But I don't think you'll ever be able to do ALL the things without touching the command line though. There's a lot of software that's intended to run in a no-GUI situation, like a headless server or embedded. Sometimes a GUI interface will be provided, but I doubt that kind of thing will ever be GUI-first.

  • Just upgraded straight from nixos 19.11 to 23.11. Flawless!

    Power on my dell laptop is getting wonky so I'm pulling the thinkpad x201 out of retirement. Hadn't booted it since 2019! For some reason the wifi wasn't working so connected it to wired ethernet.

    Updated the channel to 23.11 and did nixos-rebuild switch. Had to fix a few things where packages no longer exist or options have changed. Rebooted and wifi is working now!

    What other OS could you upgrade like that?


    foss audio slowdowner?

    I'm looking for an audio app for learning tunes by ear. Ideally would have:

    1- slow playback, without adjusting pitch. 2- loop selection - to play a segment of the audio over and over 3- pitch adjustment (some old recordings are out of tune)

    Anyone have one they like? For android the closest I've found is Fossify music player, which offers feature 1.

    For PC, audacity has all these features, but its pretty clunky to use.


    OSS calendar servers/clients that don't suck?

    Just missed a meeting today because I accepted an event on Thunderbird this morning, that should have synced to Nextcloud, and then to my phone running a calendar app from 'simplemobiletools'. Never made it. After I missed the meeting I didn't see the event on nextcloud, then went to look at the event on thunderbird, and now lo and behold its on nextcloud, two hours after it was over. Cool. Still not on the phone.

    Anyone have a solid calendar stack they like? I'd like to reliably get from emailed invite to alert on my phone.


    Quadrant: distance sensor board for audio projects Quadrant

    An open source multi-channel hand-tracking interface for music, art, and more


    My coop made this board that uses hand position and gestures to control audio devices. Output is usb, cv or midi.


    Recommend me an audio app for android?

    I've just been using the audio player on ES File Explorer. It tends to forget all its state and has various other UI problems.

    I'm interested in an audio player that will keep playlists for me, and remembers its state so I can resume playback. My main use case is to cue up podcasts for driving, so I want it to save my place when I don't finish listening to a whole episode during my drive. Saving my place in multiple playlists would be great too, like an audiobook and a series of podcast episodes would both have saved state so I could switch between them.

    Ideally it would also activate playback whenever the phone connects to a particular bluetooth device - my car audio. The use case is I hop in the car, turn on my bluetooth receiver, and audio resumes without me needing to take the phone out of my pocket. Turn off bluetooth, playback stops.


    getting into harmony lines lately

    Me and a buddy have worked up some southwestern tunes lately, that are usually played with twin fiddles doing harmony. I'm playing the second fiddle parts on guitar, and now I've started working on harmony for other fiddle tunes. I record the tune melody and then loop it while I try various harmony approaches.

    In bluegrass sometimes its hard to keep the chords in mind when I'm taking a break - especially if I just learned the tune. But it feels like this harmony thing is helping with chord awareness and unlocking some interesting sounds even in my solo break playing.

    Anyone else have this experience in harmony playing? Or have other ways of keeping the changes in mind during breaks.


    A term for lack of perspective on your own contextual knowledge?

    Is there a term for that phenomenon where someone gets so far into a topic that they become unaware of how much contextual knowledge they have about it?

    Then they write some inscrutable technical docs, use unexplained acronyms, or tell a story about “he”, "she’ and/or “they” where you have no idea who they’re talking about.


    Borrow checker woes - lifetime of borrowed var vs closure.

    Ed: solved with the help of the async_stream crate.

    I'm struggling with the borrow checker!

    My problem: I'm using actix-web and rusqlite. I want to return an unlimited number of records from an rusqlite query, and actix provides a Stream trait for that kind of thing. You just impl the trait and return your records from a poll_next() fn.

    On the rusqlite side, there's this query_map that returns an iterator of records from a query. All I have to do is smush these two features together.

    So the plan is to put the iterator returned by query_map into a struct that impls Stream. Problem is the lifetime of a var used by query_map. How to make the var have the same lifetime as the iterator??

    So here's the code:

    ``` pub struct ZkNoteStream<'a, T> { rec_iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = T> + 'a>, }

    // impl of Stream just calls next() on the iterator. This compiles fine. impl<'a> Stream for ZkNoteStream<'a, serde_json::Value> { type Item = serde_json::Value;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { Poll::Ready( } }

    // init function to set up the ZkNoteStream. impl<'a> ZkNoteStream<'a, Result<ZkListNote, rusqlite::Error>> { pub fn init( conn: &'a Connection, user: i64, search: &ZkNoteSearch, ) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>> { let (sql, args) = build_sql(&conn, user, search.clone())?;

    let sysid = user_id(&conn, "system")?; let mut pstmt = conn.prepare(sql.as_str())?;

    // Here's the problem! Borrowing pstmt. let rec_iter = pstmt.query_map(rusqlite::params_from_iter(args.iter()), move |row| { let id = row.get(0)?; let sysids = get_sysids(&conn, sysid, id)?; Ok(ZkListNote { id: id, title: row.get(1)?, is_file: { let wat: Option<i64> = row.get(2)?; wat.is_some() }, user: row.get(3)?, createdate: row.get(4)?, changeddate: row.get(5)?, sysids: sysids, }) })?;

    Ok(ZkNoteStream::<Result<ZkListNote, rusqlite::Error>> { rec_iter: Box::new(rec_iter), }) } }


    And here's the error:

    error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `pstmt` --> server-lib/src/ | 153 | let rec_iter = pstmt.query_map(rusqlite::params_from_iter(args.iter()), move |row| { | ----- `pstmt` is borrowed here ... 170 | / Ok(ZkNoteStream::<Result<ZkListNote, rusqlite::Error>> { 171 | | rec_iter: Box::new(rec_iter), 172 | | }) | |______^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

    So basically it boils down to pstmt getting borrowed in the query_map call. It needs to have the same lifetime as the closure. How do I ensure that?

    nixos pr06lefs

    run a rust 'blinky' program on the raspberry pi pico (nixos)


    Anyone remember RPAN from reddit? Does the fediverse offer anything similar?

    I miss RPAN! I could connect with my phone and stream any time, and there would be viewers, if only a few at times. Sometimes a lot though. It was great practice playing for an audience. Lots of great feedback and interactions, helped get me through the pandemic.

    What's out there in the fediverse that's similar, if anything?
