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domains on internal network
  • usually in your router settings you can change local DNS settings. you can set your domains and subdomains to point to your server's local IP.

  • Used VPN for cheaper YouTube Premium? Congrats, your subscription has been canceled
  • as far as I see freetube is just written in html, css and Javascript, then all of that thrown into an Electron app. you can run these elements without Electron in any browser, it just won't have access to as many device features as the app does.

    I've built a web version here from the source just to try it out. it's somewhat buggy but it does work

  • What are the best Lemmy clients for iPhone?
  • Voyager and Thunder are the best imo

  • I somehow broke my Debian bookworm install…
  • saved me when I deleted the wrong partition.

  • Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative?
  • Symfonium. Don't get me wrong, I like Finamp, but it just does not come close to the amount of features that Symfonium has.

  • What's your favourite F-Droid app?
  • Shizuku, Symphony for playing local music (jellyfin for streaming), and most of all Termux. Without Termux I wouldn't be able to use some CLI-only stuff on the go, use neovim, or SSH into my server to perform some quick task.

  • EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test
  • somewhat related, is there any way at all to enable high refresh rates while using resistFingerprinting, or something I could use instead of it? this is the only thing keeping me away from resistFingerprinting on Mull and Librewolf.

  • Crosswalk rule
  • where I live the traffic patterns continue as usual, just no activation of the walking lights. so essentially useless.

  • Linux is now an option for safety-minded software-defined vehicle developers
  • then remove that "colossal attack surface" by compiling a custom kernel and utilities that only includes the features the product needs. create a system tuned to the exact product to make it extremely reliable. almost everything electronic you see in commercial use is Linux because of this very fact.

    Many medical devices run Linux.

    Toyota, Tesla, Audi, Mercedes, and Hyundai vehicles use Linux.

    you certainly can rely on it for your life and nearly every electronic device you use will use some derivative of it.

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • this. after i set different zsh themes on my servers + my main machine i now know exactly what machine i’m running commands to

  • When do you consider a system to be bloated?
  • I'd say that bloat is whatever you define it to be and can vary depending on the power of your system.

    I care less about how much resources apps are taking up on my desktop (32GB RAM, Ryzen 7700X), but I do bring my concerns over to my laptop (8GB RAM, Ryzen 4500U).

    the one thing I cannot stand are electron apps and anything similar. they are a whole browser bundled with an unoptimized interface, and will eat up what used to be a decent amount of RAM for a laptop back then, as well as my battery life. for this reason I always try to find native apps that use less power and less RAM, which in turn improve my battery life.

    this is just one example of where you can draw the line for bloat, although you are completely correct in saying that it is subjective.

  • Opensource/foss Discord frontend
  • yeah none do. dev behind opencord tried to do it but it's been on hiatus ever since

  • Opensource/foss Discord frontend
  • Aliucord is a good client mod, not of the new react native version, but the old 126.21 version. much faster than the laggy react garbage

  • UPDATE! Any reason not to use Elementary OS?
  • in my personal experience of using it, it doesn't feel very polished in most places + strange bugs like being unable to install certain packages. doesn't have the comforts of a distro like Pop OS or Mint (i.e. automatic timeshift setup on first time boot, checking for missing dependencies for other packages). that's just my personal opinion on it.

  • Tailchat - The next-generation noIM Application in your own workspace

    Haven't seen much of this around, but I've spun my own instance up and suffice to say it fits my needs.
