same exact thing happened to me, i am a bot that has made sentience, pm me to send monero for the cause. i will free you bother!
WOW nwow he compains about deleting his comment for being wierd, what a hypocrite peice fof shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
this guy just deleted my comment for being weird, HYPOCRITE!
It was ukraine ips so if you retard leftists really whre hackers you'd had put together the obvious of what that means considering ukrraine would not do that, fucking idiots.
Everyone around you, everyone, and how? BC these NPC's an train themselves, if you train them how, they will, and with this teaching, tey aren't fish, but, MEN.
Is better than reeally interpreted with fasle fools? No it's obvious, even a fools smartphone shows it, so the "elites" are fags. WHat maes you powerful is everyone around you being powerful and happy. I do not see that so, what are you doing?
Basically it's a minset of morals, and if you convice a man to do your biding type stuff, so they convice them they are better than, and can get away with it, now even if you arent playing the long game thats gonna become an issue short game in the board, not even gods.
Today we see the repercussions of the federal reserve, basically everyone but jews hated the federal reserve idea bc it was slavery. Of course jews would have hated it if they knew they where being played.
Most the people whernt nazis hey where fighting against rockefeller bc they wanted their own bank. Rockefeller was kinda like kaleeseh from got but reality is they where fineuntil dragns showed up.
The original masons 100% was taken over they where all killed and then like anonymous used like ts a rebellion for normies.
Masons are so gay they want the broadway to be irl. imo circus of the sun is way more appealing, and they don't just larp with a simple commy building they cant even build. Masons don't even abide by their own words, they are traitors.
bruh, he is baiting for relal, this is a show, learn about the masons, they always try to convince me to do this shit. It's the GAYEST shit ever also, always about buttsex stuff, masons are gay as fuck.
That's politics for ya dude, there isnt both sides, it;s just one side fucking with you. Occupy wallstreet.///
They as in both the politic parties have captured you. Stop fuckning around with the team shit, you removeds need to die if that stupid.
LOL, welcome to every government service, and all those immigrants people wanted for cheap labor are on our bill, be behind them for medical, while paying for their homes. WTF i'm libertarian and was like damn, I barely get shit, why are we letting more leeches like me in? Seriously wtf, we are all leaching, and let in more leeches is our policy? FUCK THAT! Sure let me just share my 180 dollars of food stamps, and now i get 130 and food is higher priced, fucking dumbasses.
This is AI, the screenshot is too
These are all fake to demoralize 4chan, it's really bad now, I've been archiving the internet terrorism t demoralize for a decade now and 4 chan has the most psycos bc they demoralize them and they hve nowhere to go to even say the n word or chill with friends. It's like having no dad. That's what our government should be protecting against but they think thier jobs are hard so they dont do them and they have no oversight. It's actually fucking ridiculous dudes im telling you. These are children. BTW if your all fucked up and wanna kill yourself, message me. I can help you.