Paul SomeoneElse
I like bicycles I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them. vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.
I R Pedestrian
Posts 0
Comments 1
This Grey Squirrel was hanging upside down munching on the berries. It was to busy gobbling berries to be bothered by me taking its photo. 1 0
@[email protected] kinda has bat energy
Aesop Rock - Pigs (Blockhead Remix) [Official Audio] 1 0
@[email protected] @[email protected]
lookin like a milly
Aesop Rock - Pigs (Blockhead Remix) [Official Audio] 1 0
@specter I like that song about his cat.