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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 75
Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly
  • As long as Netflix doesn't do 1080p on Firefox and reduces their price considerably and gets rid of stupid limitations on account sharing and ads, I'm never paying for it. Same for games with DRM. I'm not suffering from DRM bs when I can pirate the same without DRM. Why should i pay these asshole companies more and be more restricted than a pirate lol.

  • If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer
  • These capitalist and billionaire cocksuckers sure love socialism when they socialise their losses and fucking take our tax payer money to bail themselves out. if you're working class and don't support socialism, you should look into it more. Propaganda from these blood sucking billionaire ghouls have made most of us blind to the better life socialism can offer us.

  • The Strike Is Working: The UAW Just Scored a Major Concession
  • With capitalists squeezing labour more, it's only a matter of time before unions become even more stronger. Their fairy tale chatgpt and boston dynamics aren't gonna solve real world problems. They just keep saying it will to devalue our morals and so we accept a shit contract and shit pay.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • As someone who actually lives here.

    Good things include: nice food, diverse places to travel to, socialist programmes to support poor people so they don't die of hunger, simple lifestyle, fast internet connection, okayish job market.

    Bad things: a huge population means lots of criminals as well, politicians here loot the poor, the cities are fucked with lots of people, little space to hangout, public transport sucks, culturally regressive society in regards to individual, women and trans rights, people are becoming more violent, Hindu vs Muslim bullshit rather than focus on making things better.

    I rate 2.7/5.

  • what do you folks discuss in your weekly/monthly 1:1 with your engineering managers?

    I'm new to this weekly syncup thing with my manager and he already knows the things I work on through daily standups, the issues I've faced or things that have gone great through retros after every sprint.

    This gives me little to talk about with my manager except personal goals sometimes, a bit about our lives in general, etc. I was wondering what you guys discuss and how do you make best use of this meeting?

    Watch: Billionaire CEO says unemployment 'has to jump' to put 'arrogant' workers in their place
  • These retarded rich fucks don't really understand that the only reason society is not killing them yet is because many people have a shitty job which can at least feed them. You take that away and motherfucker hungry people will revolt.

  • How do you pass props through the router-link without polluting the url?
  • I understand that the cleanup thing is a bad idea. I had a really simple use case where i have a list of persons fetched from a database with their id, names and a link for each displayed using v-for. The link for each person is a router link which when clicked redirects to respective person/:id.

    I want to display some stuff on this new component but didn't want to make the api call to fetch the person again from the database. This is why i wanted to pass the name as well in the props through the router link. But as you said maybe I should use pinia or some state management library for use cases like this?

  • How do you pass props through the router-link without polluting the url?

    I haven't found a good way to do this. Basically the props that you can pass as params, end up getting displayed in the url as resource or queries.

    The above code makes the url look like "url/id/1"

    What if i want to pass multiple props like "id" and " name" through router-link but don't want the url to have the "name" field?

    Hopefully, someone can answer this. Thank you.

    I wish humans could get firmware upgrades
  • I agree but this is very location dependent. I live in India and an hour of therapy session costs around 15$(average bill if two people eat at a normal restaurant to put things into perspective).

    If you can't afford that, don't worry as many not for profit organisations exist which will help you with free therapy. But this comes at the cost of therapists who themselves are paid like shit. But none of this applies to my friends because their job is ready to pay(your boss can't find out you go to therapy btw) in case they want therapy but they still are hesitant. It's more to do with how people will perceive you if they hear you're going to therapy.

  • I wish humans could get firmware upgrades
  • Most of my friends who have tried therapy just leave after a session or two and claim their problems have gone away, dodge further sessions and never actually gave it a real try. Then a week later they will go through the same issues again. It sucks to see them this way.. I've tried to help them to go to therapy consistently but very few actually do.

    You can't solve 20 years worth of emotional issues in a few sessions.. it takes years of therapy to actually get better. Not to mention societal stigma against going to therapy makes it even harder.

  • What does it really mean to test an interface not the implementation?

    let's say there is a Shape interface.

    interface IShape { double Area(); }

    A Rectangle class and a Triangle class implement it. Now should i write tests for:

    1. IShape interface and test both implementations in a single test file?
    2. Write tests for Rectangle and Triangle class separately, testing their implementation of Area() ?
    3. Do something else?

    From what I see I am testing implementations either ways. How do you even test an interface without testing the implementation? Can someone please help clarify my doubts? Thanks!


    New Anti-Consumer MacBook Pros - Teardown And Repair Assessment - Apple Silicon M1/M2

    No surprises here. Just like the lockdown on iPhone screen and part replacements, Macbooks suffer from the same Apple's anti-repair and anti-consumer bullshit. Battery glued, ssd soldered in and can't even swap parts with other official parts. 6000$ laptop and you don't even own it.


    how do you spend your learning budget your company provides you with?

    So my company has a budget of around 200$ which would expire by the year end if I don't spend it on courses, books, trainings, etc.

    I'm interested in knowing what you'd do or suggest. I'm in a full stack role and have tried the below.

    1. Pluralsight has good material for many topics but they're outdated many times, especially for cloud topics.
    2. Udemy has mostly up to date content and many really good creators but lacks coverage of advanced topics like pluralsight.
    3. Coursera has good University courses but make little sense in real life development.

    What are some of the ways you'd have spent this budget? What are some other sites worth looking into?


    Advanced C# Programming Course - freecodecamp

    I came across this video and it's been a great watch with lots of practical examples. As someone who had worked with java, I am in awe with the powerful concepts c# has. Hopefully, someone will find this course useful as well.


    pay parity and how often do you folks prepare for interviews and switch jobs?

    In my short career I've noticed that employers are notorious for underpaying you to the point that people with 3-4 years of experience are getting paid the same as freshers. The management always has an excuse to not increase pay or increase it very minimally. The best way to increase pay has been to keep moving every 2-3 years from one company to the next if switching means at least 1.5x or 2x the current salary.

    This means major interview prep requiring solving leetcode style questions, solving system design questions, then some more. I just wanted to how often do you prepare? Are you always interview ready or start prepping a few months before switching jobs?
