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pitninja pitninja

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Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • That may have been part of the reason, but the theory behind MFA is that there are 3 primary ways to authenticate who you are: what you know (password), what you have (secure one time password generator or hardware token), and what you are (biometrics). Password managers and digital one time password generators have kind of blurred the lines between passwords and one time passwords, but you're raising your risk a bit if you put them in the same place.

  • The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself
  • That's probably true, but if the satire is annoying in its own right, I'm not going to indulge it either lol

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • Even if I hosted my own BitWarden vault, I wouldn't put my passwords and 2 factor tokens in the same place because it's eliminating the benefits that 2 factor provides if someone somehow manages to get into my vault.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • Exactly, from a security perspective, it's a bad idea to put 2 factor tokens together with your passwords. You effectively eliminate the security benefit that 2 factor provides if you do because if people get into your password manager, they have everything they need to access your accounts. The only people it "helps" having it all in one app are people who don't understand the purpose of 2 factor and just see it as an inconvenience when services force it on them. Even though I use BitWarden for passwords, I don't think that I'll be changing from Aegis to BitWarden's stand-alone authenticator because Aegis is doing its job nicely.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • From a security perspective, it's not a great idea to put 2 factor tokens together with your passwords. You effectively eliminate the security benefit that 2 factor provides if you do because if people get into your password manager, they have everything they need to access your accounts. The only people it helps having it all in one app are people who don't understand the purpose of 2 factor and just see it as an inconvenience when services force it on them. I'm not sure that I'll be changing from Aegis to BitWarden's stand-alone authenticator, though, because Aegis is doing its job nicely.

  • The Onion takes the shot and hits hard.
  • It's pretty low brow humor when I've come to expect better from The Onion 🤷

  • The Onion takes the shot and hits hard.
  • I'm honestly a little torn on this because I generally love The Onion and hate Mitch McConnell, but poking fun at what very likely could be a medical issue seems kind of low.

  • The studios thought they could handle a strike. They might end up sparking a revolution
  • There's a pretty wide gap between A/B listers that are household names making a guaranteed 7+ figures per role and people that fight for every small role they can get, often going weeks between roles, and often only earning SAG minimums.

  • Dems’ mission to stop a third-party presidential bid hits the Hill
  • They could scarcely have worded that title in a way that sounded more sinister.

  • choose the wiser path
  • Reddit died for y'all's sins.

  • PIT.NINJA Testing pitninja

    Remote test

    Testing the thing

    Question: when is going to upgrading to v0.18.
  • Yeah and captcha got yanked out again. I understand they needed to get it out the door, I just don't see the argument for removing captcha when it appeared to be doing at least some good in preventing bots 🤷

  • Question: when is going to upgrading to v0.18.
  • v0.18 final was released pretty much as you were commenting in here.

  • LIVE: CBS confirms, debris from Titan submersible indicates rapid and catastrophic implosion. The people on board are believed to be dead.
  • The 19 year old is the one I kind of feel sorry for, but he still made the decision to go down there and it's a decision I really don't think I would've made myself. But who knows 🤷

  • LIVE: CBS confirms, debris from Titan submersible indicates rapid and catastrophic implosion. The people on board are believed to be dead.
  • And there's nobody to pierce the veil on and sue directly because the captain went down with the ship too.

  • Why do some posts and communities not show up on all instances?
  • It's pretty bad, if your instance is missing comments and posts from another instance, they're going to be missing the comments indefinitely unless back filling is ever added to the protocol or unless users do what you're doing to manually pull comments and posts in. I think we'll see some federation improvements on the next major version of Lemmy after v0.18, but it's probably going to be shitty and unreliable until then. My personal instance is basically unusable right now.

  • It is all coming together
  • I think it's a "no for now", but Ruben has reserved a community over here just in case.

  • Spread the word
  • Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!
  • I actually do know what political means. Care to explain why you think software licenses are political instead of laughing at what I consider to be a completely reasonable statement?

  • Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!
  • I didn't repeat myself on the second point. Either one's politics endorse intellectual property rights, which include the rights of an individual or organization to permit/limit any or all of those specific facets I mentioned previously according to their preference or one does not believe intellectual property rights exist. That's the only meaningful way I can conceive of software licenses being a political concept, but I'm welcome to hear your take.

  • Satanic Temple, Hindu leaders speak out after religious charter school vote


    Satanism Expert Reacts to Anti-LGBT “Satanic” Panic

    YouTuber Genetically Modified Skeptic talks with religious scholar Joseph Laycock


    Satanic Temple, Hindu leaders speak out after religious charter school vote

    0 Oklahoma school board approves what would be the 1st taxpayer-funded religious school in US

    An Oklahoma school board has voted to approve what would be the nation's first publicly funded religious school

    Oklahoma school board approves what would be the 1st taxpayer-funded religious school in US
    Metal pitninja

    WIND ROSE - Diggy Diggy Hole (Official Video) | Napalm Records

    Just saw these guys last night and holy shit, they are fun.
