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Just watched 'I Saw the TV Glow'
  • It was good. I don't know how similar these are but have you seen Portrait of a Lady on Fire or Girlhood?

  • Cans of forgotten dreams
  • The fourth can is the one where he packed Kinski's tongue after he died.

  • Stop use docker
  • It creates a set of symlinks so every program sees exactly the dependencies it needs.

    You can also create a container:

    Or you can create reproducible docker containers with nix:

    The secret sauce with nix is reproducibility. If it builds once, it will continue building exactly like that forever. Bit by bit.

  • Stop use docker
  • Nix can build you a bit-to-bit exact environment for your app. It is a superior environment, but is hard to use in the beginning and users can feel snobby sometimes. It is awesome, but YMMV.

  • Stop use docker
  • Nix user arrives to the room.

  • What is your favourite type of pizza? 🍕
  • Marinara Starita in a restaurant called Starita in the city of Naples. Sourdough crust and amazing tomato sauce. After that New York style pepperoni pizza and detroit style vodka sauce deep dish.

  • water...
  • Well... I'm still in the US, and on this trip I mostly just get a Budweiser or Modelo when I want a beer. I feel like I don't need to make a scene about the beer I drink, because a beer is a beer... I also enjoyed Coors Banquet a lot.

    Wines are a different matter. In the Oregon vineyards I've had some of the best pinots I've ever tasted, much better than the pinots I've had in France. One of the best things on this trip was our day of tastings in the different wineries.

  • water...
  • Augustiner :3

  • water...
  • It is very hard to brew a good lager, like the good Helles style famously brewed in Bavaria. I've been on a mission every time I come to the US to find good Helles, and I found two places that get very close:

    This place in Seattle:

    And this in Weaverville:

    But quite often even if they advertise the beer as German style Helles, it has some quality that makes it very different. Usually it's sweet or even hoppy. I think for an american a special beer should have a special taste, but a good Helles is just very fresh and crisp beer.

    Edit: and Becks is one of the worst beers in Germany in my opinion... At least nobody tries to sell overpriced Sternburg here.

  • water...
  • A classic Monty Python joke from Live at the Hollywood Bowl. Definitely some truth in this... I live in Germany with some of the best lagers in the world, and having a Miller Light for the first time was a really weird experience.

    Now when I've visited the US quite a few times, I can say I dislike the expensive craft beers way more compared to the classic american lagers... They are way too hoppy, but the worst thing is how much more expensive they are! Like a pale ale can be over ten dollars, but a pint of PBR is 3.50. Beer should be cheap, and I don't really like how this craft beer culture made the prices go so high.

  • All cheap smartphones have a fingerprint sensor but all laptops dont have one. Why?
  • It is actually quite nice. You sudo something in the terminal and can just swipe your finger to the reader without needing to type your password.

  • It's a good way to remember to listen to all these... We keep it as a bulletin board for new music, what might be interesting, so we then later pay attention and listen to all these. Almost every link posted here is "just interesting" stuff we find, not always something we like.

    mnmlssgs <3

  • Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD
  • It is such a beautiful system too. I would love to use it more, but nix and NixOS have kind of ruined every other operating system for me...

  • Music Players
  • Plex and plexamp are quite good. Jellyfin and finamp too.

  • How to pickup girls 101
  • I call it Wayland/Linux.

  • Edibles in Las Vegas
  • We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave... So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high water mark — that place where the wave finally broke, and rolled back.

  • Do you forget that you need to update your system?
  • It has the best integration with zfs, and has had that for a long time already.

  • Do you forget that you need to update your system?
  • Yeah, also a bit wary of btrfs. I sure hope some day bcachefs can be the true cow filesystem in Linux. There is hope, it is pretty good already.

    NixOS definitely solves the issue of rollbacks the best here. And FreeBSD.

  • Skelly Boi Wants You To Remember
  • Just a glass full of crushed ice and drink your water like a true American 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    But to be serious, I'd like to have a water filter in my fridge. The water here has a bit too much calc to my taste.

  • Dead?
  • That reminds me I should finally play Donkey Kong on game boy. It is supposedly the best game for the system...