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The German Green party is in a scandal after media released the “nuclear files”

showing that party top leaders altered expert judgments or kept them secret to make sure that the decision to close down all nuclear plants wouldn’t be reversed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

(1) Michael A. Arouet on X: "These missing 20% to 30% of German nuclear power are covered by coal power plants today. If someone really cared about environment, would one close nuclear or coal power plants first?" / X



An important detail in the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanovna

He supervised the construction of military hospitals in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk

And (what a coincidence!) there were problems with construction everywhere:

In Kursk, they started at the stage of excavation work. At the time, the regional construction minister stated: "The RF Ministry of Defense has chosen a land plot for the construction of a military hospital, which is not provided with water supply and sewage system. To solve the problem with engineering communications we have to put much more effort and time."

As a result, the hospital is still not ready.

In Belgorod, work was halted because of a mix-up in finances. Now they are checking where exactly the money was spent.

Bryansk hospital began construction in 2023. The result is the same. Construction began in January. In June, the building caught fire for the first time, and in July - the second. In August, Timur Ivanov said that everything was OK with the hospitals, the builders would finish the work in the fall. Autumn 2023 passed, spring 2024 came and still nothing.



About a month ago, I did an analysis and pointed out the importance of following the channel for BTC on the daily chart

of Today I want to share an update: Bitcoin continues to move within this channel without closing above or below its boundaries. This means that we are still in a state of consolidation.

However, the weekly chart is starting to show some interesting features. We may be witnessing the formation of a classic bearish divergence in the RSI indicator, as I described in

There are three (BUT) !!! First : The closing of the weekly candle has not happened yet. Second : In a bull market bearish divergences have a weak value. Third : The indicator repeated the price movement.

Translated with (free version) ! !


OSINT Бджоли встановили особу розробника російських систем РЕБ «Волнорез» та «Пятница» Станіслава Воронина.

Цей розробник ретельно приховує свої дані «з міркувань безпеки». Коментарі в ЗМІ він дає, називаючи тільки ім'я без прізвища, і навіть на сайті проєкту немає жодних даних, тільки форма зворотного зв'язку.

Цікаво, що батьки Станіслава входять до складу засновників його компанії, а дружина працює в патентному відділі інноваційного центру "Сколково". Тобто родина Ворониних організувала справжний сімейний бізнес на крові українців.

Читайте повну статтю про злочинців на нашому сайті: ___ Зв’язок: @osint_bees_bot Підтримати наш проект:


"Russia's Cyber Militia: Investigation and Legal Challenges"

(40) "Russia's Cyber Militia: Investigation and Legal Challenges" 4-4 minutes Cybercrime, Investigation, Stroganov Group, Flint, Legal Proceedings, Information Security, Organized Crime, Cybersecurity, Criminal Case, Prosecutor.


Tags: #OSINT #criminal_activity #cybercrime #investigation #legal_process #Russia #Flint #Stroganov_group #corruption #information_security

Content: The active investigative measures against the Russian cyber militia, known as the "Stroganov Group" or "Flint," were concluded in February 2021. However, it's only after another 3 years, in February 2024, that the 2nd Western Military District Court transferred this criminal case for the second time to the 235th Garrison Military Court. Preliminary hearings will commence on March 19, 2024. Remarkably, on this exact day, 4 years ago, all the accused were apprehended. For 4 years, solely due to the charge under Article 210 of the Russian Criminal Code, 26 individuals have remained under arrest, with 15 of them being held in various pre-trial detention centers in Moscow.

Since the first transfer of the "Flint" case to the 235th Garrison Military Court, it's been taken up by the 3rd judge of this court, yet not a single substantive hearing has been conducted, indicating the high "toxicity" of the criminal case that judges are reluctant to touch, finding formal reasons to abstain.

The "Flint" group was overseen by Igor Voroshilov, an FSB DVCR officer, who is also in custody. However, throughout the investigation, the Russian MIA's Investigative Department insisted they had no evidence of Voroshilov being an active FSB officer, thus, there were no grounds to transfer the case to the Main Military Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (GMID SKR). However, in the final version of the indictment, the Russian MIA's Investigative Department identified Igor Voroshilov... as an FSB officer. But with many caveats. Allegedly, Voroshilov committed the crime not in the line of duty and not while fulfilling his official duties.

Among the accused is a Lithuanian citizen, who during the investigation demanded a translator, which was not provided to him, and a copy of the indictment was handed to him only in Russian upon its completion.

As a result, the judge of the 235th court returned the case to the prosecutor, but the higher instance annulled this decision. In the accusatory conclusion, the MIA's Investigative Department depicted the "cyber militia" as a group that controlled a significant portion of the shadow market of payment instruments. Despite such a resonant statement, the indictment mentions only a turnover of bank cards worth $700. It's claimed that the group operated since 2014, but specific operations conducted by operatives are only mentioned for the end of 2019.

At one time, the Flint group performed the functions of Russia's cyber militia. The leader of the Stroganov group (Flint) was awarded a commendation from the director of the FSB of Russia for ensuring cyber security in Russia and gratitude from Vladimir Putin for ensuring cyber security during the FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018.

Познакомьтесь с хакером Flint24 Как друг борца с киберпреступностью — депутата Деньгина — оказался одним из крупнейших продавцов краденых банковских карт. Расследование «Медузы» — Meduza

#OSINT #criminal_activity #cybercrime #investigation #legal_process #Russia #Flint #Stroganov_group #corruption #information_security

**Title:** Interview with Pavel Durov: Insights on Telegram and Privacy
  • Анотація: Павло Дуров, засновник Telegram, сідає з Такером Карлсоном для свого першого інтерв'ю на камеру за майже десять років. Дискусія охоплює ранні роки Дурова, заснування "ВКонтакте", його від'їзд з Росії, створення і місію Telegram, атаки на Дурова, увагу ФБР, бізнес в ОАЕ, тиск з боку уряду і майбутнє приватності в цифрову епоху.

    Ключові слова: Павло Дуров, Telegram, приватність, соціальні мережі, ВКонтакте, цифрова безпека, ФБР, ОАЕ, цензура, онлайн-комунікація, технології

    Переписати: Павло Дуров висловився: Telegram, конфіденційність і цифрова безпека #PavelDurov #Telegram #Privacy #DigitalSecurity #SocialMedia #VKontakte #FBI #UAE #Censorship #Technology

    Коментар редакції: Це інтерв'ю пропонує цінну інформацію про виклики та принципи, якими керується Telegram та його засновник Павло Дуров. Воно підкреслює важливість конфіденційності та цифрової безпеки в сучасному взаємопов'язаному світі.

    Висновок: Інтерв'ю з Павлом Дуровим дає рідкісний шанс зазирнути у свідомість однієї з найвпливовіших фігур у технологічній індустрії. Його погляди на приватність і цифрову безпеку глибоко резонують в епоху посилення стеження і цензури.

    Ключові слова: інтерв'ю, Павло Дуров, Telegram, приватність, цифрова безпека, соціальні мережі, цензура, технології

  • Title: Interview with Pavel Durov: Insights on Telegram and Privacy

    Annotation: Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, sits down with Tucker Carlson for his first on-camera interview in nearly a decade. The discussion covers Durov's early years, the founding of VKontakte, his departure from Russia, the creation and mission of Telegram, attacks against Durov, attention from the FBI, business in the UAE, government pressure, and the future of privacy in the digital age.

    Keywords: Pavel Durov, Telegram, privacy, social media, VKontakte, digital security, FBI, UAE, censorship, online communication, technology

    Rewrite: Pavel Durov Speaks Out: Telegram, Privacy, and Digital Security #PavelDurov #Telegram #Privacy #DigitalSecurity #SocialMedia #VKontakte #FBI #UAE #Censorship #Technology

    Editorial comment: This interview offers valuable insights into the challenges and principles guiding Telegram and its founder, Pavel Durov. It underscores the importance of privacy and digital security in today's interconnected world.

    Conclusion: The interview with Pavel Durov provides a rare glimpse into the mind of one of the most influential figures in the tech industry. His perspectives on privacy and digital security resonate deeply in an era of increasing surveillance and censorship.

    Keywords: Interview, Pavel Durov, Telegram, privacy, digital security, social media, censorship, technology


    Please ensure to review for any errors, especially missing hashtags, as they are crucial for the task's completion.


    Video for subscribers or wait about an hour. No mail is required. You can watch and forget or follow me further. In any case, it will take some time for the video to be decoded and distributed on torrents.


    Title: Factors Affecting Combat Operations in Ukraine

    Annotation: This analytical report examines the factors that could significantly influence the ongoing combat operations in Ukraine, particularly focusing on the Ukrainian Defense Forces (UDF) and the Russian occupation forces (ROE). The report identifies key factors such as artillery parity and countering tactical aviation, discussing their potential impact on the situation in the combat zone. By analyzing these factors, the report aims to provide insights into the dynamics of the conflict and potential future developments.

    Factors that may affect the course of combat operations in Ukraine

    The current situation for the Ukrainian Defense Forces (UDF) in the combat zone is not the best. The partners that showed stable and comprehensive support during 2022 and 2023 (the US) have now gone into their internal anabiosis. In turn, Europe can support Ukraine at the level of defense actions, but for the level of counter-offensive and liberation of its territories, it is still out of the military-industrial complex with its capabilities.

    In the context of these events and the formation of a further strategy of action, questions repeatedly arise as to what can dramatically affect the situation in the combat zone in Ukraine so that the Russian occupation forces (ROE) lose not only the ability to initiate offensive actions, but also in principle - the retention of the captured territories.

    In general, there are at least four factors that can dramatically affect this, but mostly in an integrated way rather than individually.

    Factor one is artillery parity.

    Artillery continues to play an important role in both offensive and defensive operations on both sides. And, unfortunately, the Russian artillery component, despite the shortage of ammunition (in February-March 2022 it fired 70-80 thousand rounds per day, in March-April 2024 it fired 10 thousand rounds per day), has a superiority of 10 to 1/2 compared to Ukrainian firing capabilities.

    Yes, Russia's capabilities, even with support from North Korea and Iran have dropped by a factor of almost 8 in the third year, but the Ukrainian forces' capabilities have also dropped by the same amount. Only restoring parity in the number of shots fired can change this situation in Ukraine's favor and here is why.

    First, there are high hopes for the Czech initiative of 800 thousand shells of 155-mm and 122-mm caliber. What is 800 thousand shells? It is 5 thousand rounds for six months. But, it should be understood that in addition to 155-mm and 122-mm, 152-mm, 125-mm, 120-mm, 115-mm, 105-mm, etc. are used by the JMA. That is, we can talk about the prospect of approximate parity in quantity 1 to 2 or more.

    Second is quality. The quality, namely, accuracy and range, of 155-mm ammunition is much higher than the Soviet model of 152-mm ammunition. That is, where 10-15 152-mm projectiles are used to hit an object, 2-3 155-mm caliber ammunition is enough, and sometimes only one. It is for this reason that Azerbaijan, which used to rely on Soviet caliber barrel artillery, is switching to 155mm in cooperation with Turkish companies REPKON, MKE and ASFAT.

    Thus, bringing the proportion to a 1-to-2 and virtually 1-to-1 ratio will be an extremely sensitive factor for the ROE, significantly limiting their offensive actions through superior manpower and mechanized components.

    The second factor is countering tactical aviation and CABs.

    The tactical aviation of the ROE currently has total dominance in Ukrainian airspace, primarily through the unpunished use of aerial reconnaissance bombs (ARBs).

    This means of defeat has become a lifeline for the ROV in breaking through JIC defense lines and breaking into fortified areas. Overall, the loss of Avdeevka in 2024 was the result of both a shortage of BCs for artillery and the lack of an effective toolkit to counter CABs.

    A KAB is a free-fall corrected aerial bomb, which acquired its properties by installing universal planning and flight correction modules (UMPC) on it. These modules, in fact, do not really increase the accuracy of strikes through correction, but they allow planning at 50 and sometimes even 70 km. These modules are used on bombs such as OFAB-250/500/1500, ODAB-500/1500, RBK-500/1500, etc....

    Keywords: Ukraine, combat operations, Ukrainian Defense Forces, Russian occupation forces, artillery parity, tactical aviation, military strategy, conflict dynamics

    Rewrite: Exploring Key Factors Shaping Combat Operations in Ukraine #MilitaryAnalysis #UkraineConflict #DefenseStrategy

    Editorial comment: This report offers valuable insights into the evolving situation in Ukraine, shedding light on critical factors that could shape the outcome of combat operations. Readers are encouraged to consider the complexities of the conflict and the potential implications of the factors discussed.

    Conclusion: The report highlights the importance of factors such as artillery parity and countering tactical aviation in determining the course of combat operations in Ukraine. It underscores the need for strategic considerations and preparedness in addressing the challenges faced by the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Moving forward, continued analysis and adaptation will be essential in navigating the complexities of the conflict.

    Keywords: Military analysis, Ukraine conflict, defense strategy, combat operations, strategic considerations, conflict dynamics


    Please ensure to review for any errors, especially missing hashtags, as they are crucial for the task's completion.

    DOI :: 40 years ago, rocket explosions occurred in Severomorsk [EN] | (UPD)
  • 7 октября 2022 года Посмотреть оригинал Североморск 1984 елена васильева осинт "Когда сообщения о взрыве появились в норвежских СМИ, я подтвердил, что они знали об этом с самого начала", - сказал он.

    Политика: хранить молчание

    Сегодня Оддмунд Хаммерстад говорит, что это была широко распространенная политика не только в Норвегии, но и во всем альянсе НАТО: позволить советскому режиму самому сообщать о тех или иных событиях.

    "Я даже не помню, как именно мы узнали об этом. Скорее всего, во время еженедельного брифинга военного командования или разведки, - говорит Хаммерстад. "Кроме того, было решено, что торопиться с сообщением об этом не стоит".

    Ситуация тогда была очень напряженной, вспоминает бывший госсекретарь.

    "Информация с норвежских датчиков, будь то наземные радары или разведывательный корабль "Марьята", часто отправлялась напрямую в США, потому что сама Норвегия не имела достаточных возможностей или опыта для анализа этой информации".

    "Я заметил это во второй половине 90-х годов, когда комиссия Лунда расследовала работу спецслужб", - добавляет Хаммерстад.

    В идеальном обществе все хорошо

    В 1984 году норвежским послом в Москве был Дагфинн Стенсет. Ориентироваться в советской действительности было непросто, вспоминает он.

    "Дело в том, что официально в Советском Союзе не происходило никаких инцидентов. Это было "идеальное" общество, знаете ли. А если что-то и случалось, то об этом старались молчать, чтобы никто не узнал", - вспоминает он.

    Запрет на распространение информации сильно осложнял жизнь иностранных дипломатов в Москве.

    "Нам, дипломатам, приходилось даже составлять собственные телефонные справочники. О местных происшествиях мы часто узнавали от старых консьержек", - говорит Стенсет.

    Так было и в 1984 году. Пять лет спустя рухнула Берлинская стена, и советское общество открылось внешнему миру. Но надолго ли?

    Всего 30 лет назад Европа была разделена железным занавесом. Исчез ли он? Узнаем ли мы обо всех важных событиях?

    Неудачные испытания ракеты

    Ненокса, 8 августа 2019 года. Ракетный полигон в 90 километрах к западу от Архангельска. Во время испытания ракетного двигателя что-то пошло не так.

    Семь человек погибли. Пятеро - ученые из Росатома.

    Минобороны через некоторое время выпускает расплывчатое сообщение, что ситуация под контролем и всем пострадавшим оказана медицинская помощь.

    Ядерной угрозы якобы нет.

    Через несколько дней норвежские власти признают, что радиационный фон в результате взрыва не повысился.

    Но это еще не конец истории.

    Спустя три недели появляются доказательства того, что врачи, лечившие раненых, были предупреждены о радиационной опасности. Их даже отправили на обследование в Москву. Затем российское информационное агентство ТАСС сообщает, что от врачей потребовали подписать соглашение о неразглашении информации. *** Переведено с помощью (бесплатная версия) ***

  • Crocus City Hall was pledged by Gazprombank
  • (1) Русские за Украину / Russians for Ukraine on X: "Ёбнутая рашка: сотрудников гей-клубов и пацифистов-оппозиционеров вносят в перечень экстремистов и террористов! Исламистов-фундаменталистов нихя никуда не вносят, они спокойно въезжают на мусорную территорию (рф), их уже тысячи в рф. ===> ЖДИТЕ НОВЫХ ТЕРАКТОВ, ТУПОРЫЛЫЕ ЛАПТИ" / X

  • Revolutionizing Data Storage Synology's Impact and Future Trends

    Annotation: This analytical report delves into the revolutionary changes Synology Inc. has brought to data storage solutions, particularly through its DS918+ model. The report explores the robust security measures, high performance, and unparalleled communication capabilities offered by Synology's NAS systems.

    Analytical Report and Forecast: Synology Inc. has emerged as a frontrunner in the realm of data storage solutions, notably with its DS918+ model. The choice of this model is largely attributed to its advanced security features, such as Snapshot Replication technology and automatic file self-healing, facilitated by the Btrfs file system. These measures ensure data integrity and mitigate the risk of data loss, even in the event of hardware failures.

    Moreover, the DS918+ excels in performance, adeptly handling multiple tasks simultaneously without compromising stability. Its expandable memory and support for high-speed solid-state modules offer avenues for further performance optimization, promising enhanced efficiency in the future.

    One of the standout features of Synology's NAS systems is the DSM operating system, renowned for its seamless administration tools and intuitive file management capabilities. With Synology Drive, employees can access and manage files from anywhere in the world, fostering collaboration irrespective of geographical boundaries.

    Furthermore, the integration of services like Photo Station, Calendar, and Chat within DSM streamlines workflow processes, facilitating efficient communication and task management across remote teams. This versatility empowers organizations to adapt to dynamic work environments and maintain productivity regardless of location.

    Editorial Comment: Synology's relentless innovation in data storage solutions not only addresses present-day needs but also anticipates future trends. By prioritizing security, performance, and accessibility, Synology sets a benchmark for the industry, empowering businesses to harness the full potential of their data assets in an increasingly interconnected world.

    Disclaimer: It's important to exercise caution when interpreting the findings of this report, as time constraints may have impacted the depth of verification. Additionally, the presence of biased perspectives or misinformation, including potential manipulation by external entities, should be duly considered. Readers are encouraged to conduct further research and verification to substantiate the information presented herein.

    Conclusion: Synology's DS918+ model represents a paradigm shift in data storage solutions, offering unmatched security, performance, and communication capabilities. As organizations navigate evolving digital landscapes, Synology remains at the forefront, driving innovation and empowering businesses to thrive in an era defined by data.

    Keywords: #Synology #DS918+ #DataStorage #Security #Performance #Collaboration #Innovation #DSMOperatingSystem #RemoteWork #FutureTrends


    Revolutionizing Data Storage: Synology's Impact and Future Trends


    Title: PeerTubeCrew: Revolutionizing News Formats

    PeerTubeCrew is a collective of creators specializing in creating new news formats, including a series of popular programs such as NWL (News Life Week). Their mission is to provide viewers with aggregated and balanced information from global news and analytics platforms.

    In their work, PeerTubeCrew strives to provide viewers with clear, objective and informative information about key events and trends in the world. They use the latest technologies and creative approaches to create video content, which makes their news formats interesting and engaging for the audience.

    PeerTubeCrew focuses on providing viewers with a complete picture of events by looking at different perspectives and analyzing information from different sources. their work aims to raise viewers' awareness of world events and promote understanding of complex issues.

    Through its programs, such as NWL, PeerTubeCrew is becoming a valuable resource for those seeking in-depth insight and analysis of current events in the world.

    To summarize, PeerTubeCrew is a team of creators who specialize in creating new news formats such as NWL (News Life Week). Their goal is to provide viewers with objective and informative information about key events and trends in the world using an aggregator of global media platforms for news and analytics. Their work is aimed at raising awareness and promoting understanding of complex issues. PeerTubeCrew uses the latest technology and creative approaches to video content creation to make their news formats interesting and engaging for their audience.

    Title: PeerTubeCrew: Revolutionizing News Formats

    Annotation: PeerTubeCrew pioneers innovative news formats like NWL (News Life Week), offering viewers aggregated insights from global news and analytics platforms.

    Analytical Report and Forecast: PeerTubeCrew, a collective of creators, redefines news dissemination by amalgamating diverse perspectives on global events. Their mission transcends conventional reporting, aiming to foster nuanced understanding among viewers. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and creative storytelling, they engage audiences with informative content, navigating complex narratives with clarity. NWL exemplifies their commitment to delivering comprehensive news coverage, enriching the media landscape with dynamic analysis.

    Hashtags: #PeerTubeCrew #NWL #NewsLifeWeek #GlobalNews #Analytics #Innovation #MediaRevolution #InformationInsights #CreativeStorytelling #NuancedPerspectives #TechDrivenReporting #AudienceEngagement #ComplexNarratives #DynamicAnalysis

    Editorial Comment: PeerTubeCrew's dedication to reimagining news formats sets a benchmark for modern journalism. Through their inclusive approach and technological prowess, they empower audiences with informed perspectives, contributing to a more informed society.

    Disclaimer: This investigation, conducted urgently, warrants thorough verification. Sources may exhibit bias or manipulation, including potential interference from external entities. Viewer discretion is advised, and all information should be treated as speculative until verified independently.

    Conclusion: PeerTubeCrew's innovative approach to news production, exemplified by NWL, underscores their commitment to delivering insightful and engaging content. Explore their latest updates and analyses to stay informed in today's rapidly evolving world.

    Keywords: PeerTubeCrew, NWL, news formats, global insights, analytical reporting, media innovation, audience engagement.


    Відеоканали облікового запису - PeerTube (xy-space)


    In Russia, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the police. Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and the blanket was taken down.

    cross-posted from:

    > Original: > > ! > > Source: > > In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that "measures need to be taken". > > Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo. > > Russian paranoia is blooming. > >
