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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 185
Project 2025 aims to eliminate the US Forest Service (USFS) powers to prevent forest fires and to increase logging on Federal lands which makes sense because it's trees that are the problem
  • Trees can explode actually 😅 Eucalyptus and Aspen trees are know to explode during bush fires.

    They don't explode unbidden like you might assume given Trump's comment. He seems to do this a lot; he talks about something real, in a way that demonstrates he's garbage at communicating anything even remotely technical.

    The real solutions is of course tending our forests to ensure there's not enough combustible material to cause dangerous fires. More resources for the forest service is essential. It makes me wonder if these gaffs are far more effective at directing our attention away from the substance of the problem with Trump

  • Fighting fascism is a full-time rule
  • Lower Decks was my first star trek show. I've been enjoying The Next Generation so far. The first season was pretty bad. The second season was pretty good. The third season has been real good

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • The US has, through concerted effort by the right wing, forgotten why FDR came into power. He was the heir of an extremely rich family. He managed to convince enough of the other oligarchs to avert going the way of the USSR. The US had revolutionary potential or the powerful would not have let this happen.

    The policies that resulted from FDR's presidency had an enormous effect on the US's populace. It completely changed what the average American expected from their government. The politics of the Democrats, and even the Republican, president's that followed reflected the change that FDR's policies wrought.

    It took 40 years of concerted media, intellectual, and religious capture for the right to regain anything resembling the political ascendancy they saw before the 1930s.

  • Pros / cons of riding a bike?
  • The bone conducting ones make me nauseous so I got a pair of Bose open earbuds. They're not as good in loud environments but that's kinda the point. I ride and listen to music with them daily

  • The US healthcare system is broken...

    TLDR deregulating medicine has been a disaster. Monopolistic hospitals, ridiculous drug IP laws, and medical price middlemen with bad incentives make the US medical system the most expensive in the imperial core countries with the worst outcomes.

  • Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be?
  • I don't know what that has to do with anything. I'm a lefty, life has never mugged me. I'm a leftist because bad things happen to everyone and the solutions isn't to hurt people until they're better people. Giving people time and resources just makes people and society better.

  • Just a reminder
  • I'm going to vote for the democrat this November but I think most folks who talk about this issue are not disingenuous. Voting in the presidential election is a bare minimum, minimally effective political action. For me and most of the people I know it matters almost not at all because I don't live in a swing state. My local elections matter a hell of a lot more.

    There are limits to the effectiveness of electoralism that are worth understanding. I think a lot of folks who talk about the Democrat's failures are advocating for political action beyond voting. Direct action is a far more effective form of political action that people should be putting their energies into.

    Union organizing, renter's orgs, housing activism, talking to your neighbors, local politics, and lots more are much more effective ways to assert power in your life. Voting makes me feel helpless. We need to act as well. The primary thing preventing positive political change is the belief that we can't do anything to bring that change about.

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • I don't think it's the source. I think it's a tool of social control that enables the powerful to create a bare minimum willingness to be ruled. For a long time the doctrine of Christianity was the Divine Right of Kings. Now it's the Prosperity Gospel. The books did not change but the people with all the money and power ensured the church leaders who served their interest had most of the money and thus followers.

    If we didn't have religion, some other social construct would arise, and I'd argue, has arisen to fulfill it's role. Modern economic theory justifies the current power order in an unfalsifiable way that reminds me of religion.

    Religion could be a liberatory force in society. In fact it has been. The liberation theology movement in South America and numerous heretical movements in the late medieval period are both examples of progressive Christian social movements.

  • the debt
  • That sort of thing can happen in extreme situations. Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany are the most prominent examples. Both examples involved not having enough stuff. When there aren't enough necessary goods to buy and people have plenty of money you're going to get inflation. Using the right combo of subsidies, government run production, purchase quantity limits, reserves, vouchers, and price fixing you can ensure the supply is stable and eliminate inflation even if there's lots of money.

    That's true. That happens because people are stuck in the narrative of the government needing a balanced budget, just like a household. It also happens because the owners and the corpos use all their money and power to ensure workers pay taxes and thus decrease worker money and power.

    Yeah, if the population was educated on MMT the ability to bring corpos to heel would be significantly increased. People arguing for it are fundamentally arguing for a change in how we think about money.

  • Google avoids jury trial by sending $2.3 million check to US government
  • The nice thing about trials of corporations is discovery. We have evidence of Google intentionally making search worse, increasing the time spent looking for results, and this improving ad sales. All that came out in discovery.

  • "Don't worry, the Houthis are just trying to help!"
  • You might reread my last sentence, I didn't say anything about the EU.

    The amount of material the US supplies to both Israel and the Saudis amounts to complicity. The tendency for the US to covertly cause coups throughout the world goes beyond complicity. The resulting government are almost always authoritarian and always support US economic interest. If Israel and the Saudis weren't there to serve the US's interests they would install someone who would.

    I wish it was a simple issue of conservatism in the states causing this problem but is seems to be nonpartisan.

  • I'm almost finished reading Blackshirts and Reds. Do y'all have any recommendations of books or essays that respond?

    Basically what the title says. I tend to lean anarchist but I'm not opposed to reading some Soviet sympathetic literature since I like to expand my horizons.

    Edit: to be more specific. Parenti describes life in the Soviet Union as largely comfortable, perhaps too comfortable. People's needs are largely met. They have economic security. Most folks are quite skeptical of the news, "I know of all these disasters happening around the world but I don't know anything that's happening in my own country" and a general disbelief in the true news about the problems in capitalist countries. This results in a disatisfaction, particularly among the intelligencia and beauracracy, that results in the top down disollution of the USSR. From there he describes shock therapy and the deprevation that resulted.

    How good is his research? How good are his sources? I believe quite strongly that we live in the most sophisticated propoganda machine ever devised. That makes me skeptical of a lot of the common narratives about the USSR but more than just the US is capable of lying and I'm curious how willing Parenti is to believe in obvious falsehood.

    It should be noted he does criticize the USSR but at the end of the day believes in the project of state communism.
