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Comments 13 Gachagua tells MPs to bite the bullet and face the people

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has called on MPs to bite the bullet and come out and apologise to the people rather than engaging them in hide-and-seek games.

Gachagua tells MPs to bite the bullet and face the people
0 Gabon: post-coup dialogue has mapped out path to democracy – now military leaders must act

Gabon’s military ruler risks becoming the country’s third autocratic leader if he fails to generate economic growth and return the country to democratic paths.

Gabon: post-coup dialogue has mapped out path to democracy – now military leaders must act
0 Ordinary white South Africans and apartheid – bound to a racist system they helped prop up

Ordinary Whites in Apartheid South Africa is a new book that explores how apartheid monitored and shaped white life, and how all classes of white people were complicit.

Ordinary white South Africans and apartheid – bound to a racist system they helped prop up
0 NTV Kenya: Inside the wave of abductions linked to anti-tax protests

The current wave of abductions and disappearance of individuals linked to the ongoing countrywide

NTV Kenya: Inside the wave of abductions linked to anti-tax protests
0 NTV Kenya: Inside the wave of abductions linked to anti-tax protests

The current wave of abductions and disappearance of individuals linked to the ongoing countrywide

NTV Kenya: Inside the wave of abductions linked to anti-tax protests
0 Hacker Accesses Internal ‘Tile’ Tool That Provides Location Data to Cops

A hacker broke into systems used by Tile, the tracking company, then stole a wealth of customer data and had access to internal company tools.

Hacker Accesses Internal ‘Tile’ Tool That Provides Location Data to Cops
58 Live Blog: Kenyans hold protests over Finance Bill

We'll be documenting the events of Tuesday June 18, which will be the #OccupyParliament protest and the tabling of Finance Bill, 2024.

Live Blog: Kenyans hold protests over Finance Bill
0 Senegal has a rich history of traditional music – how it lives on in modern music

Combining elements of traditional and modern music has created rhythms that are unique to Senegalese music.

Senegal has a rich history of traditional music – how it lives on in modern music
0 Indian election was awash in deepfakes – but AI was a net positive for democracy

Campaigns used deepfakes to connect with voters rather than deception, and AI also helped them break through language barriers.

Indian election was awash in deepfakes – but AI was a net positive for democracy
0 Baobab trees all come from Madagascar – new study reveals that their seeds and seedlings floated to mainland Africa and all the way to Australia

New research has found that the world’s baobab trees all evolved on Madagascar 21 million years ago. Sometime in the last 12 million years, they floated on piles of debris to Australia and Africa.

Baobab trees all come from Madagascar – new study reveals that their seeds and seedlings floated to mainland Africa and all the way to Australia
0 Ramaphosa kicks can down the road with ‘government of national unity’ play

President Cyril Ramaphosa has for the moment dodged choosing a coalition partner by proposing a ‘government of national unity’ which conceivably could include parties that have diametrically opposed views on all major policy issues.

Ramaphosa kicks can down the road with ‘government of national unity’ play
0 Goldfish Memories - China Media Project

In a post to China’s popular WeChat platform last week, one writer bemoaned the shocking loss of nearly a full decade of information from the early days of the country’s domestic internet. Within hours the writer's reflections had vanished too.

Goldfish Memories - China Media Project
0 Bitcoin Layer 2 Ark Protocol's Team Forms New Firm as Lightning Network Competitor

Layer-2 protocol Ark is built to allow off-chain payments in a way that avoids what creator Burak Kecli referred to as "inbound liquidity" problem of Lightning.

Bitcoin Layer 2 Ark Protocol's Team Forms New Firm as Lightning Network Competitor
0 Bitcoin Layers With @januszg_ - YouTube Music

Fresh off a funding round from UTXO Management, Janus joins The Gwart Show. Welcome back to the Gwart Show! This week, Gwart sits down with Janus of the Bit...

Bitcoin Layers With @januszg_ - YouTube Music
0 Gifted toddler from Ghana gains global recognition as world's youngest artist

At the age of 1 year 152 days, little Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah from Ghana is the world’s youngest male artist.

Gifted toddler from Ghana gains global recognition as world's youngest artist
At some point in the future there will be a movement to completely drop all computer technology for privacy reasons
  • That more than likely exists although albeit it's dropped for other things as well

  • What's the best strategy for changing to GrapheneOS?
  • You could buy a pixel 3 or even lower with the lowest storage possible to run lineageos to test if it suits your needs

  • You can FINALLY emulate an iPod Touch on your PC!
    • You want to experience a piece of technology you couldn't afford/were too young for
    • You have backups of delisted apps that you want to use
    • You want to create homebrew
  • What are you reading/listening to this week? (September 13th, 2023)
  • Invisible planets by Ken Liu Song Dynasty Figures of Longing and Desire by Lara C.W. Blanchard

  • Good video game based manga?
  • The twilight princess one is pretty good too

  • Favorite coin
  • Monero, nym, namada, oxen, ergo, and ergo

  • Privacy startup Nym brings in outside backers for $300 million developer fund
  • I get that and I'm saying it's available to use rn for you to dissect and I feel like if you have such strong opinions about it the very least you could do is put your money where you mouth is and test out the network and outline all it's flaws so the community can reason about it instead of going hurr durr it's bad I hate it

  • Privacy startup Nym brings in outside backers for $300 million developer fund
  • They make extremely strong claims, and strong claims require strong proof. I do not see such proof anywhere. What I see is that they play fast and loose with website visitor privacy and seem to focus mainly on token hyping.

    All the claims against tor and i2p are discussed in numerous academic papers and are acknowledged by the developers themselves not sure about the other projects putting that aside the network is in production rn so you could always test it and do a full writeup on all the flaws for everyone to see and discuss.Telling persons why they've decided to use tokens and not rely on pure altruism is not token hyping.

  • Privacy startup Nym brings in outside backers for $300 million developer fund
  • so you gonna comment on their comparison or nah?

  • Privacy startup Nym brings in outside backers for $300 million developer fund
  • This is “privacy for the rich” model. Unsurprisingly: poor people can’t push the token to the moon! And looking at their website it is clear they focus more on hyping the token than on actual privacy.

    "Tokens will be used to reward those who put stake into the Nym ecosystem by providing services, such as operating a mixnode or validators for the Nym blockchain. Users discover service providers and attributes a service provider needs. Users may pay service providers outside of Nym directly. Alternatively, users may pay the mixnet fees directly or services may pay for or stake NYM tokens on behalf of a pool of users in order to provide services without cost to users."

    It’s fascinating how they talk down Tor (“because Tor does not add timing obfuscation or cover traffic to obscure the traffic patterns in circuits”), but fail to mention i2p which solves these issues without the need for bollockschain tokens. Makes sense — Nym seems to basically be i2p with a blockchain token bolted onto it so that it can become an investment vehicle.So either they did not know about i2p, an important and reasonably well known project which has been around for almost 20 years and is very clearly in the same problem space, or they intentionally decided not to mention it because it would make them look bad. Take your pick: are they ignorant, or disingenuous? Either is a great trait for a project that aims at protecting privacy from the NSA, no less.

    " I2P (‘Invisible Internet Project’) replaces Tor’s directory authority with a distributed hash table for routing. How to design a secure and private distributed hash table is still an open research question, and I2P is open to a number of attacks that isolate, misdirect, or deanonymize users. Like Tor, I2P is based on ‘security by obscurity’, where it is assumed that no adversary can watch the entire network. While security by obscurity may have been cutting-edge at the turn of the millennium, such an approach is rapidly showing its age.Nym’s cutting-edge mixnet design guarantees network anonymity and resistance to surveillance even in the face of powerful deanonymizing attacks. Unlike I2P, Nym adds decoy traffic and timing obfuscation. Rather than a centralized directory authority or distributed hash table, Nym uses blockchain technology and economic incentives to decentralize its network.The Nym mixnet can anonymize metadata even against government agencies or private companies who can monitor network links and observe the incoming and outgoing traffic of all clients and servers." Source: Full in depth blog post comparing it against tor, vpns , i2p and other solutions in the space

  • Privacy startup Nym brings in outside backers for $300 million developer fund
  • Can you at least read their whitepaper and make a fully informed decision instead of hoping for their downfall

  • 671 stray dogs and cats adopted last year | Macao News
  • It’s news about a place in the world