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olireiv O!i :neurodiversity:


I define myself by my interests and my ability to interact with, mainly in an unlimited and borderless way, since I'm #ActuallyAutistic. I'm a biologist/ecologist hybrid and a #OneHealth advocate.

Profile [a carpincho picture with a pirate flag], header [snow-covered evening valley with the town of Caviahue and its lake in the background]

I live on the invisible side of the earth, 🌑

Abya Yala, Argentina

Header and avatar: carpincho with a pirate flag in the backgroung.

Posts 0
Comments 1
Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @ajsadauskas @technology The same with #AI and #Fusion reactors, everybody know they are lying but banksters like them. They are all men fraudsters.