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oh2cil Markus OH2CIL

City-bound ham radio guy, IT geek with ideas about off-grid communications and distributed services. Fan of science & post apocalyptic fiction. Sysadmin, BBS SysOp, network admin, pentester. Am here for ham radio, retrocomputing, BBS's, general geekery and everything related. I remember when Commodore 64 was new and exciting, used the Internet before there was "the web", built a search engine before Google was a thing and was involved with a multinational social media site before Facebook.

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Comments 2
Create a Receive-Only APRS iGate on a Raspberry Pi
  • @ham_bitious €349 sure is a whole lotta money for what that thing does, you could get a handheld dualband with APRS for less.

  • Create a Receive-Only APRS iGate on a Raspberry Pi
  • @ham_bitious @w0odl It sure isn't hard. If you have a radio that can hear the signal, a soundcard input on your computer and net access, you can do rx igate.