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occultist8128 occultist8128
Posts 3
Comments 41
Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?
  • as I read top comment of a dumbass calling people who denounce Harris as confirmed Trump supporters....

    i really hate this, same thing also happened to me in my country. i'm hating on the "B" candidate and people would assume i'm "A" supporter. i don't believe any politician at all.

  • [Question] What LSP Are You Using?
  • now i'm confused about why solargraph, which is said to be mature, can't do that. and also i just realized it when i used map instead of select; the methods appeared.

    wanna try RubyMine but i already comfortable in neovim. since RubyMine is an IDE i think my machine can't handle that lol.

  • [Question] What LSP Are You Using?
  • ahh thanks. might as well post this on reddit tho. ur reply made me really love ruby community here and reddit cuz u guys are helping and supportive <3

  • [Question] What LSP Are You Using?
  • can RubyMine completion shows the method for word variable here?

    # frozen_string_literal: true
    array_of_strings = %w[foo fooo bar fioo]
    oo = { |word| word.end_with?('oo') }
    puts oo

    for example the end_with? method cuz with both solargraph and ruby-lsp they don't show any suggestions for the word variable at all.

  • [Question] What LSP Are You Using?
  • i also use solargraph and ruby-lsp but i'm facing an issue with this code i wrote:

    # frozen_string_literal: true
    array_of_strings = %w[foo fooo bar fioo]
    oo = { |word| word.end_with?('oo') }
    puts oo

    when i want to use end_with? method, both LSP don't show any method for the word variable. do you know why is this happen? i also use neovim with coc.nvim for the LSP plugin. thanks for the reply btw :)

  • Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?

    as a person that came from the 3rd world country and new in fediverse environment, i genuinely would like to know about this.

    edit: thanks for the replies! sorry, i literally don't know the reason since i'm not a western lol. twitter/x is too biased especially when musk openly supports trump so i came here and seeing fediverse is mostly are harris or biden (when he's still up for the candidate) supporters. don't know about reddit tho, i only use reddit as a forum for linux and programming stuff.

    literally nobody:
  • c/dankmemes

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • 2nd indonesia president, soeharto.

  • Men of Lemmy, why are you angry?
  • ppl just don't get it ig lol

  • What LSP Are You Using?

    Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • yes, whatever lol i'm not a cop/fed/cia or some shit like that. why would a cop/fed comments here tho?

  • Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • chill that's fine, i just don't get it why sometimes people call other people fed. at least show an argument why my comment is stupid lol

  • Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • yes but i'm not a fan of him personally... if someone likes justin bieber songs doesn't mean that the person also likes justin bieber. that manifesto is kinda interesting for me to get more into anarchism since the points there are similar to anarchist principal imo. thanks for the reference tho :]

  • Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • i'm not a fan of him personally, i just like his text. the question is all fav text/blog/writings, not fav person. i know the Unabomber manifesto doesn't represent anarchism totally but the points inside similar to anarchist principal imo.

  • Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • wtf do u mean 😭 as an asian i don't get it when people on the internet saying "fed" things. OP asked so i tell mine, i found anarchism like 2 years ago cuz i was interested learning philosophy from my lectures.

  • Favorite Anarchists Texts?
  • i was thinking the same way as the Unabomber manifesto even before i read it, and then i became more interested in anarchism and found that manifesto. technology can be bad if it is monopolized by big tech companies, and its uncontrolled use is bad for the environment.

  • It's ok to gave up fast on hobbies or stuff you tried to learn?
  • that's okay, try to find a new one, make urself useful for something/someone. just don't give up on life imho.

  • Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans?
  • i'd like to know the name of this syndrome

  • What's Open Source Alternative For Now?

    all i can find is the self-host ones, what i'm looking for is the centralized like but open source. thanks in advance.
