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o_d o_d [he/him]
Posts 6
Comments 141
Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive
  • That's what op was advocating for. Or did you forget that Israel is an apartheid state?

  • the empty logic of the Republicans
  • What would you call banning pro Russian political parties from running in elections, banning the use of the Russian language in schools and state affairs? What would you call it when a paramilitary of neonazis shells the villages, towns, and cities of a specific ethnic group who declared independence because they saw their rights being stripped away? If you believe any of this to be okay, then you might be, no, you are a fascist.

  • the empty logic of the Republicans
  • You haven't answered any of my questions. I wonder why that is 🤔

  • the empty logic of the Republicans
  • Why should Russia settle for anything less than an end to the cleansing of ethnic Russians in Ukraine? They tried to negotiate an end to this, but the US admitted that the agreement was just to buy time in order to arm Ukraine.

    Ukraine can ask for a quadrillion dollars in compensation, but it doesn't mean that it's going to happen. Russia is completely in control of this conflict and if the bloodshed is going to end, the Ukrainian state needs a fucking reality check in order to come to terms with the fact they they're going to need to make some concessions.

  • the empty logic of the Republicans
  • This meme is such a dumbass lib take. A broken clock... Just because Republicans came to the conclusion that the war should end for the wrong reasons doesn't mean that the conclusion is wrong. We should all be pushing for negotiations and an end to the bloodshed. You dronies have become absolutely insufferable. If you're so pro-war, then why don't you volunteer and head to the frontline? Slava my anus!

  • I heard it's starting to get better
  • I've been working on a NixOS setup over the past few days and I just got BG3 to run a couple of hours ago. I had to switch from the Mesa driver to the AMD one, I can't login to the launcher (CORS issue lmao), and it sometimes doesn't launch at all. It's still a bit of a WIP, but it did seem to run at least as well as it did on Windows when it worked. I'm hoping that having an ephemeral, config-based setup will save me a lot of this trouble in the future.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Death to the Canadian settler colonial state!

  • one hundred quadrillion!
  • Are you saying that the numbers stated here or that the description of the picture are accurate? If so, I'd love to see some reliable sources.

  • Ford CEO denounces living wage increase on CNBC
  • The contradictions within the capitalist system are furthering global crisis. We have a choice between socialism or barbarism. I favour the former.

  • Listen here, kulak...
  • Stalin did none of that. Perhaps try reading a fucking book. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler, just like all the countries in Western Europe. The difference is that Stalin first tried to get the Western European countries to ally against Hitler. They refused of course, because they love their fascism. Equating Stalin to Hitler is very fascist behavior.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Equating pedophilia with the sensibilities of a few reactionary women being harmed from simply seeing genetalia, when they can simply look the other way, is not the own you think it is.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Participate in what? Society? So you just don't want trans people to exist in it? You realize that makes you transphobic, right? The fact that you even posted here indicates that you're not being honest.

  • Listen here, kulak...
  • What scarcity? Capitalism is ripe with overproduction. It's why the boom and bust cycle exists. Capitalism overproduces, demand goes down, production slows, and people become unemployed. This scarcity is man-made. We produce an abundance of food, but an abundance of food waste at the same time. Instead of sending this overproduction where it's needed, Canadian farmers dump milk down the drain to keep prices artificially high and because feeding those in need isn't profitable.

  • Listen here, kulak...
  • I'm just going to leave this here for anyone interested: who runs the CPC?

  • Every third post on Lemmy
  • It doesn't matter what direction you're punching here. You're being called out because your analysis is wrong. Yes, politics in the west is certainly dominated by straight white males, but the important common trait that these people have is their class. Politics in most of the world is dominated by capital owners. Straight white males are afforded some concessions because it creates a divide among the working class. This does not mean that they are not oppressed due to their class character. Working class straight white males can and do suffer from some of the same oppression however, at a lower rate. This oppression is still unjustifiable.

  • Which conditions would make reject or quit your job?
  • Every engineering job I've left has been because of bad leadership.

    The first, they hired a lead with no business being a lead. Not only was I much stronger from a technical perspective even though I had only been doing it professionally for about 3 years, but I was a better leader to the rest of the team as well. I had been sort of filling in in the interim before they were hired. They were let go not too long after I left.

    The second, they hired an EM. I had been asked to work on setting up the code base for replatforming our web app and begin migrating pieces of it over. I was basically doing this on my own and working with timelines that I had given to leadership and providing weekly updates. This EM started micro-managing everything. This not only slowed my progress to a crawl, it was demotivating and stressful. They were let go not too long after I left.

    My current position, I was moved to a new team during a company reorganization. The EM on this team is completely psychotic. Micro-managing to a degree that I've never seen before. They're convinced that what we do Agile SCRUM, but we take in large projects each quarter, plan and scope them at the beginning, and then spend the rest of the quarter executing on them. When I or the team make suggestions that align better with agile, we're gaslit and told our ideas "are waterfall not agile".

    We usually don't take on projects that go longer than a quarter. The project that I'm on currently is bleeding into Q4. I warned about this from the very beginning, but the result was just more gaslighting, that I took too long on planning. I would have left, but the job market isn't as friendly to hopping around as it was previously. Thankfully, I'll be switching teams once this project is over.

    Overall, all of these places had their problems beyond leadership. These are things that I can tolerate however, and with good leadership, can work towards improving. Once leadership turns to shit, it's time to gtfo.

  • The proletarianization of tech workers
  • You're being told by basically everyone in this thread that your ideas are incorrect. Either take this as an opportunity to reflect on this and perhaps come to a different conclusion or take the L and move on. Go touch some grass.

  • The proletarianization of tech workers
  • If you insist on using Marxist terminology, it would greatly benefit you to read some actual Marxist theory. I'm not saying that Gramsci wasn't a Marxist either. He was. You clearly don't understand these terms, however.