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notenbrood notenbrood
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  • Also has a dmg buff against characters under 12

  • Beware
  • It can also run wicked fast for one turn but needs to rest the next two turns.

  • taco cat meme
  • Burrito cat backwards is tac otirruB

  • When Swedes see it's forecast to actually be warm and sunny on Midsommarafton
  • That’s crazy. Is it because of the drugs they gave you though?

  • WTF is Happening? An Overview – Watching the World Go Bye
  • Hey, still, despite everything, I hope you find some joy in the time you (we) have left. Take a breather and seek comfort in the smaller, closer, less abstract things. Love will only burn with the last human, and until then I try to give as much of it as I can. We’re all just lost confused children, yelling out into the void.

  • WTF is Happening? An Overview – Watching the World Go Bye
  • Yeah, people are too caught up in their political and ideological struggles. There’s not even thinking about tomorrow, let alone next year. Out short sightedness is only being perpetuated by the capitalistic bullshit we’re already drowning in. We’re well and truly fucked.

  • There is an 'immortal jellyfish' called Turritopsis dohrnii. Instead of dying it shrinks, absorbs its tentacles, settles on the seafloor as a blob-like cyst, becomes a polyp (the jellyfish's previous
  • Would be rad if we had little animals transforming into blobs and polyps, and back again on land. Oh, your little pet blob died? No worries it’s just reforming and will be back in a day or so.