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nijntjefan nijntjefan
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Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • yeah right but you need to buy those cylinders of CO2 no?

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I don't know much about it but isn't carbonation machine kind of unsustainable with all those carbon bottles?

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I know tinned tuna is supposed to be good in macros, but I don't know if they're that delicious. Always tastes a bit too fishy for me. But there are like canned tuna in tomato sauce and those are quite good - tho i suppose it's less healthy because of the sauce

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • You know, there are a lot of answers around different varieties of beans. Beans are ok but I don't really really have a craving for them. The olive oil spaghetti tho...

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I'm getting hungry just reading the recipe!

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • Thanks for the long write-up. Not sure entirely if it is on the topic, but I guess someone might find your tips on keto useful

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • Thanks but I'll pass on food advice from the UK /s

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • Well anyone can be a fan of nijntje without being in the Netherlands!

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • on a perhaps relevant note air-fried stuff may also fit the category. like air fried sweet potato chips, delicious even without seasonings!

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • hmmm curry is delicious but i've never made it myself. It sounds like a lot of work to get the various spices.

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I just checked and sadly the shipping is super expensive for where I live :( still looks cool tho

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I didn't even know that you can add soy sauce to sweet potatoes!

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • That's a good point. I guess I was thinking more along the line of dishes. But then there is still some food which is delicious without seasoning - like (good) sashimi, or fruits as others suggested.

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • Moderation is key indeed. Maybe that's a hint I should finish the ice cream deep in my freezer, hmmmm

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • That does sound delicious. Are you by any chance Dutch?

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • That's also where i was coming from.

    But then as people suggested, delicious is kind of subjective. Who is to say that a Michelin 3-star cloud dessert is more delicious than a piece of cold watermelon in summer?

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?

    I have a theory that there is a impossible trinity (like in economics), where a food cannot be delicious, cheap and healthy at the same time. At maximum 2 of the 3 can be achieved.

    Is there any food that breaks this theory?

    Edit: I was thinking more about dishes (or something you put in your mouth) than the raw substances

    Some popular suggestions include

    • fruits (in season) and vegetables
    • lentils, beans, rice
    • mushrooms
    • chicken
    • just eat in moderation

    Edit 2: Thanks for the various answers. Now there are a lot of (mostly bean-based) recipes for everyone to try out!

    Also someone made a community for cheap healthy food after seeing this topic!


    A community for Problem Gambling Problem Gambling -

    A community for people who suffer(ed) from problem gambling of themselves or others and for those would like to learn or share relevant information. Link [] to the Reddit r/problemgambling wiki page (not affiliated) # Rules 1. Solicitation or promo...

    Hi. I created a community for problem gambling so people can share and discuss about the issues in a safe space and support each other. Thank you.


    link text

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    Problem Gambling nijntjefan

    Creation of the Problem Gambling community

    I set up this community as a problem gambler. I am not affiliated with the subreddit of the same name or other support community.

    I expect that more users may join this platform due to the API issues like myself. I expect also that there would be gambling bots or contents which may create triggers. I hope to create a safe space where we can support each other.

    I will try to discuss with the subreddit and other communities to see if we can share the resources. If you're a moderator of these communities and would like to mod this community as well, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

    One day at a time.


    From a basic redditor

    Long time Reddit lurker, first time poster.

    I am a pretty basic redditor. never even heard of the 3rd party apps until the whole API thing happened. but i followed the news and was seriously triggered by how the admins acted towards the users and the mods who worked voluntarily for reddit. i feel like i cannot in good faith stay with such a corporation, and i wholeheartedly support the communities migrating here.

    where i'm from there was also a similar incidence, where one of the largest forum experienced a massive exodus because of 3rd party app issues. it turned out to be a huge success for the new forum. so it can be done - but it does require solidarity and perhaps more importantly functionality.

    so, hang in there ;)

    edit: i meant basic not based LOL. sorry :(


    Glory to Hong Kong on YouTube again - Backup here?

    I'm not very tech savy. Is there a way to upload these videos somewhere here on the server so they would not be removed again?
