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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 25
What game do you find so addicting that you can't even have it installed without neglecting life's responsibilities?
  • You know the sequel is in Early Access right? That's what killed me last weekend...

    The first release was so half-baked that I didn't get into it, but they've released updates now that we're enough for me to lose a weekend playing it. I still think the description "early release" is accurate, but it's going to be a phenomenal sequel when they get the features and bugs worked out.

  • What game do you find so addicting that you can't even have it installed without neglecting life's responsibilities?
  • I bought this game like a year ago and have been afraid to install it for that very reason. Just haven't had a week in my life that I can completely clear my schedule. I feel like based on what I've heard about it, it's likely to scratch that same sort of itch that Kerbal Space Program does for me...

  • What game do you find so addicting that you can't even have it installed without neglecting life's responsibilities?

    For me, it's Kerbal Space Program.


    Am I crazy, or is powering an Arduino with a 9v battery viable in 2023?

    I'm working on an Arduino project that will likely rely on a 9v for its power. If I can get at least 40 hours of power, I'd be happy with that. Here's why I think it's doable:

    First, rechargeable 9v lion batteries nowadays have substantially higher capacities than even a few years ago. I see one on Amazon rated for 5400mWh!

    Of course, I'll want to reduce power consumption as much as possible, so I'm thinking an Arduino micro would be the best choice (though I will be attaching a shield to it, which will add to the current draw.

    My understanding is that the linear regulator on the Arduino is capable of reducing the 9v down to 5v, but at great expense to efficiency through heat loss. My thinking was to bypass the linear regulator entirely, and rely on a much more efficient buck converter to adjust the voltage down to 5v.

    Thinking it might be possible to reduce the core clock as well, and run the Arduino at 3.3v instead of 5.

    Anything I should consider that I might have missed? I'm excited for the project, but definitely need to get the power consumption as low as possible so I can run it off a 9v and not be constantly swapping/charging.

    An Excruciatingly Detailed Guide To SSH
  • I can understand why so many programmers suffer from imposter syndrome.

    I know more about SSH than anyone I know, but I still read articles like this and think, "SOCKS proxy. Huh. I don't actually know what either of those words mean."

    Before anyone jumps in to educate me on what SOCKS is (please do though!), my point is that through my entire career in tech, I've always read articles and had to skim over terms and acronyms that I didn't know, unless I wanted to fall into a ten-hour rabbit hole of learning, where I ultimately feel totally overwhelmed and not sure I'm actually smarter than when I woke up this morning.

    Seems like an interesting article, but for me to fully grasp it, I'd need to read like six other articles, which I can't do during my morning coffee/mindless scroll time.

    I've taken the approach of learning through osmosis. I'll regularly read articles that I don't fully understand, assuming that I'll eventually gain a better understanding of whatever topic I'm reading about over time.

  • I don't need it... 👀
  • What I'm still struggling with is if it's still ok with my mortal compass to use Reddit to find information I know will be there. Specifically, product reviews.

    I'm no longer contributing content on Reddit, and I'm not passively browsing either, but how do y'all feel about tapping reddit's wealth of information?

  • What happens to the posts and comments made in an instance if that instance shuts down?

    FOUR whole parking spots
  • My move lately has been to stand their windshield wipers up. You're not doing anything criminally damaging to their vehicle, but in my experience, anyone this self-important will be really bothered by the thought of some random person putting their dirty hands on their precious baby.

  • Join us for 50/90!
  • I did FAWM a few years back, and while it basically consumed my entire life that month, I got an album's worth of new music out if it! Putting myself under a deadline really helps me stop procrastinating and actually create new music.

    The last few years though I've been unable to do it. February is the busiest time of year for me gig-wise, and I can't see myself playing a 6-hour show, then coming home and spending four more hours writing.

  • Wife's boss is on a power trip. Is this legal?

    My wife works in a restaurant, and the power-tripping manager has instituted a new policy where all shift changes must be approved by management. I think that is reasonable enough, but they're also asking the originally-scheduled employee why they are switching shifts, then approving or denying based on the answer.

    For example, her coworker (Tom) wanted Monday afternoon off, and Harry agreed to cover the shift. The manager asked Tom why he wanted Harry to work for him, and Tom said, "I have a softball game." Manager denied the shift change because it was "unnecessary".

    Is this legal? I feel like if you're able to find someone to cover your shift, you don't owe management any explanation why you need the time off. How should my wife approach this situation? Colorado, USA BTW.
