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nanoobot nanoobot
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Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • I completely agree on lost world. If you see it as a love letter to the original then I think it works a lot better. Like so many of the iconic scenes in the first are repeated with a different spin in lost world. It does take itself less seriously, but it has a lot of heart and a good attention to detail. I think the two pair together perfectly, like alien and aliens.

  • [The Conversation] - Can you trust AI? Here’s why you shouldn’t
  • That's ridiculous, of course it counts as AI. It's not conscious, and it's not very intelligent, but it has some intelligence by any reasonable definition.

  • Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Leading Academics Propose International Institutions for Global AI Governance (article from 12.07.2023)
  • You seem extremely confident about something I don't think anyone has any justification of feeling confident about. I don't think anything is as simple as you present it, and I can see countless arguments against what you propose as the obvious solution.

  • Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
  • I think that might be a chatgpt specific thing, I tried with bing in precise mode and it responded with this:

    "A sow is an adult female pig and piglets are baby pigs. Pigs have four feet, so a sow with six piglets would have a total of 28 feet (4 feet for the sow + 6 piglets * 4 feet each). Is that what you were asking?"

  • Five ways AI might destroy the world: ‘Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second’
  • What ability do you think that they are currently missing that makes them 'regurgitation machines' rather than just limited and dumb but genuine early AI?

  • What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine?
  • Extending the ending of the war by a year would be far worse.

  • What are cluster bombs and why is US sending them to Ukraine?
  • I don't think that follows at all actually. Every weapon has a balance of harm against benefit, if you outlaw cluster bombs why not mines? Why not grenades, or regular artillery? The reason is because the defensive value outweighs the potential harm. I think it's fairly clear that this is the case for cluster bombs too, while it is not for mustard gas.

    The US keeps them because the alternative would cost significant capability. That would need to be made up for with other weapons. Politics and appearance costs impact things too, and for nations that could never stand a chance against russia/China without US help there is a much stronger argument for earning points by outlawing them.

    The greatest risk to Ukrainian children is the Russian invasion, and the odds of Ukraine protecting them from that are far greater given these new munitions.

  • News: OpenAI Introduces Superalignment
  • The change in the conversation about the importance of alignment this year has been remarkable. Last year had me feeling pretty cynical, but I am starting to feel legitimate hope again.

  • Authors sue OpenAI for scraping and summarizing their books
  • Sure, but should legality be based on artistic effort? (Not asking you directly, just open to anyone who thinks what SD, etc. do should be illegal.)

  • [Poll] All useful file-sharing and media organizing software.
  • digikam for image and video collection management and viewing (also does duplicate detection)

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • I agree with you, but this is a really bad counterargument to what they said. Even widely agreed politeness conventions to a degree 'compel' speech, so the debate is really around what speech is acceptable for society to encourage/suppress, rather than whether cultural changes are changing what people are compelled to say. Also, I don't think they said anything that suggested they are more concerned by that than hateful violence?

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • The defence against people pretending to be moderate is not to hit everyone who introduces themselves as a moderate in the face with a hammer.

  • Largest map of the universe I could find
  • Major plot mistake imho that we are being pulled in towards the great attractor, but the universe will tear itself apart before we get there.

  • Greece illegal immigrant boat disaster: More than 300 Pakistanis dead in Mediterranean tragedy, official says
  • You have to admit it is more complicated than that though. It's more complicated than jas describes too.

    Is enabling people trafficking by having a fleet of boats hanging out on the libian coast really going to save more people than ending the practice all together?

    It's absolutely true that countless other things should be done to help the poor around the world, but I genuinely don't see how encouraging masses of people to set out to sea in sinking boats helps anything at all?

  • Thunder in your head?
  • Exactly! It must be the same sort of thing, as when it happens all outside sound disappears, and after the transition I am in a dream world with only dream sounds.

  • Thunder in your head?
  • I have experienced something similar whenever I enter a lucid dreaming state. Sounds like roaring static as my brain switches over from ear input to dream sound input.

  • A growing number of instances are signing the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact
  • Give meta the benefit of the doubt? Are you joking? We literally know exactly how awful they are in every area they touch.