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nLuLukna nLuLukna

I'm a Reddit Refugee ๐Ÿ™„... I'm chatty and will talk to pretty to pretty much anyone about pretty much anything. So if Im being dead wrong about something feel free to yell at me I am also @[email protected]

Posts 11
Comments 30
A Map? Sort of? of the largest Lemmy instances and who they are federated to.
  • Far left tankies. Big accusations of genocide denial etc....

  • A Map? Sort of? of the largest Lemmy instances and who they are federated to.
  • I am under the impression that users cannot subscribe or see it

  • Average Lemmy Active Users by Day after recent decision made by Reddit
  • It also looks like the gap between the two is closing, which is good

  • A Map? Sort of? of the largest Lemmy instances and who they are federated to.
  • Its not relayed, for example, on I can't see content shared by lemmygrad users, or see any of lemmygrad communities. Despite the fact that we are federated to which is federated with lemmygrad.

  • Help! My opponent rearranged the infinite chess board to make a mate in ฯ‰โด moves where ฯ‰ is is the smallest ordinal greater than the natural numbers. What do I do in this position? (i'm black)
  • Do remeber that if they play knight to zdasgtjdjiijvd2 that this counter doesn't work as it opens up checkmate in ฯ‰^23 moves.

  • good ol password bullshit. its a 19 letter phrase with random caps
  • Is it IAmTheGreatestHuman per chance?

  • In this chess game where the board is made up what do I do, (I'm black).

    A Map? Sort of? of the largest Lemmy instances and who they are federated to.
  • They are both federated. Thats why tchncs is in the orange bubble

    Just tchncs also links lemmygrad, which beehaw does not so tchncs is also in the red bubble as well

  • A Map? Sort of? of the largest Lemmy instances and who they are federated to. lemmy hosted at ImgBB

    Image lemmy hosted in ImgBB

    lemmy hosted at ImgBB

    Quick guide on usage, for example, is in the orange bubble and therefore is federated to all instances in the orange bubble. Equivilantly, is in both the orange and the red bubbles, and therefore is federated to all instances in both bubbles. Mocked up in ms paint ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    What is your boomer opinion
  • Now that doesnt count as an answer to the question

    No way is that a boomer opinion

  • How many times have you been nearly hit by a car as a pedestrian or cyclist?
  • Few tight corners on busy main roads, big Lorry comes charging past and nearly knocks you off the street. But mostly the classic douche car shenagins

  • Privacy guides/ officially joins lemmy
  • Well fingers crossed they make it!

  • duality of man ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿซก
  • See now we would normally start a spammy reply chain But let's not do that

  • โ€œItโ€™s a Black hole!โ€ James Webb Telescope Discovers 45,000+ Galaxies at the Edge of the Universe!

    What is your boomer opinion
  • Remeber guys to buy your intelligent smart home frigde freezer that sinks up to your phone and uses the latest GPT models to...... I would certainly be inclined to agree on that last point

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • It's actually really odd to travel to a place like Spain where the drinking culture is far more tame. Just see people put their achohol down for a bit after a couple of cups

  • Getting back into hiking
  • Love it

  • Reddit to lay off about 5% of workforce
  • It's getting there... The Reddit wave should be enough to get us there if the servers hold up semidecently

  • Reddit to lay off about 5% of workforce
  • Yeah things are going soooo well

  • What's the best piece of advice you've ever received, and how has it influenced your life?
  • Exams are a moment to show the examiner what you know. Ergo if you don't know what the answer to a question is, just write everything you know about the question. It got me through my school exams way back when.

  • What is your boomer opinion

    What opinion just makes you look like you aged 30 years


    What Are Protons? Science Made Simple: What Are Protons?

    Protons are positively charged subatomic particles found in every atomic nucleus, determining atomic and baryon numbers. Also referred to as nucleons or hadrons, they consist of quarks held together by the strong interaction force. Unlike neutrons, protons are stable, and they do not decay on their

    Science Made Simple: What Are Protons?

    What Are Protons? Science Made Simple: What Are Protons?

    Protons are positively charged subatomic particles found in every atomic nucleus, determining atomic and baryon numbers. Also referred to as nucleons or hadrons, they consist of quarks held together by the strong interaction force. Unlike neutrons, protons are stable, and they do not decay on their

    Science Made Simple: What Are Protons?
    The guy that got "permanently suspended" for supporting lemmy on reddit, yeah that's me, and looks like I am back.
  • I wonder what it would take to get artists to post on Lemmy? But who knows

  • Scientists demonstrate wireless power transmission from space for first time

    โ€˜To the best of our knowledge, no one has ever demonstrated wireless energy transfer in spaceโ€™

    Scientists demonstrate wireless power transmission from space for first time
    1 Counterintuitive lithium compounds suggest route toward high-temperature superconductivity

    Researchers from Skoltech, Jiangsu Normal University, and elsewhere have predicted unexpected compounds formed by lithium and cesium under high pressure. These new substances display unexpected chemistry and never-before-seen crystal structures, and possess the much sought-after property of supercon...

    Counterintuitive lithium compounds suggest route toward high-temperature superconductivity
    2 A Magical Combination โ€“ Scientists Develop a New Class of Materials

    Would you rather run into a brick wall or into a mattress? The majority of people would find this decision straightforward. The hardness of a brick wall does not effectively dampen shocks or vibrations, whereas a mattress, with its softness, serves as an excellent absorber of such shocks. Interestin

    A Magical Combination โ€“ Scientists Develop a New Class of Materials

    This is cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    0 Quantum repeater transmits entanglement over 50 kilometres โ€“ Physics World

    Experiment incorporates all the essential building blocks of a long-distance quantum network

    Quantum repeater transmits entanglement over 50 kilometres โ€“ Physics World

    Of interest?

    0 People Let a Startup Put a Brain Implant in Their Skullโ€”for 15 Minutes

    Precision Neuroscienceโ€™s brain-computer interface sits on top of the brain, not in it. That could make it easier to implant, and less likely to damage tissue.

    People Let a Startup Put a Brain Implant in Their Skullโ€”for 15 Minutes

    Is this going anywhere? Or will it just flop? Let's keep ElOn MuSk out of the convo though although he may very well be a determining factor
