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mutoyoru Mutoyoru

Oh, insomnia... Seems we meet again, Won't you bring this waking nightmare to an end?

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Is it me, or do P3 fans not like Fuuka much? I hear waifu talk of Yukari, Mitsuru, Aigis, even...Metis all the time. Fuuka? Not so much.
  • Fuuka has her own fans, including me, but yes, compared to other P3 characters Fuuka fans are in the minority. And from what I've seen, Fuuka fans don't participate in waifu wars that much. It's like Spongebob hamburger meme, we like Fuuka, and that's it.

    Also, I really love her official artwork from P4U, I mean just look at her. Literally it's one of three things I like about P4U. (The others are Mitsuru's design and Labrys' backstory.)