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Nigel Farage praised by Russian state media over Ukraine war comments
  • The inews article does quote that paragraph, but it does not say whether the Russian media who praise Farage mentioned it. I'm going to guess not.

    Aside: Farage is so full of shit it's amazing he manages to sit down without it dribbling out of his mouth... "[Here's why Putin's invasion of Ukraine is the fault of Western 'liberals'...] I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion in any way and I’m not now." Sadly, his open contempt for the intelligence of his supporters seems to be entirely justified.

  • Washing machine chime scandal shows how absurd YouTube copyright abuse can get
  • I have no idea why I am being down-voted.

    Just FYI. I downvoted you for the whiny edit.

  • Tory members would choose me as leader, says Nigel Farage
  • Conservative members chose Liz Truss as leader too. It's really not a good look.

    The real problem for the Conservatives is just how far their membership has diverged from the mainstream of British society. Post Brexit entryism from UKIP supporters has left the Conservative Party in real trouble.

  • Help @[email protected] become Mayor of London.
  • Love me some Count Binface.

  • Big Tech Won’t Let You Leave. Here's a Way Out - WIRED
  • So now every site has cringe popups that nobody reads or understands, thanks regulators!!

    It's not the law that mandates the awful UI of those popups... it's Google. I'm an adwords publisher, on my blog and a couple of (formerly!) popular web-apps. My sites were all compliant with the legislation, but not with Google's policy for adwords publishers. Their algorithm sent me an e-mail threatening to cut off my income unless I implemented one of their "approved" cookie scripts. As any fool knows, it's simply not possible to contact a real human at Google, so I was forced to do as they wished. So now all my sites have pointless, annoying cookie popups.

    Everyone hates those popups, but don't blame the legislation - blame Google for forcing the whole Internet into malicious compliance.

  • Britain risks shift to far right if Labour fails to enact ‘radical change’, says John McDonnell
  • British people want less immigration because they have been fed a deluge of racist, far right propaganda for years, if not decades. Propaganda that mainstream parties have failed to counter, or even tacitly endorsed.

    Immigrants are not just good for the UK, they are essential. Of course immigration grows the economy, and makes us all richer (yes, even the poorest segments of society). But more than that, without immigration, our population will shrink, slowly at first, and eventually catastrophically. We need people to keep everything working, lest there is literally no one left by the time we get to retirement age.

    Of course immigrants struggle to integrate when right wing governments have cut the programmes that existed to help them do that! In the 2000s, my wife (an immigrant) trained to teach English as a second language - a programme specifically designed to help immigrants learn English. The Conservatives cancelled that, along with a slew of similar initiatives. And then they feigned surprise when the far right stole their voters, and eventually took over their entire party.

  • Britain risks shift to far right if Labour fails to enact ‘radical change’, says John McDonnell
  • Vastly reduce immigration from countries that don’t have very similar cultural identity.

    So the best way to fight the fascists is to give them what they want?

  • Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll
  • I suppose when you are down in a dank shitty hole of your own making, normal sunlight and open ground must seem like an ivory tower.

    Would you like me to let down a rope ladder for you?

  • Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll
  • Your Mum's journey seems quite positive, overall. Is she now in favour of re-joining? If not, then she still has a long way to go.

  • Michelle Mone admits she stands to benefit from £60m PPE profit
  • Oh my goodness. I just read her Wikipedia article, and she appears to be the worst sort of racist, low-life chancer, somehow elevated to the House of Lords.

  • Crowd-funded legal bid launched to block Tower Hamlets mayor ripping out traffic-calming measures
  • Sorry. I find it incredible that anyone would want to roll back the few modest advances towards a sensible, modern cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This makes me angry.

  • Missing Chrome's 'Go to URL' feature
  • No you can't. The code was changed years ago to only work if the text in the PRIMARY buffer "sort of looks like it might be a URL".

    That defeats the whole point of the feature. If someone has written "go to example.domain, it's amazing", without bothering to make "example.domain" a link anchor, or even prepending "https://", then there's no easy way to actually visit the site. Previously, I could just select the text I wanted, middle-click into a browser window, and hey presto. Doesn't work any more.

  • Missing Chrome's 'Go to URL' feature
  • Netscape, then Mozilla, then Firefox had this feature on middle-button-click for literally decades. Firefox devs killed it years ago, despite howls of protest.

    You could literally highlight any text, anywhere, and a middle-click in the browser window would navigate there. It was awesome. Basically a web equivalent of X-windows' middle-click paste feature.

  • Just 9% of British voters think Brexit has gone well, poll finds
  • The country needs more people. Locals are not having enough babies to cover that, and the world is full of fantastic other people who want to come here, and help make the place great. The only reason to turn them away is a toxic mix of short-sightedness and racism.

  • Labour’s plan for ‘the builders not the blockers’ is a capitulation to developers | Simon Jenkins
  • The two finest innovations of postwar British planning were green belts and urban conservation areas.

    Lol. There's no hope for rational discourse, if this is the starting point of your opponent.

    Green belts (and restrictive planning policy more generally) have been a disaster for the country. They are directly responsible for our crushing housing costs, poor housing quality, terrible urban design, and the stranglehold over our built environment that is held by a handful of gigantic, pointless building companies.

  • Issues dealing with 'Ad Blockers are not allowed on Youtube' popup on Youtube
  • Fortunately for them, my adblocker isn't on YouTube. It runs on my browser!

    MY browser.

  • Telegram starts to look like a super app, echoing WeChat
  • It treats desktop clients as first-class citizens. That's a huge, huge advantage over Whatsapp, for me.