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morsebipbip morsebipbip
Posts 1
Comments 94
Find direct train connections within Europe
  • it's fucking incredible i love it

  • How bad is battery life on Linux laptop?
  • Old Intel crapbook air from 2013 or 2015. The battery life wasn't ever great, but it significantly diminished when i changed them to linux. I expected an increase...

  • How bad is battery life on Linux laptop?
  • very bad, sadly

  • How bad is battery life on Linux laptop?
  • installed Linux Mint on various apple macbooks i got second hand and the battery life is abysmal.

  • No Wifi. Talk to each other.
  • Agreed. Still i'd rather use mobile data.

  • No Wifi. Talk to each other.
  • i don't use this kind of wi-fi anyways because anyone can grab whatever you send through it

  • No Wifi. Talk to each other.
  • boomer vibes

  • Après, la mĂŞme chose avec les fortunes mondiales
  • pas d'easter egg Ă  la fin mĂŞme en scrollant jusqu'au bout. Raaah

  • [nouvelle en anglais] Le niger suspend les exports d'Uranium
  • Je crois qu'il y a plusieurs annĂ©es de rĂ©serve d'uranium en France, et mĂŞme si 30% vient du Niger, il y a d'autres sources plus stables comme le Canada.

    Par ailleurs le combustible représente une part minime du coût de production de l'électricité nucléaire. J'ai du mal à imaginer que le prix de l'énergie flambe juste pour ça.

  • What are you Reading? (August 2023)
  • Recently finished The Expanse series and Three Body Problem series, those were both great adventures. I'm getting started on All Tomorrows now

  • FOUR whole parking spots
  • deserves deflated tires

  • How can I go to a comment chain?
  • i felt just the same, but i was so annoyed that I tried every single button until i found this one.

    It's still not great because it doesn't show you the context, only the comment. I systematically click "show context" and I think it should show context by default

  • How can I go to a comment chain?
  • you can touch the link icon and it brings you to the comment under the original post

  • Does anybody else have experiences with psychedelics?
  • what product(s) did you try ?

  • Retour sur Shards of Inifinity et son extension
  • j'ai deux extensions mais je ne les ai peut-ĂŞtre pas assez poncĂ©es, il faut que je m'y remette !

  • My DIY button box for DCS
  • your MPCDs look great too, did you DIY them or buy them ?

  • My DIY button box for DCS
  • not sure, i'll try to find some. I'll take backlit pictures but the LEDs are very underpowered and i'm not sure we will see them. I'll replace them soon with LED strips, but i fear the little controller board i put in there won't power it and i might need another power cable

  • Retour sur Shards of Inifinity et son extension
  • Merci pour cette super riviou qui me donne très envie de tester le jeu ! J'ai pas mal jouĂ© Ă  star realms et je suis un peu restĂ© sur ma faim, le jeu est un peu trop coincĂ© dans une seule stratĂ©gie gagnante et malgrĂ© des extensions qui rajoutent du contenu, on finit vite par s'ennuyer... Peut-ĂŞtre qu'il faut juste que je passe Ă  shard of infinity !

  • My DIY button box for DCS
  • Black acrylic looks nice but you won't be able to backlight anything. What i like with black paint over white acrylic is with a very light engraving setting, the laser just vaporises the paint and shows the white acrylic below

  • My DIY button box for DCS

    Got into flight sims at some point and decided to build a simple button box with the very basics. It's intended mostly for the AV8B harrier, but can be bound to any plane or any sim. Letters are laser engraved on translucent white acrylic that i painted in black beforehand. There are green LEDs behind the panel that backlight the thing. (not bright enough though).
