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  • Try Photoview simple selfhosted gallery. Needs only reading permissions on a folder. It creates a gallery based on your folder structure ☺️

  • Open Source Server Overview App
  • Looks interesting ☝🏻😃

    Will try it out

  • Gleipnir Main chars [2400 x 1150]

    The Aoki-sister (Claire Aoki / Erena Aoki) and Shuichi Kagaya from the series Gleipnir


    0.19.4 Prerequisites
  • If you only want to start 1 service of your entire compose file just use the name in the service section. No need to comment out everything else. For Lemmy it would be: docker compose up -d postgres

    This will only start the postgres container of this stack. Glad you found a way which worked for you ☺️

  • 0.19.4 Prerequisites
  • You need to export your DB and impirt it again. You can not simply upgrade. Switch back to v15 and make a dump.

    Here is a little guide.

    Pict-rs can be upgraded simply. Edit your docker-compose.yml and spin it up. After tge upgrade is complete, you can do the postgres upgrade

  • domains on internal network
  • Indeed it is DNS rebind protection.

    I use wildcard on my Fritzbox. I added * and my MyFritz address *

    Important for everyone who makes changes on DNS rebind protection: You will need to completely RESTART your Fritzbox. Even if you add a line, or edit. One domain per line. It will not work without it ☝🏻

  • Need clarification on pictrs update to 0.5 for 19.4 - Docker Compose
  • No I just replaced the image tag. Pictrs will do the upgrade itself.

  • Need clarification on pictrs update to 0.5 for 19.4 - Docker Compose
  • Thanks, I edited the compose file. I overlooked this one. The docker-compose example for Lemmy on Github still has the old ENV. Maybe this one should be edited too

  • Need clarification on pictrs update to 0.5 for 19.4 - Docker Compose
  • Set image tag in pictrs section to 0.5 and change to the new ENV format described in the docs of pictrs. At last start only the pictrs container docker compose up -d pictrs

    Here is my example in the new formaz. Be aware it is just an example ☝🏻

        image: asonix/pictrs:0.5
        container_name: lemmy-pictrs
        # this needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson
        hostname: pictrs
        # we can set options to pictrs like this, here we set max. image size and forced format for conversion
        # entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp
          - PICTRS_OPENTELEMETRY_URL=http://otel:4137
          - PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY=redacted
          - RUST_LOG=info
          - RUST_BACKTRACE=full
        user: 991:991
          - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt:Z
        restart: always
        logging: *default-logging
              memory: 690m
  • Hello from Pixelfed HQ
  • Welcome to Lemmy ☺️

  • Self-hosted diary
  • You can sync with Nextcloud ☝🏻

    Gdrive is for people without anything

  • Self-hosted diary
  • Memos is a great app for this or if you want it local, use DiaryVault

    DiaryVault can sync (encrypted) with Nextcloud too. Memos is a serverapp, it has a good responsive webapp

  • [Request] Software for sharing bookmarks across platforms
  • You can use Floccus for this. Perfect with Nextcloud, but works with any WebDAV too ☝🏻

    Linkwarden is more for archiving and tagging than sharing

  • Restore immich photo backup?
  • A proper backup of immich contains 3 folders (library, upload and profile) and the database! It is linked to its database. Every software with a database should have a backup of the database too (Paperless-ngx for example)

    If you just saved the library folder, you will need to recreate all albums again and upload it again. Maybe the CLI can help you with this.

    For the next time, please read the docs about backup and restore

  • Mirror all data on NAS A to NAS B
  • Rsync or rclone are better ways than syncthing. Rsync can copy over ssh out of the box. Rclone can do the same but with a lot more backends. FTP, SSH, S3... It does not matter. Imo is rclone the better choice than rsync in this case. Take a look at

  • How to change password in Ubuntu
  • sudo passwd myname changes the password of the user myname and allows unsecure passwords

    passwd changes the password of the active user and disallows unsecure passwords

    sudo passwd changes the password of the root account

  • Maomao [2560 x 1440]
  • Yes with a refreshing story, not isekai #638926 😂

    Can't wait for season 2 ☺️

  • Did Fedora 40 break something for you?
  • There is a flatpak available for Telegram if you need it 😃

  • Did Fedora 40 break something for you?
  • Had no problems even on KDE spin. Upgrade from KDE 5 to 6 went smooth

  • Google Feed alternative
  • Use the app news

    It uses RSS and shows it with nice pictures. You can even open the webpage directly, if you tap on a news.

    Works as standalone RSS Reader, or with Nextcloud. I recommend standalone, the nextcloud news app seems outdated 🤔

    OPML feed import and export are included

  • Our Dating Story [1920 x 1509]

    Currently watching the series Our Dating Story

    There are not so much wallpapers out there for this series :(



    I can not find my Lemmyinstance and posts on my own Mastodoninstance. Question about federation

    I struggle a little bit with understanding about crossfederation to mastodon. I am able to find lemmypostings from or on my mastodonaccount on my mastodoninstance (

    But if I want to search for postings from my own lemmyinstance ( I get no results

    I search on mastodon for my community (@[email protected]) or a specific post ( and get 0 results on mastodon. Postings from other instances work fine.

    I can search for my mastodonaccount on my lemmy (@[email protected]) and get the right profil, but a URLs to a post from mastodon are not found either.

    What am I doing wrong? I use the latest stable BE0.18.5
