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mom Mom Nom Mom

I am definitely a llama.

🤫 🦙 ¯\\_ (ツ) _/¯

Posts 36
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My OT hybrid lilies are starting to open ❤️
  • Ooh, that's exciting! They'll be beautiful!

  • My OT hybrid lilies are starting to open ❤️
  • I'm going to have to move my star gazers after the growing season is done. They only bloom one flower each year, and have never sprouted new stems from the bulbs/scales!

  • My OT hybrid lilies are starting to open ❤️

    !Portrait shot of tall white and pink OT hybrid lilies (gaucho type) !A single white and pink lily in a small glass vase

    I love my Gaucho OTs (Oriental-Trumpet hybrid) - they smell lovely and look a lot like my star gazers, only bigger! This is the 2nd summer - I planted 6 bulbs in spring of 2023 and have several more that sprouted from those bulbs 🥰

    My 5th year with these star gazer lilys
  • Your flowers are gorgeous! That's all in one pot?? Beautiful ❤️ I bet they smell great that close to the house 😍

    They're one of my faves, too! I have 2 (that I don't water as regularly, so they're still small) that I think I'll move closer this fall/winter. You've done an amazing job with them, and inspired me!

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • I don't know if or when it came back (there seems to be a 30 year cycle for fashion where everything old is new again) or if you are just your own individual who doesn't care if it's in, just doing it because you like it.

    Or maybe you're rockabilly. Or too punk to care.

    Or maybe I stopped noticing it and it never actually went out of fashion - it was me who went out of fashion!

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • Tight-rolled jeans with rolled-down socks.
    Also, aforementioned backwards clothes - even trained my Grandma to reply "jump, jump?" 😁

  • Reaper Of The Mind - Dead Wire

    I've had this stuck in my head all weekend, and hope someone else out there enjoys it too!

  • That's awesome! Good idea keeping mosquitoes away - I'm a friggen mosquito-magnet and get a new bite almost every time I go outside (and most of the lawn is kept tidy, but we don't clean up all the long grass in the "lily garden" - yet)

  • Dahlias!
  • Very nice! They bounced back well! What else is in there with them? The bigger bushy leaves look kinda like geranium to me, but it's just a guess

  • More lilies in a different area
  • It's great that you got to keep the original plan, once the trees got a little bigger!

    But it's really quite amazing how well hostas do, when given shade. We have so many (in the back) that aren't even the same as any of the other hostas in our back yard!

    We had a similar (but reversed) situation - had a giant oak in the front yard when we bought the house. We put hostas in the shade - our front yard was full shade, so they did really well.

    A couple of years later, our oak got sick and full shade turned into part shade. Then we had to take it down, so the already stressed and crispy hostas - which had already stopped doing well - seem to be barely present in the front.

    We don't have as many hostas in the front anymore.

  • More lilies in a different area
  • Ya know, I think those are actually all volunteers - I think we also had only seen variegated, except for this one kind that are giant and blue.
    Thank you, though! We also are loving how little grass can grow between/beneath them!

  • More lilies in a different area
  • Thank you!
    My spouse floated an idea that would double the size of this flower bed.
    I'm all about that! I wanna split and scramble some of the colors around, now that I know what it all looks like!🤞

  • More lilies in a different area

    Shown are some pink and (what I think of as) orange sherbet colored lilies that it seems like all the scales in 3 bulbs for each color came up, and some new (last year they didn't bloom) daylilies "Night Beacon" which had a lot more red on the petals and much less of the yellow throat on the packaging than in my picture... ¯\\\(ツ)\


    My "lily (and apparently hosta) garden"

    This is what it looked like a couple of days ago. It's been in the 90's and rainy - so pretty miserable, but at least the rain keeps the plants happy!

    In the lower left there are a couple of lilies that are slightly different - deep orange with a maroon or deep red throat: !Two-tone lilies with deep orange petals and a dark red throat I promise you, most of the red/pink/raspberry lilies - the most prominent color in the picture - were actually like the two-tone orange and red ones when we planted them last year! What is up with that? lol

    We too have lilies
  • I'm sure they would have been great ~

    Sorry to hear that your deer are jerks (and those beetles! Man - those guys suck!)

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • Like the Santa maggot guy

    I kinda like the idea of it being Santa instead of Satan 😁

  • What it's like browsing Lemmy from weedtime
  • Currently rewatching these

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • PAX - before there was PAX Prime or PAX East.

  • So many future Lillie's!
  • Oh that's even cooler than decorative grass! The whole bed looks great, man. The scatter planting will be fun, too! Now I know that I like lupins 😁 thanks!

    I'm gonna have to do some splitting and replanting this fall, too. The flowers did much better than expected after just one year - lol

  • I'm harvesting even more strawbs than last year I can't believe it
  • Those look soo delicious! How many plants do you have? That's a good haul!

  • A lot of lilies!

    So here I have a bunch of the row open - I counted something like 12 flowers open and at least 25 more to go just in this row! I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to expand my lily garden at the end of the season.

    The whole row: !



    Well, that was sooner than I expected …

    Just the one so far, but I'm glad any made it this far!

    What the deer has been eating instead: !


    Pretty soon I'll have lilies!

    As I was taking this picture of my lilies that are showing some reds, a deer ran from the side yard of my house, and through the back yard, and out the fence in the back! I was actually out there to check damages from the deer that was out there 3 hours before!

    I'm getting a little tired of them eating my pansies, but at least they've been leaving the lilies alone. So far. And it helps a little that a mama deer brought her baby to the yard and they didn't eat the lilies, just the Jacob's ladders and sand cherry tree's um… cherries?


    Just popped up and LLM named it "Scientific Beauty of Liquid Metals" [SD]

    The following was all included in the prompt, with some other things set up in the background kind of obfuscated from the view I end up with. Fairly randomized chunks of prompt are fed to an llm which then adds to it:

    > Scientific Beauty of Liquid Metals ≈====================≈

    > Prompt: A beautiful scientific rendering of mixtures of undulating liquid metal,, , Amethyst Purple, Emerald Green, Burnished Bronze Clear

    > Golden Amber, Liquid Copper, Liquid Silver, Iridescent Sheen, Crystal Blue, Shimmering Opal, Fiery Red, Aquamarine, Molten Metal, Reflective Surface, Neon Pink, Radiant Yellow, Ethereal, Shifting Hues, Lava Flow, Platinum, Radiant Orange, Nebula, Prismatic, Fluorescent, Stained Glass, Opalescent, Prism, Optical Illusion, Aurora, Glittering, Glimmering, Dazzling, Radiant, Rivulets, Sparkling, Glittering, Glowing, Glassy, Metallic, Rainbow, Refracted Light, Lustrous, Glossy, Radiant, Luminous


    Well, this explains why we've seen fewer chipmunks and squirrels …

    Can anyone tell me how old they think this guy is? Milk crate for scale.

    Crochet Mom Nom Mom

    Finally finished this sloth!

    Finally! After taking a bit of time away from crafting at all last year, this guy is finished!

    (Pattern from Ravelry: [Sally the Sloth]( by Cuddly Stitches Craft)


    Had a couple of visitors the other night

    Basically a trail cam to see who visits (and eats) my flowers. These guys tend to eat what the birds drop onto the deck instead.


    Is this Star of Bethlehem?

    Saw a bunch of these crop up in our front yard and they look so delicate! I guess they came with the house and I hadn't noticed them before.



    What is this on my begonia?

    Is it an incoming begonia flower? Most of the plant is in rough shape, and I think it came with pests I didn't know about 😑


    Newbie looking for good growing guides

    Hey guys, I'm starting the research phase before I have seeds, but could use some direction on where to find good advice.

    I've done hydro and aeroponic vegetables, (and have had terrible luck with veggies in soil) so I thought I'd try something like a DWC with just 1 plant in a 5-gal bucket, since I have all the equipment for that.

    I have seen there are plenty of different places to get info, but as a novice, I won't really recognize bad advice when I see it. 😅

    Thanks in advance!


    Acrylic on canvas (has been gifted since)

    Created in 2016 - wow, I can't believe it's been so long!


    [SDXL] Creepy octopus yarn friend

    I knit and crochet, so when I saw this amigurumi horror show on display I fell in "love" with the stitches (which are somehow both and neither knit and crochet)

    (Sdxl with added details lora and maybe/probably the yarn lora, but it was generated while I was asleep, so I don't have all the details)


    Left "rainbows" selected overnight and really liked this one

    Used a details lora and a rainbows lora. Kinda looks like bioluminescence may have also been selected, but that's just a guess 😁


    Baby photo of Optimus Prime

    We did a series of "baby photos" (with a Lora for added details) and some turned out good enough that I thought I'd share!




    Inky alpaca

    (I don't actually know how much to include but I was really happy with this guy)

    Stable Diffusion checkpoint cyberrealistic_v33.safetensors [037e0498f1]


    Alpaca, flooded bay, <lora:Aether\_Bubbles\__Foam\_v1\_SDXL_LoRA:1> mmade of soap bubbles and bath foam, <lora:SDXLPaintSplash:1> Colorsplash, <lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:1>, <lora:Bio-Luminescence:1.0>bioluminescent, glowing,

    Steps: 30, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 1285792750, Size: 730x1300, Model hash: 00a14cdeaa, Model: starlightXLAnimated_v3, Denoising strength: 0, Lora hashes: "SDXLPaintSplash: 536aefae956d, xl_more_art-full_v1: fe3b4816be83, Bio-Luminescence: 793277619746", Version: v1.6.0


    Happy to report that my Instances button is working again!

    Just tried again today, even though I wasn't expecting any different results from the last few Imagine my surprise! I'm pretty sure nothing happened on my end (Sync settings or instance).

