Which schools require a vaccine in 2024 for in-peraon class attendance? Which practicing virologists who are attending to patients are speaking publicly about measles?
Do you recommend istening to doctors who never got a vaccine or listen to doctors who require yearly vaccines for life? Why?
Why are you not comfortable with the idea that you were used for experimentation to test who survives, who dies, and what problems it causes in survivors?
Do speak on behalf of everyone who regrets getting vaccines says nobody should ever get it? Are you good with someone who says they will never date anyone who did get a vaccine? How will you handling hearing a co-worker laughing about "Why were people so gullible to wear face diapers?" in mockery?
My issue with AEW is how corporate it is. I'm hoping MLW can afford to grow into because they have the talent for pure fighting.
The biggest issue I see in all companies is wrestlers trying to impress with their moves and get the crowd reaction, rather than the solid psychology of a good fight that people can re-watch a match in 10 years and appreciate the athleticism.
How do you feel about you shaking hands with someone who never gotten a vaccine in their life? In 15 yeats from now, would you accept a job from people who never got a vaccine?
Nothing To Watch
There are so many wrestling companies and nothing good enough to watch a full episode. I'm tried watching YouTube shows such as MLW and NWA, AEW clibs or highlights, TNA, and I can't watch anything.
Back in 2008-09 I had a very strong passion for Thursday nights to watch TNA Impact, I was excited and waited for Thursday to watch. For years now I can't watch through a full entire wrestling episode from any company at all. Are all televised companies bad or has wrestling itself gotten awful? Do wrestlers not know how to perform compared to wrestlers 20 years ago?
What information do you have that's available for for public scrutiny that shows only your opinion is correct, that you have the right opinion, and all different opinions are bogus?
Hamas Server Farm Under UNRWA Headquarters
That is very nice. I would like to do that same setup in OpenBSD.