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misterslime12 misterslime12
Posts 1
Comments 34
In response to Xi being SLAMMED as a Marxist Leninist.
  • You do realize they're a developing country right?

  • Westerner virtue signals LG rights in Global South country, government stops the entire event and bans them from performing; liberals (local and international) are crying lol
  • This is the worst thing I've ever seen on twitter. Thank you for reminding me why checking twitter is a horrible idea.

  • Any minute now, trust me bro
  • I no longer think WW3 will happen because of this.

  • if you want to have some quick laughs, check out this liberal crying about us lol CW: comm linked has sinophobic depiction of Xi Jinping (you know the one)
  • I was looking through there and

    It’s not that China’s living in the future; the US/Canada/Europe/etc are stuck in the past.

    hey that's me :D guys i'm a tankie on lemmy now :D

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If history ever ends before heat death, something has gone horribly wrong.

  • Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #1
  • Good news: there's a full stack of iron blocks in the Resource Refining Center. We have iron now.

  • Joining the Lemmycraft server
  • Could you whitelist me? My username is misterslime

  • Check out the lib rage at r/bonehurtingjuice
  • wtf there are way more communists on reddit than I thought there were

  • Why Operation Z is a victory for class struggle: it’s shrunk the imperial sphere’s extractive reach
  • Ok. What have you done to weaken US hegemony, then? If we don't need Russia surely there is a much better marxist alternative already militarily weakening the US, right? Because if so I'm happy to drop all support for Putin.

    I would absolutely love it if the communist party of russia (putin's only relevant opposition) managed to pull of a coup, but until that happens we work with what we got.

  • Backlash Against Weaponized Dollar Is Growing Across the World
  • Sanctions don't hurt dictators, only people. This only makes a country's population like their dictator more than the US.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It’s not that China’s living in the future; the US/Canada/Europe/etc are stuck in the past.

  • so Trump is saying ban communists socialist from entering and we need to do something about the ones already here
  • Or at the very least Asian-Americans should start arming themselves. Escaping America is not always an option.

  • Why are there 2 bridges next to each other?
  • Or that the minecarts don't get run over by people (minecarts in minecraft are wimps who can't even damage you let alone run you over).

  • What is our stance on mods?
  • Create Mod > 1.19 & 1.20