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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 9
Comments 48
What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? July 01
  • Finished The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson. I had heard this was a good early horror, and an inspiration to Lovecraft, and I definitely glimpsed that in a few places. The rest of it, however, hoo boy, was that a slog to get through. I'd expected the of-the-period prose style/voice, but it really felt like he smooshed several separate stories into one, with excruciating detail in some parts, and a complete lack in others. The only bright spots, for me, were aspects that seemed like proto-versions of things I'm familiar with (namely, the Dark Sign from Dark Souls, Piglins from Minecraft, and the Beach from Death Stranding), although I have no idea if they were actually inspired by this book or not.

    Bingo squares: Older Than You Are (HM), It's About Time, Among the Stars. May count for Bookception and Stranger in a Strange Land, as well, but ehhh.


    I'm a few pages into a couple of books atm, which I started as treats while I tried to get through The House on the Borderland: Foul Days by Genoveva Dimova, and Dark Star by Oliver Langmead. The latter is a verse novel, which I didn't realize was a thing! Looking forward to seeing how the experience differs from normal prose.

  • Kinda new reader here - How do you decide what books to buy?
  • I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but generally speaking, I tend to only buy books that I've already read and enjoyed enough to want a copy of my own, with exceptions being sequels and authors I know I like. (I also usually buy used, when I do.) Depending where you are, you probably have a few (legal) ways to do it this way, too.

    If you want to read something specific:

    • Libraries. If you're interested in a new release or very popular work, you might have to wait a while for your turn, but otherwise, it should be relatively easy to get a lot of things, either in person, through library apps, or through interlibrary loans.
    • Kindle Unlimited. I don't personally have experience with this one, as I'm not a big Amazon fan, but seems like a good way to stretch your book allowance/limit regret at picking a dud.

    If you just want to try a variety of things, risk-free, to see what you might like:

    • Little free libraries. Heavily dependent on whatever others donate, but if you're lucky enough to have one near you, you might find something worth trying.
    • Public domain. Obviously, limited to very old stuff, but maybe you'll find something interesting.
    • Assuming you're reading fiction, some publishers, fiction magazines, and authors offer free things (full e-books, excerpts, short fiction, etc) on their sites. Short stories can be a great way to get a feel for many authors quickly.


    As to your other question: I find paperbacks way more comfortable to hold one-handed; no need to choose between eating and reading! They're also usually smaller and lighter than hardcovers, so you can 1) fit more in less space, and 2) carry more at once when you move or rearrange.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 25
  • Finished To Catch a Thief by David Dodge. Enjoyable suspense mystery, but definitely of its time (casual Roma racist stereotypes, side couple with an age gap we might side-eye today). Definitely a more methodical, serious story than the movie, which I watched after.

    Bingo squares: Older than You (1952), What's Yours Is Mine, Eazy Breazy Read-zie, Now a Major Motion Picture, (alt) A Change in Perspective


    I tried reading The Gathering by C.J. Tudor, a horror police procedural in a world where vampires publicly exist, because I like horror and police procedurals, but... all I did was remind myself that vampires just really aren't my thing most of the time. The writing was compelling, so I might go back to it at some point, or try something else by that author.

    Started The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson.

  • All The Damn Vampires - Saturday (feat. Mint Simon)

    A favorite of mine from a few years ago.

    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 12
  • Finished Relic by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child last night. One of the authors worked in the real-life counterpart of the book's museum setting for a few years, and it shows: there was lots of interesting detail about the parts the public doesn't get to see. In general, I thought this was a fun enough popcorn read, although the first 60% seemed a little slow for something billed as a mystery horror thriller. Not sure I want to read any of the sequels, but I'll probably check out the movie to see how good an adaptation it is.

    Bingo squares: It Takes Two; Disability Representation; Eazy, Breazy, Read-zie; Now a Major Motion Picture; Mashup (debatable); Institutional HM; (alt) A Change in Perspective


    I'm planning to start To Catch a Thief by David Dodge next.

  • Trailers community chat, June 2024: Hi everybody!
  • I'm a serial lurker, but I've been wanting to say thank you for putting this community together, and doing all the hard work to keep it going! I appreciate the wide variety of trailers you pick out; it's a nice mix of mainstream stuff and more niche things I wouldn't otherwise know existed.

  • Weekly Warframe: Hildryn
  • My favorite tank! I never use her 1 or 4, though, and should probably subsume something over one of them. Aegis Storm is ok as a panic CC when playing in a group, but not being able to use my loadout at the same time is so off-putting. As for Balefire, I've never found it to be better than my regular weapons, and I don't find it fun to use.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 04
  • Currently about 60 pages into Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It's alright so far, but I'm not super invested.

    I also read Strange Dogs by James SA Corey, which I'd been putting off. Unlike some of the other Expanse novellas, the show followed this one pretty closely (from my memory of it, anyway). Luckily, it was short, and I can move on to Auberon without feeling guilty I'd skipped something.

  • I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse
  • I'll second all of these, especially the lack of scrollbar and "expand text post in feed" button, and the hidden like/dislike buttons. The like/dislike vs upvote/downvote thing is tricky; I don't have a good solution for it, but maybe different icons that don't read as up/down would work.

    Also, from a quick poke at things:

    • There doesn't seem to be a way to switch the "For You" feed away from card view. I think it's fine if you want to make it a separate view setting from the main page, but I'd like to be able to change it to my view of choice.
    • I'd like to see the post/comment body text tweaked for better readability: higher contrast against the background, a touch more space between lines, and a lighter weight (regular or medium) would all make reading long posts more pleasant, imo.
    • In compact view, if I expand the attached image, there doesn't seem to be a way to shrink it back down, as clicking again opens the post.
    • When viewing a post, there's a community sidebar on the right with all the rules and such, but that info is missing from the actual community detail page.
    • The community sidebar on the post page scrolls separately from the rest of the post, which is weird to me on desktop. Giving it an "expand" button might be a good compromise, so you don't have the weird case of short post/long sidebar unless the user explicitly asks for it.
    • Navigating front page > post page > community detail page, and then hitting back on the browser twice returns me to what the nav bar tells me is the front page, but only that one community's posts are shown. Refreshing or clicking "front page" fixes this, but it's a little confusing the first time.
    • Navigating front page > community detail page doesn't trigger a... page load, I guess? My browser (firefox) doesn't recognize the community detail page as a separate page, so I can't hit back to go back to the main feed. Instead, I have to either refresh or click "front page".

    Overall, though, this is super impressive!

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? May 28
  • @Dresden I haven't decided where I'm putting any of the books I've read for bingo yet, either.


    Finished Crazy Rich Asians over the weekend. I was expecting an Asian drama in book form, and that's pretty much exactly what it is, complete with a number of common tropes. The characters have a bit more depth than your standard drama fluff, however, and the amount of discussion on Singaporean high society and culture elevates it further. On the negative side (for me), the narration--like many of the characters--gets very caught up in luxury brands, which I found kind of dry and unnecessary; I guess it might enhance the experience if you're familiar with the names, but most of them went over my head. Additionally, the first third introduces a confusing number of characters. Thankfully, it gets easier later on, but at first, it's hard to tell who's important enough to keep track of (especially given the extensive family tree provided at the start).

    Overall, this was a quick, fun read, and I liked it enough to add the next book in the series to my TBR.

    (Bingo squares: Family Drama hard mode; Eazy, Breazy, Read-zie; maybe Stranger in a Strange Land hard mode; Debut Work; (alt) A Change in Perspective.)


    Still trying to decide what to read next.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? May 22
  • I'm gonna post thoughts on Crazy Rich Asians in the new thread, but I enjoyed it well enough.

    Re: The Butcher of the Forest: I wouldn't say the author's sadistic with their characters, no. From my (potentially desensitized) perspective, I'd say the horror is actually pretty mild, to be honest. The MC goes through a reasonable amount of trauma as she deals with the eldritch creatures (fae?) she encounters; my content warning... er... warning was mainly to do with a part of her past that she briefly recounts toward the end. It's only about 100 pages, so not a big investment if you try it and find it not to your taste.

  • Books misericordiae

    TIL what a fix-up novel is

    > A fix-up (or fixup) is a novel created from several short fiction stories that may or may not have been initially related or previously published. The stories may be edited for consistency, and sometimes new connecting material, such as a frame story or other interstitial narration, is written for the new work.

    I'd just never heard the term before this article popped up last night. Thought maybe it might be a new thing for some of you, as well!


    Dante Unbound patch notes (summary)

    The notes are stupid long, so I'm not gonna try to copy paste them here. However, here's an overview:

    New Frames/Weapons
    • New frame: Dante (rot C new disruption node or via pity system)
    • New incarnon weapons: Onos (secondary) and Ruvox (melee: fist)
    Starchart & Steel Path
    • New Deimos node: Armatus (Disruption)
    • Disruption QoL changes: demolisher marker shows up much more easily; red conduit now yellow
    • Omnia void fissures (can take any tier of relic in)
    • Steel Path Zariman & Cavia bounties
    • Steel Path incursion expansion: Zariman and Albrecht’s Laboratories now get their own 6th daily incursion
    Albrecht's Laboratories tileset
    • New enemy: Gruzzling, drops lanthorns, echo vocas, common melee arcanes, and are an additional source of conduit activators on Armatus
    • Tileset expansion; includes new somachord tones
    • Netracell drop table changes (removed all the non-legendary melee arcanes & adjusted drop rates of remaining items)
    • Some enemy adjustments, including Rogue Bonewidows (which also applies to iso vaults)
    Sanctum Anatomica
    • “Research Dante” store (Loid), which also includes riven transmuters and a new Simulacrum that lets you bump enemies an extra 25 levels
    • Weekly archon shard offering moved to Sanctum Anatomica (Bird3), no longer on Chipper
    • You can hug Fish, Bird, and Emo now.
    Duviri Improvements
    • Top QoL changes: circuit progress now saves between rounds (!); you can leave the undercroft waiting area as long as the timer hasn't started
    • Circuit Assassination: Corrupted Jackal changes (nerf)
    Cosmetics & Customization
    • Styanax Tonatiuh collection
    • Tennogen Unbound (6 things, including Sevagoth and Gyre skins)
    • New market bundles: Dante, Inaros cosmetics, voidshells (Banshee, Loki, Nekros), community glyphs, anniversary glyphs
    • Redliner emote
    • Customization for frames with invisibility abilities (under attachments > auxiliary attachments), lets you choose between classic transparent and just kind of an energy glow
    • Haztech & Smelter suits can now be worn by drifter
    Frame Reworks & Changes
    • Inaros rework
    • Mirage Eclipse & Prism changes (no longer reliant on light)
    • Gara passive change (no longer reliant on light)
    • Nourish Helminth change (nerf)
    • Loki ability changes (decoy now scales; switch teleport no longer roots, and also gives a speed boost)
    • Yareli ability changes (no longer rooted when casting aquablades/riptide)
    • Archon shard expansion: Ascent Fusion (combine 3 of the same shard into a tauforged)
    • New warframe augment mods for Baruuk, Chroma, Citrine, Kullervo, Lavos, Loki, Nezha, Nidus, Styanax, Excal Umbra, and Yareli
    **Click for augment list**
    • Elusive Retribution (Baruuk - Elude): Every attack Baruuk Eludes increases his Melee Attack Speed and Melee Critical Damage by 5% up to 6 stacks. Stacks last 6s. (Hexis/Loca)
    • Guardian Armor (Chroma - Vex Armor): Chroma's Health takes 50% of damage dealt to allies within Affinity Range. Squad kills restore 5% of his Health over 3s and increases Vex Armor duration by 1s. (Suda/Perrin)
    • Recrystalize (Citrine - Crystallize): Enemies killed by crystalline growths stagger and spread the crystals to enemies within 16m. (Red Veil/Steel Merid)
    • Wrath of Ukko (Kullervo - Storm of Ukko): Wrathful Advance moves the storm of daggers to the teleportation location and increases its duration by 6s. (Loca/Steel Merid)
    • Valence Formation (Lavos - Passive): Upon Ability cast, applies the Ability Element as 200% Elemental Damage to your weapons with guaranteed Status for 20s. (Loka/Red Veil)
    • Damage Decoy (Loki - Decoy): Decoy can be cast on enemies. Enemies who attack that decoy receive 5 random Status Effects, and the reflected damage is increased by 350%. (Hexis/Red Veil)
    • Divine Retribution (Nezha - Divine Spears): When a speared enemy suffers from a Status Effect, the Status Effect spreads to all speared enemies. Spear explosions apply 1.5x Status Damage. (Suda/Steel Merid)
    • Parasitic Vitality (Nidus - Parasitic Link): Nidus and any ally he's bound to gain 4% Max Health per Mutation during Parasitic Link. (Steel Merid/Perrin)
    • Axios Javelineers (Styanax - Axios Javelin): A pair of Styanax Specters spawn to throw javelins, creating vortexes on impact. Impale an enemy to increase vortex duration by 5s. (Hexis/Loka)
    • Warrior’s Rest (Excalibur Umbra - Passive): Umbra's Ability Strength increases by 15% but he no longer fights independently alongside his Operator. (Hexis/Red Veil)
    • Loyal Merulina (Yareli - Merulina): You no longer ride Merulina. Instead, she follows her and casts Sea Snare on nearby enemies. 2s cooldown. (Suda/Loka)
    New Player Path Improvements
    • Cephalon Simaris introduction improved
    • Mote Amp acquisition improved
    • Junction changes
    • Inbox messages more correctly mastery-rank locked
    • Railjack market bundle changes (removed some bundles, and added a new, better one for less plat; differences in plat will be refunded)
    • Quest changes (including reducing quest item build times to 10 sec)
    Melee Attack Changes
    • Melee ground slam attack changes: only radial damage (max 50% falloff at edge), scales with mods
    • Melee finisher improvements (new vfx, more enemies can be finishered)
    • Auto-melee fixes (no longer will I get stuck perma-meleeing in circuit... probably)
    UI QoL changes
    • New UI sorting categories for arcanes, captura, and orbiter deco
    • New fast travel menus for orbiter, relays, & dojo (same as gear button) (includes Baro!)
    • Upgrade screen changes (some nice little tweaks)
    • Warframe, weapon, And railjack stat UI rework (honestly it seems mostly the same in practice, but you can now see some extra handy stats if you've equipped mods that affect them)
    • Incarnon reticle improvements
    Visual Updates
    • GI Volume Lighting updates (now applies to orbiter and some other places, as well as transparent parts on frames)
    • Kubrow fur updates
    Other Additions, Changes, Fixes, etc.

    Some highlights:

    • Sticky corners begone!
    • Applicable ammo pickups will charge tome alt-fire, instead of being useless for that weapon class
    • No more being locked out of companion pets when incubating; also imprint QoL#

    Dante Unbound coming March 27th!

    > Defend the Leverian from the avaricious clutches of Parvos Granum and the Corpus! Drusus, curator and caretaker of the Leverian, requests your help to get out from under Parvos’s gilded thumb. It falls to you to track down his assistant and chief chronicler, the Warframe Dante. Master Dante’s Abilities as you take on new Missions like Murmur focused Disruption and greater challenges than ever before. > > Dante Unbound launches on all platforms on March 27!

    (They're also pausing hotfixes til then.)
