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milohax Mike Lockhart :veritrek:

Down under Downunder

I'm a web sysop and support engineer. My skills are mainly in back-end: Java, Linux, Python, PostgreSQL, Git, and GitLab. Currently I'm learning front-end skills: JavaScript, and Ruby.

This profile is for my more "hacker"/"sysadmin" pursuits. I am also @milohax on Mastodon.AU, which is where I engage with an Australian community. There is some overlap, but I'm not sure yet where I'll be posting most frequently.

Follow either or both (or none), you choose ;-)

Posts 1
Comments 2

( Someone (or a bot, more likely) got trigger-happy with the Boost button and started flooding my stream with weird, no-context, OS fanboi toots.

@firefox Someone (or a bot, more likely) got trigger-happy with the Boost button and started flooding my stream with weird, no-context, OS fanboi toots.

You're coming across as a bored teenager, stop it. Firefox is better than this.

I really want to use Firefox, but feels a bit odd
  • @0xtero @ravnswood
    The worst thing about Chrome, and best about FF, for my work as a web sysop, was Chrome hiding parts of the URL in it's location bar. First it was the "https://" (which is kinda important to see if you have your TLS configured right), now they are taking away "www" as well (so I have to reload in the network dev tool to see if the request directs to the right subdomain).
    Also Chrome's dev tools used to be better than FF, but that was more than 5 years ago! And chrome is slow