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miles miles

welcome to my myspace page

queer dude here to loiter & lollygag 🏳️‍⚧️

my instances are: [email protected] [email protected]

Posts 3
Comments 45
For the Love of God, Stop Microwaving Plastic
  • i haven't had a microwave since i moved out of my parent's place. figured id eventually get one when i felt like i needed it, but that still hasn't happened 5+yrs later

  • Canada’s population growth stresses need for social infrastructure action
  • this topic is too exhausting for me to get into so ill just say i hate it here lmao

  • The Weird, Fragmented World of Social Media After Twitter
  • start searching the platform for things you're interested in and follow people with interesting related posts. after a while you've got an actual personal feed

  • ELI5 Repacks? (e.g. FitGirl)
  • lmfao 100mbps is pretty decent in Canada too.

  • The NYC subway is using AI to detect fare dodgers
  • yes please i really want even more of my already-overpopulated living space consumed by redundant concrete and metal, sounds great!

  • (Men of fediverse) If you could change one thing about women, what would it be?
  • my heart hurts for your self-esteem, brother

  • Good news for Lemmy, bad news for Twitter
  • the more i learn to code the less opposition i feel to being called a furry even tho i wouldn't call myself one at this time lmfao

  • Telling other people Im autistic be like
  • I didn't get my audhd dx until i was 28 but i feel like i always knew, and i think my life might've been sightly less miserable in general if id just allowed myself to accept a self-diagnosis. the attitude of "you just want to be special" seriously fucked me up lmfao.

  • What series did you rewatch most often?
  • BoJack Horseman, too many times to count by now

  • In which game did you spend the most hours?
  • ah i was struggling to come up with an answer, but it's probably still WoW for me too. solidarity, friend

  • anti-piracy magazine ad from 1993
  • I also don't know Star Trek lore but it is basically the answer used in The Orville ("matter synthesis"), which I do know is a love letter to Star Trek in general

  • Do neurotypicals really not have to do this? I'm seriously asking.
  • I thought I was just lazy most of my life because I could never wrap my head around how people just do things without getting overwhelmed by 500 things in their head about it first lmfao. Showering is a good example, I'm sure most people find them relaxing and/or do them on autopilot but to me it feels like an elaborate process

  • What replacement for each major social media do you use
  • ideally id be using signal but hardly anyone is willing to use it because most people don't care. between sms & something owned by meta, for example, im not entirely sure which is less bad

  • What replacement for each major social media do you use
  • ive had this discussion with a few different people actually, and at least from where im standing, it does seem like sms is making a comeback. i have to admit i prefer it when it comes to messaging people i know irl

  • You get to play one videogame for the first time again. What you picking?
  • it'll always be ocarina of time because that game really kickstarted my intense love for gaming in general

  • Good portable stim/fidget toys for adults?
  • i have a soft leather keychain that i clip to whatever bag i'm using, it's not overly fidgety but it is a pleasant sensation

  • I feel so invalidated..
  • as someone who is queer i actually think the comparison is pretty apt, sounds like she doesn't understand your experiences. i'm sorry you had to go through this

  • Have you ever been accused of just having social anxiety?
  • honestly i had myself convinced my behaviour was "just social anxiety" for a looong time, so yeah

  • got my asd dx like a week ago and things are already making more sense ayoo

    got my asd dx like a week ago and things are already making more sense ayoo


    cute dogs, cats, and other animals miles

    comfortable ?
